Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

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Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby Comebackkid » Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:37 pm

Just curious. I know this has been brought up before. I’m not asking anyone to share their experiences unless they feel comfortable. I am 5 months post Op and am having a good time. No regrets. I will be seeing a girl that I am really digging soon and I do not plan to share my situation immediately, but very soon after we sleep together. I realize that it may turn off some woman, so I will kill it a couple of times and then tell her. If it bothers her, I just move on the the next and enjoy my life!!

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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby rdmercer1953 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:40 pm

why would you question do you tell all the women you have had sex with? that might be a no

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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby Comebackkid » Thu Mar 17, 2022 9:04 pm

I have not shared it with anyone yet, as they were just flings and I have gone undiscovered. However, the woman that I am truly interested lives out of State and we seem to be really connecting. It seems like this has the potential to lead to a relationships, so I will have to be honest with her, but am reluctant to tell her before we have sex. I know others have been forthright from the beginning, but I am not ready for that approach. I will probably tell her after the 1st night.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:08 pm

Comebackkid wrote:Just curious. I know this has been brought up before. I’m not asking anyone to share their experiences unless they feel comfortable. I am 5 months post Op and am having a good time. No regrets. I will be seeing a girl that I am really digging soon and I do not plan to share my situation immediately, but very soon after we sleep together. I realize that it may turn off some woman, so I will kill it a couple of times and then tell her. If it bothers her, I just move on the the next and enjoy my life!!

I doubt she would reject you. I base this partly on the reaction from one woman who was able for a short time to post on FrankTalk
I just realized that the guy that I yearned for two years to get in bed with has a penile implant (erection pump).I felt it during our last intercourse. I waited about 2 years to get in bed with him...I don't care about the implant, it does not decrease my sexual desire for him...For sure I won't let him know I realized he has it...
She was asking us for advice on things she should be careful about when handling his "equipment", natural or installed.

My own experience suggests likewise. I posted on a dating forum that I was functionally impotent but seeking a "lab partner" to have sex with (before and after) on my journey to an implant. Not a single negative response and several volunteers who I interviewed and selected from. Of course, the women who responded kind of self-selected OUT the ones who would be repulsed by an implant, but the fact that there was not one condemnation (the internet is rife with people willing to give negative responses if they are so inclined) makes me confident that telling her in advance would only increase her trust and admiration. I got several messages congratulating me on my courage, and these were even from women who were NOT volunteers, but simply wanted to commend my frankness.

If she digs you and is worth considering for a long-term relationship or lifelong relationship, she is worthy of hearing the truth and will appreciate you being frank.

The foregoing, of course, is my opinion and subject to your judgement of her character and where your relationship is right now. But I will ask you this as a guide to your next step. "What do you want her to conclude about YOUR character...going forward?"
Lost Sheep
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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Mar 17, 2022 10:22 pm

To answer your original question, I have never been rejected because I have an implant. But you have to temper that fact with the additional fact that I have not asked many women to bed. Post-implant, just two. One of whom knew I was getting it before I did.

If you reveal the implant in the "right way", I am confident you will not be rejected. I pose this scenario: In the runup to sex, you pump up to a half-erect state, much as an aroused man (but not yet ready for sex) would be. You two are in foreplay and you say, "Watch this!" and you begin to pump your scrotum. She will wonder, "What the heck?" But a woman who has decided to have sex with a man is not likely to suddenly change her mind, especially while she has her curiosity aroused (along with her libido. By the time she thinks, "This is very strange." your penis will be rigid enough to be VERY attractive to her.

You could try out these lines if you are still looking to hook up now and then.

In conversation, you could mention the definition of cyborg, "a man whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body." She may ask why you mention that. You could just smile and say, "I thought I would let you know about my penis." Or, if you want to be mysterious, "There is one way for you to find out." With a smile. "How adventurous are you?" "Have you ever been with a man with an 'enhanced' penis?"

Scenarios like that. :D
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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby RoboCock69 » Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:04 pm

This question has been asked and answered many times on this board. Never tell a woman about your IPP until you've fucked her so good she's forgotten her own name. Then she won't think less of you for having one but wonder why more guys don't get them.
Born 1982. Implanted with Coloplast Titan 22cm in August 2021 by the great Dr. Perito in Miami. 6.125" BPEL, 5.25" EG. "It's the girth that gets her off."

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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Mar 17, 2022 11:19 pm

RoboCock69 wrote:This question has been asked and answered many times on this board. Never tell a woman about your IPP until you've fucked her so good she's forgotten her own name. Then she won't think less of you for having one but wonder why more guys don't get them.

OK, I'll bite. Why NOT tell her before? The only reasons I could think of are 1) fear of rejection or 2) desire to reduce expectations. You must have one I have not thought of. Please share it with us?
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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby vajim1 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 7:42 am

If a woman would reject you because of your implant then you don't want her anyway!
76 year old fart. Prostate removed Oct. 9, 2017,Psa 30 days after .15 next Psa .2. 37 Radiation treatments for recurrent cancer, 1 year out Psa .033 ZERO ERECTIONS, implanted Sept 5 2019 Dr. Lentz Duke Raleigh N.C. Titan 22cm.

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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby JP1977 » Fri Mar 18, 2022 8:18 am

Give it to her for a little bit, let her enjoy it because as we all know she will love it. Then you can tell her your little secret after the relationship develops.

To Lost sheep, why WOULD you bring it up beforehand? Did you ever feel the need to tell a woman you were dating that you took viagra? Or worse, injections?
47 year old swinger. Had 36+ hour priapism that landed me in ER twice over 48 hours. Scarring in my penis makes it to where I’m at risk of severe priapism at any time. Erections inconsistent. Implanted by Dr. Eid on December 21st 2021, Coloplast Titan OTR

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Re: Real Talk; Who has been rejected due to their IPP

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:29 pm

JP1977 wrote:Give it to her for a little bit, let her enjoy it because as we all know she will love it. Then you can tell her your little secret after the relationship develops.

To Lost sheep, why WOULD you bring it up beforehand? Did you ever feel the need to tell a woman you were dating that you took viagra? Or worse, injections?

Honesty. Women seem to value it in a relationship.
Lost Sheep
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