Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

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Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby » Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:13 am

I am really struggling with the decision for an implant, as a lot of things might go wrong, and a botched implant is certainly worse than what i have now.

Can I have an erection for penetration without pills. - no
Can I have an erection for penetration with pills - yes.
Can I maintain the erection with pills ? Sometimes, but even putting a condom on is sometimes difficult as it subsides early.
How do the injections work ? 10 ug work as I get an E4-E5 erection, good enough for sex but not a raging hard one. 3 o clock, usually it was 1.30 just to clarify nthe

But being 25 and single, injections are nothing I consider.
Do I struggle to date with this condition? Yes. The last two times i could not get an erction hard enough for penetration, being nervous aggravates the

I guess an implant might be a good solution, if it all turns out to be good (length, sensibility, no auto inflation and pain)

Give me some input.
ED since 2012
nothing works properly

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby Gt1956 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 11:53 am

I just read you post. The question in my mind is where is your doubt? It sounds like even with pills you are not successful at sex. You don't want to do injections, neither do I.
To the best of my knowledge, you are at the end of the road. Wouldn't the better question be whether to be sexless for the rest of your life or not?
Sorry but I harp about searching & reading the forum's history. All the questions have answers there. I can understand being skeptical. But to dismiss all of the heartfelt stories is like they're all liars which I doubt.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby Fanouris » Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:27 pm

I feel you bro we are exactly at the same age and have the same problem but 10k it's a lot of Money to give but it's something that has to be done after all..
25years old with lifetime venous leak but now and 3years starting to getting worse and I am looking to make an implant in Germany or Austria

Lost Sheep
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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby Lost Sheep » Mon Jul 22, 2019 12:55 pm wrote:I am really struggling with the decision for an implant, as a lot of things might go wrong, and a botched implant is certainly worse than what i have now.

Can I have an erection for penetration without pills. - no
Can I have an erection for penetration with pills - yes.
Can I maintain the erection with pills ? Sometimes, but even putting a condom on is sometimes difficult as it subsides early.
How do the injections work ? 10 ug work as I get an E4-E5 erection, good enough for sex but not a raging hard one. 3 o clock, usually it was 1.30 just to clarify nthe

But being 25 and single, injections are nothing I consider.
Do I struggle to date with this condition? Yes. The last two times i could not get an erction hard enough for penetration, being nervous aggravates the

I guess an implant might be a good solution, if it all turns out to be good (length, sensibility, no auto inflation and pain)

Give me some input.

Your answers/solution depend on the cause of your E.D. A specialist is male sexual function can help sort that out.

Do you get regularly occurring nighttime erections? Morning erections? If not, I suggest you get them by any means necessary. A Vacuum Erection Device (VED) can keep your penis' size, maintain tissue elasticity and flush blood through those tissues to keep atrophy minimized.

Exercise, diet, nutrition general health makes a big difference in all your bodily functions, erections included. Mental acuity, heart health, endocrine health. Etc.

You have maybe another 50 years during which better treatments (Implant is not a cure for e.d. but currently the most radical - and effective - treatment for INTRACTABLE ED). Your ED seems to be still treatable (albeit marginally) with oral medications. Waiting for a better treatment or a better implant is an option.

Dating is a minefield. A reliably working penis is one tool that makes it easier, but there are drawbacks. Women of quality date the MAN, not the penis. This becomes truer as the women become wiser. I understand the hormonal drive to get a good fucking that would make a woman appreciate an implanted man, but would you want to marry her? A man who is skilled in bed may have some nice encounters, but a man who is skilled on the dance floor will have a lot more invitations to dinner (and ultimately a wider choice of girlfriends). A man who can dance will have hordes of women gravitating towards him. He has a lot more women to choose from. Same for other talents, like music or the ability to converse intelligently about issues important to women.

As my ED progressed, I tried all the different oral medications available. Each worked for a time and lost effectiveness. I rejected injections and penile suppositories (the alpostrodil suppository -brand name, MUSE - is something you might find satisfactory). A VED worked, but required a degree of cooperation I would not ask of a woman in a casual dating/casual sex relationship. The VED was not something I wanted to deal with, though. I researched and finally consulted a Urologist who also does implants. Ultimately I got an implant from a urological surgeon who told me that if he was in private practice, he would specialize in sexual function. After meeting with him, I immediately trusted him.

