We need your questions

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Re: We need your questions

Postby sogwap » Sat Oct 08, 2022 11:52 am

ClaytonW wrote:I think it would be useful to have some content about how wives react to their husbands sticking a needle into their dicks. It took my wife some time to get over her (natural) shock at the idea.

I've suffered with ED for over 10 years. So much so that my wife stopped wanting sex. Over the years she has told me that she was quite bothered by the lack of sex, but also could not handle my poorly responding erections. And that she did not know how to fix the situation.

About a year ago I decided to pursue penile Injections (Trimix) mostly from reading this forum. Quite Frankly (pun intended) I was hopeful but also somewhat apprehensive, asking myself if the injections would work, that even if it gave strong erections would it fix years of sex frustration for both of us from fail erections, lack of sex, etc.

Before using the injections, I tracked our sexual encounters. We definitely qualified as sexless marriage, which is have sex less than once a month.
We both acknowledged that we were in a sexless relationship and both very bothered and upset because of it.

My wife's initial response to my seeking the use of injections was wait and see.

It took six months to see the urologist. But finally I got the prescription.
On the day I brought the Trimix home, That night I asked, do you want to try it? She agreed and I injection myself. It was a starter dose, which worked about as well as viagra with the exception that the erection continued after ejaculation. I was elated, that it worked and kept the erection even though I ejaculated in couple minutes. She was ok with the sex, but expressed that she wanted a firmer erection.

My second injection, (a couple days later) apparently I missed the spot, not even a chubby. My wife was quite disappointed, and wouldnt talk with me for several days!
I then tried several solo injections, and was easily able to sustain 1+ hour erection.
My fifth injection worked, but I stupidly stopped thrusting for fear of ejaculation. The sex stopped and again she would not talk to me and had several days of silence.

That was several months ago, and despite several upsets, we are no longer sexless. :D
Despite now being able to have an erection that's pretty solid for over an hour, We still have several issues:

I still experience PE (premature ejaculation). My wife is/was convinced that once I ejaculate that I lose my sexual energy. Which I dont believe is true. As I feel empowered (that after all of these years of holding back for fear of coming too quickly) I can continue sex (with thrusting).

A large part of my ED was performance anxiety. However my wife also struggles with my performance anxiety, questioning will it (my penis) work? Will she be left frustrated and unfulfilled.

I still lack sexual confidence, which admittedly is not a turn on for her. Prior to us being together she had a number of partners. My only other sexual partner in life never wanted sex with men. Where as my wife was having sex with guys, before I ever learned about masturbation in my late teens.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

Posts: 18
Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:24 pm

Re: We need your questions

Postby ClaytonW » Mon Oct 10, 2022 6:58 pm

Sogwap -

I can't resist admiring you for proving the old adage of "If at first you don't succeed... " Your stick-to-it-iveness...

OK, never mind. This pun isn't working.

They say comedy is hard...

OK, OK, OK - I'll quit.


One of the things that worked with my other sexual partner (also a woman) is that I offered to let her inject me. Thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head when I mentioned it! After 25 years as a paramedic and instructor, I gave her the full rundown on sterile technique and how to draw up meds from a syringe and prep the injection site.

Then came the Moment of Truth. She said she was ready and I said I trusted her. She smartly gave my member a little kiss and then a little more than a little kiss and it responded by giving her a nicely visible target for the insertion point. (I'm a grower...) I think the whole process has become part of fore-foreplay for us and heightens the erotic tension.

So after the whole draw-up/swab/kiss/suck preparation, she stuck it in perfectly the first time and my penis responded almost instantly!

As did her libido, but that's a story for cock-tails. (ooops...)
59 yo, ED from organic causes, pills ineffective, using TriMix at home and Edex when traveling. Live on beautiful Whidbey Island, WA (Seattle area).

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Re: We need your questions

Postby azmike » Sun Oct 16, 2022 10:38 am

My wife is my favorite injector. She is very good at it and loves the results.

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Re: We need your questions

Postby PTalk78 » Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:55 pm

well ive done injections and i think there was a certain point and maybe some mistake was made on my part but i think it brought about some sort of damage and brought on ED i didnt have before. id love to hear from a doc about the ways i couldve done this. im curious as to how something helpful short term, hurt me long term.

Frank Talk Admin wrote:Guys
We are about to start an educational program for men with sexual dysfunctions. One of the first programs will be on penile injections. We do know that many men are prescribed these and often receive little to no training. Even the men who are trained get nervous the first couple of times on their own.

For those of you who use, or used to use, injections, what were your fears, questions, worries about injecting? We will do our best to answer every possible concern and question guys have in this project. Yeah, we are bound to miss some points, but I'd love to know what questions you had when you were either first thinking about using injections, or after you got going.

What problems did you have? What secrets did you learn? What made it easier/more difficult? What do you wish you had known before using them? What did your doctor forget to tell you? What were your biggest fears? We want to create a class where all these questions are answered.

