Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

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1760 yards
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Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

Postby 1760 yards » Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:58 pm

Hi folks.
New to the forums and seeking some input.

I am fairly new to injections. I stated with TriMix about 4 months ago.

I seem to be a hyper responder to TriMix. With only 2 units I am hard for 2+ hours. And it hurts.

So I ordered some BiMix. I started with 5 units. Zero response.
I then tried 10 units. Got a little puffy but not fully erect.

Next I tried 15 units and was hard for almost three hours. At the 2 hour mark I was eating Sudafed and doing dead lifts and running on the treadmill.

At three hours I was finally soft enough to "fold" my penis and by three and a half hours I was almost completely soft.

I ordered some phenylephrine to have on hand. But at thus point I'm very leary and frustrated.

Should i try 12 units next time?


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Re: Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

Postby Sean762 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:21 pm

12 units makes sense as the next dose, are 100% positive you didn't miss your cavernosa with the first 5 and 10 units.

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Re: Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

Postby Lawnman » Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:25 pm

I started with trimix, but the burn from it was terrible. I switched to bimix and it took quite a few times to get to the effective dose. For me, it is 28 units of the something described as the super formula. For you, I would definitely avoid 15 units. Maybe try 11 or 12 next time. Be sure to have your “antidote” at the ready. Have faith, you will figure out what’s best. The good thing is, you know it works!

1760 yards
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Re: Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

Postby 1760 yards » Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:20 am

Thank you for the replies.

I pretty confident I am injectioning in the correct spots.
Never had a miss with Trimix but anything is possible.

I plan to try 12 units and see how that goes.

Waiting on the antidote before I do.

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Re: Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

Postby Sean762 » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:55 pm

Lawnman wrote:I started with trimix, but the burn from it was terrible. I switched to bimix and it took quite a few times to get to the effective dose. For me, it is 28 units of the something described as the super formula. For you, I would definitely avoid 15 units. Maybe try 11 or 12 next time. Be sure to have your “antidote” at the ready. Have faith, you will figure out what’s best. The good thing is, you know it works!

Hmmm....usually people describe the pain of alprostadil (the main component in Trimix) as a deep, painful ache; not a burning sensation. I wonder if you're actually allergic.

1760 yards
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:00 am

Re: Frustrated with BiMix and TriMix

Postby 1760 yards » Sun Apr 21, 2024 11:53 am

Following up.

After speaking to my provider, it was suggested I take 5mg cialis in the morning then try 10 units of BiMix.

This was a good combo.

I was hard for 1 1/2 hours and by the 2 hour mark, I was pretty much soft.

I was apprehensive going into it but it was good.

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