So, I strongly suggest you find a urologist specializing in sexual function and establish a relationship with him so you can be fully informed of your options. Even if he (or she) is not a surgeon, a referral after extensive clinical diagnosis will put you in touch with a good surgeon with a reliable track record, not a random choice.

You can count on an implant destroying all erectile capacity, even under the best of circumstances (retention of size, sensation, appearance, etc, but spontaneous erection, no).

I could have had an implant (authorized by by my health care provider) 14 months before I found and was satisfied with my choice of surgeon. I spent that time productively educating myself. I recommend such groundwork to you.

p.s. I repeat the suggestion that you consider alpostrodil suppository (MUSE). Not popularly considered but is not an irreversible step, simpler and less scary than injections and similarly effective and only marginally less convenient than using a condom.

p.p.s Once you have determined that you want to give up what you have working (however marginally) and that no substitute sexual activity will be satisfactory (oral, sex toys, pleasuring in non-coital ways, etc) then and only then get implanted. But bend EVERY EFFORT to get a HIGHLY EXPERIENCED surgeon performing or supervising the operation and who will put your satisfaction above all other considerations. Get him (or her) to understand how you want to be measured and the parameters of what you consider to be "satisfactory". Most men are satisfied, but some surgeons are satisfied with "good enough" for sex but not anywhere near optimal for the patient (rigidity, size or comfort). Vet your surgeon thoroughly and ensure understanding and total subscription to your expectations.

My signature block says it succinctly: There is no second chance with your first.

And echoing the others who have posted both before and after this post; you are definitely a good candidate for (if not an implant today or next week), clinical examination by a good urologist who specializes in male sexual dysfunction. One who can first-hand give a qualified medical evaluation. It seems to me a surgeon who does implants would be a good idea, but not one who is the least bit inclined to recommend it unless it is actually necessary. It does seem to this layperson that you are or will be in need of an implant sooner or later, but treatments not available today may become available before you NEED to take that irreversible step.

I interviewed one surgeon who, implanted a young man a couple months before Viagra became available. His patient would have been MUCH MORE benefitted by Viagra than by the implant. This many years later, this medical misstep still haunts this surgeon, though there was nothing wrong with what he did at the time because Viagra was not even in the medical news until afterwards.
Last edited by Lost Sheep on Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:18 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
READ OLD THREADS-ask better questions -better understand answers
Be part of your medical team
Document pre-op size-photos and written records
Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby ViaSwiss » Mon Jul 22, 2019 3:08 pm

Yah it sounds like you are a good candidate for one.
Age 37. Venous Leakage & Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) since age 18.
Original Implant | June 25, 2021 | 20cm Titan w 1.5cm & 1cm RTEs
Revision | November 16, 2021 | 26cm | Dr. Hakky

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby ED2013 » Mon Jul 22, 2019 6:59 pm

Your ED will just get worse. I’d consult a couple top surgeons ASAP.

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby Hoping » Mon Jul 22, 2019 9:22 pm

I was in a similar boat as you skin. I just got implanted about 10 days ago. Pills were hit or miss, usually required a lot of stimulation even sometimes at home by myself. What made me finally go for the implant was when I realized just how much mentally this had worsened for me and how little confidence I had. If I were to be on pills having to constantly worry and stress if I'm going to lose it when meeting especially a new partner was terrible. Injections would give me really good erections but they were not fun and whenever I told a girl she would be pretty much done with me after that.
I'm very much looking forward to not having to worry if I go out drinking with friends and meet a girl. Or on a date worrying, while on cialis, about if I eat too greasy of food, if I didn't jerk within a couple days (because then I was much more likely to have ed), if I drank any alcohol at all, if stress really creeped in, if I was hot or tired. All those things and my chances of being unable to perform were in jeopardy. Yes the pills worked fine sometimes, but the girls and love I've lost because of ED haunts me even to this day.
I tried dating many women and things just never worked out, largely due to my age and expectations from women around my age
I can't wait to be healed and finally live like a young man worry free
28 years old, single, implanted 7/12/2019 Coloplast Titan 22cm +1cm rte, surgeon Dr. Tobias Kohler at Mayo Clinic Rochester

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby merrix » Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:11 am wrote:I am really struggling with the decision for an implant, as a lot of things might go wrong, and a botched implant is certainly worse than what i have now.