We have some top doctors involved in this, but we want to know what YOU wanted to know!
Just reply to this thread and tell us your thoughts!
Thank you
45yo, Implanted by Perito-4/23', Titan Coloplast 22 + 2

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Re: We need your questions

Postby Zebulun » Fri Jan 20, 2023 5:53 pm

I’m 76 yrs old. I used sildenafil for about 15 yrs., worked well. Upped the dose to 100 mg but eventually it didn’t work so well as I was having some major life changes, a major move, stopping work and some difficulties in my marriage (56 yrs.) . I became somewhat depressed . The viagra, Cialis and Levitra weren’t working well and pretty sure I developed psychogenic ED . Still dealing with some depression and also performance anxiety. Saw urologist and got on trimix about 10 months ago. Started at 20 units, then did 25 at home but became panicky over fears of priapism worries as erection went on for about 3 hours. Started trying to find the proper dose. Used 5, not enough, moved up to 7 which worked pretty good. I had a right knee replacement 10/20/22 and then was instructed to not screw for 4 to 6 weeks.We went 4 weeks and finally got back to screwing. 7 units would get me an erecting that did need stimulation but s as Keats seemed to work even though it took some coaxing and time. Came down with Covid over Christmas and New Year. Wife wanted no sex for a couple weeks. Finally got back to it. Used 7 units and it worked okay but still needed work. Moved up to 8, then 9 and it worked okay but not as good as I wanted. I’m an obsessive thinker and over think issues way too much. Used 10 units yesterday and it didn’t work. Used a fresh vial today, 10 units and didn’t work again. Not sure if I’m not injecting properly or if I need a higher dose or a different mixer of trimix. I’ve missed the sweet spot several times and sometimes I’ve had a slight burning in the urethra after injecting ?? Does that mean I injected wrong ?? Maybe I need a higher dose or a different mixer?? Any advice ???

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Re: We need your questions

Postby sogwap » Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:09 pm

Zebulun wrote:Not sure if I’m not injecting properly or if I need a higher dose or a different mixer of trimix. I’ve missed the sweet spot several times and sometimes I’ve had a slight burning in the urethra after injecting ?? Does that mean I injected wrong ?? Maybe I need a higher dose or a different mixer?? Any advice ???

When injecting try first getting slightly erect. That will give you a larger target area. It should also speed up the erection.

Since coming down with Covid How would you rate health? It may take some time to get back to 100% health.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Jan 30, 2023 9:16 am

Re: We need your questions

Postby alexkidd69 » Tue Apr 11, 2023 11:16 pm

How do you inject when you can’t see past your belly? Perhaps because of my hiatal hernia repair, my traditional spare tire belly, became a “pregnant woman” belly and maybe only the last 1 1/2” is visible. I can manipulate a mirror to see everything but it shows everything in reverse and I am reluctant to keep injecting until I can learn to do it In the mirror.

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Re: We need your questions

Postby publix70 » Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:49 am

Has anyone masturbated first and then injected Trimix?
My guess is it would take longer to cum

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Re: We need your questions

Postby Laron_& » Fri Sep 08, 2023 2:33 pm

Hey, im new here and to the injection game. I've only been injecting since 6/23. Are all the warming about using trimix real? Like only using 3 times a week, not using more than needed or the possible of dick injury. How long trimix will stay good for while storing, the use of other ED meds with trimix. Am I the only one that doesn't have a problem with a 5-plus hour hard on. As oh now I feel and have sex like I'm 18 again and my wife and I love it. I can't start thinking about doing it. My penis is hard for 3 plus hours on 10 units and I'm cumming 3 to 4 times now. So is all the warming really that bad...

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Location: Ontario, Canada

Re: We need your questions

Postby sogwap » Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:41 pm

Laron_& wrote:Hey, im new here and to the injection game. I've only been injecting since 6/23. Are all the warming about using trimix real? Like only using 3 times a week, not using more than needed or the possible of dick injury. How long trimix will stay good for while storing, the use of other ED meds with trimix. Am I the only one that doesn't have a problem with a 5-plus hour hard on. As oh now I feel and have sex like I'm 18 again and my wife and I love it. I can't start thinking about doing it. My penis is hard for 3 plus hours on 10 units and I'm cumming 3 to 4 times now. So is all the warming really that bad...

Yes, these guidelines are real.

I have (and known) guys that inject 4-5 days in a row. Say on holiday.
On the other hand I've heard of guys that ruined their dick because they injected multiple times on multiple days.
Most guys I know that have injected for years, without problems are only injecting 1-2 a week.

Trimix kept in refrigerator should be good for up to a year. Freezing and thawing multiple times is not recommended. This directive came directly from the pharmacist.

The 4-hour rule, as I understand is assuming you are hard for four hours, and then add the time it takes to go to and get treated in ER. Which can add several more hours.
The main reason for the 4-hour rule is to prevent blood from being trapped in penis which can be dangerous.

As far as mixing Trimix with ED meds, use with caution. Once I did 100 mg viagra, then several hours later injected half my usual Trimix dose and ended up with an erection that lasted almost 5 hours. It was a bit scary, Normally it last 2-3 hours.

I highly recommend listening to this video from a porn star that has seen the good bad and ugly of using Trimix.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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