Can I have an erection for penetration without pills. - no
Can I have an erection for penetration with pills - yes.
Can I maintain the erection with pills ? Sometimes, but even putting a condom on is sometimes difficult as it subsides early.
How do the injections work ? 10 ug work as I get an E4-E5 erection, good enough for sex but not a raging hard one. 3 o clock, usually it was 1.30 just to clarify nthe

But being 25 and single, injections are nothing I consider.
Do I struggle to date with this condition? Yes. The last two times i could not get an erction hard enough for penetration, being nervous aggravates the

I guess an implant might be a good solution, if it all turns out to be good (length, sensibility, no auto inflation and pain)

Give me some input.

Your description of your dick's performance issues sounds just like my own. I could get hard with a Viagra+Cialis combo and it rarely ever happened that I could not penetrate. My dick was good enough for a 5-10 minutes session with fast paced sex without change of position. Trying to be more creative would most likely ruin it.

I went for an implant in that condition and has absolutely never regretted for one minute. An implant has its ups and downs as everything else, but the simple fact is that the major upside - you can get rock hard on demand and it never ever goes down - just pisses all over any of the existing downsides (you have to pump it up instead of getting hard naturally, your partners will eventually notice and you must face it when it happens, you will need revisions eventually).

You are young, but really, I don't see why being young is an argument against an implant. On the contrary. As a 25 year old, I guess you think that "when I am 75 it doesn't really matter if I can fuck my 70 year old hag for a wife anymore. I wat to fuck 22 year old babes today".
So the age thing is not a reason to wait. What decides if you should get implanted or not is your ED. If you think your dick sucks and you're unhappy about what you have - then an implant is a solution. If you can accept the downsides. But again, when evaluating those downsides, compare to what you have now. Don't compare to what you wish you had.
Is what you have now better than a dick you pump up till super hardness for as long as you want? Is it worth to be able to fuck like a porn star if the price is that you must go to the restroom to pump your dick up, and that once every now and then while getting a great blowjob, you will get the question: "What is this?" as she sucks your balls?

If you answer is that no, what I have now is not better. And yes, it is worth that price, then start your investigation to who you will choose to fix your dick.

If you don't think it's worth it, be happy with what you have now.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby charlie17 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 7:20 pm

Mr Skin thanks for posting this, and thank you everyone who's posted replies.

I'm in a similar place as you are Mr Skin in terms of performance. I've been seeing Dr Goldstein in San Diego who continues to recommend shockwave treatment (which is profitable to him), but haven't seen results after a dozen rounds. I also saw Dr Tom Lue in San Francisco who recommended resting and waiting. I stopped doing bimix shots at Dr Lue's recommendation as it appears they have worsened my ED over the few months I used them.

I'm able to get a type 4 to type 5 hardness erection with 20mg to 40 mg cialis and constant stimulation, but lose the erection if we stop for more than a few seconds. Although OK, I'm not performing up to what I consider good performance for myself and what I could do prior to my injury in Feb of 2019.

I've consulted with Dr Eid in NYC and he says I'm a good candidate for an implant. My question now is how long to wait to see if I get better on my own before making the decision to get an implant with Dr Eid.

Merrix, I've read your detailed journal on your experience and it's been a fantastic learning resource. Thank you for putting that out there.

Would welcome anyone's further thoughts on these trade offs
Born 1974. 7 yrs pelvic floor & pudendal nerve issues -> Mild ED -> bent penis during sex in Feb'19 -> damaged erectile tissue -> moderate ED, but getting worse. Had PRP, shockwave, bimix. Currently using high doeses of cialis

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Re: Is my penis working to good for an implant ?

Postby Gt1956 » Tue Jul 23, 2019 8:41 pm

What trade off's are you thinking of? Based upon your description it doesn't sound like it works now.
Before you fly all the way across the country. I'm pretty sure that there is a good surgeon in southern California. I know for sure that there is one in northern California. Not to take anything away from the big 3 implanters in the east. There are some pretty good ones spread across the USA. Also, it might be easier to get your insurance to cover the procedure if it was closer to home.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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