Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby Martin25 » Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:35 pm

**Note: I had been posting under "New Member," but I figure I should switch to a more appropriate index

Today I tried a third shot at 70, basically the same result as at 60--penis engorged, but not stiff enough...I'm disappointed, but I guess I will try the next level up in the next 2-3 days, and I can investigate a cock ring. BTW, Dr. Eid also has me on Cialis 5mg/daily....

Question: Unlike Viagra et al, the shots are supposed to work without much stimulation? That said, I have been stimulating...trying to get the correct dose on my own, if this method even works for me, before trying with a I tried watching some soft porn and larger, able to climax, but not 'rigid.'

63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby 68CatFan » Fri Jun 24, 2022 9:42 pm

Alprostadil alone doesn't look like it's going to work. You may have to step up to Bimix or Trimix. I get my Trimix from A doctor will call you and write the prescription. Trimix also has papaverine and phentolamine in it. Takes about two days to get your order.
Fifty-one years old. ED started at age forty. I took Cialis for eight years and used Trimix for almost three. Implanted 12/6/22 by Dr. Jonathan Clavell. AMS 700CX 21cm.

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby Martin25 » Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:50 pm

My doctor told me to keep increasing until the maximum, 100. But, yeah, I’m not optimistic. Is the norm to try bi-mix before tri-mix? (Worried about scarring with tri-mix. Although, frankly anything that works… and, at this point, I’d be happy with being able to have regular intercourse once a week! So I don’t think scarring would be a problem with weekly injections, but first they have to work!). Thank you for your input

I got a Covid booster two days ago, which put me out of action. Hope to try the next dose in the next day or two…
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby frwmw1 » Tue Jun 28, 2022 1:26 am

Shots can still require stimulation, it's just that it then stays up.
45yo, venous leak. Pills increased tinnitus (very rare). Using bimix+atropine, 0.2 of:
Atropine Sulfate: 52MCG/ML, Phentolamine MES: 0.9MG/ML, Papaverine HCL: 26MG/ML

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby AmansinCali » Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:12 pm

Martin, most of us guys are the same, we want an absolutely ridged, towel rack type, throbbing hard on, but I think you will find your partner would prefer a softer boner. I know this is the case with us, my wife had me back off some because she didn't like the artificial hardness, she just wanted an age-appropriate, natural feeling erection that would give her a nice, satisfying, natural orgasm. Just get it hard enough for penetration, that is all you need and you will also see as you become more turned on your dick will continue to engorge as it should. Then tweek your dosage to the point you are both satisfied, I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Used Viagra & Cialis until lost vision in one eye due to AION, therefore can never use pills again, then tri-mix 1 1/2 years until unreliable. Implanted 9/20/22 at 77 years old by Dr. Yafi, UC Irvine. Married 55 years wife 76. 20cm Coloplast Titan.

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby Martin25 » Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:57 pm

I really appreciation the advice and support...Yeah, I will be happy if I can get to an erection good enough for penetration...
Just now, I was set up for my fourth attempt at 80, but for some reason was more nervous that the previous two times, my hand shook...when I finally stuck myself, it felt like it wouldn't go in, so I got nervous and didn't push harder (drop of blood and now a needle mark)...I thought I would switch to other side of penis, swabbed with alcohol, but I realize I just don't have the nerve right now...I decided to refrigerate the dose (I capped the syringe) and will try again either late this evening or early morning...I'm disappointed in myself, but I thought it best not to proceed with such a loss of nerve...still not sure why my initial attempt felt more resistance than usual...
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby sogwap » Wed Jun 29, 2022 11:02 pm

Martin25 wrote:I'm disappointed in myself, but I thought it best not to proceed with such a loss of nerve...

I've done less than a dozen injections, but similar to using Viagra, and the numerous side affects. I focus on the goal not the task. The goal being a nice erection. The sex if it happens can be a home run. But even if it doesnt happen, there will be a next time.

The injection (as a task) is a small part of the process. The benefit can result in huge (I mean big) gains.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal, FOURTH try

Postby Martin25 » Thu Jun 30, 2022 10:27 am

I'm disappointed...just tried injection #4, at 80, same result: just girth (a 'chubby'), but this time penis flushed red...tried a cock ring (Eddy), but had to remove because the girth is wider than I ever had, making the cock ring very uncomfortable...still not near hard enough for penetration...I tried watching sexy videos and stimulating myself and I got somewhat firmer and longer, but still not enough for penetration with a partner...effect seemed to wear off after about 25 minutes...

Doctor Eid's office said to keep increasing in increments of 10 all the way up to 100, but I'm not seeing much difference between 80 and I continue? I only recently learned that there are different 'strengths' to the PGE 1...mine is 40MCG, does anyone know if this is average, low? I'm frustrated, but I'm telling myself that I'm getting practice with injections (in my previous post I mention how I abandoned ship yesterday after sticking myself with the took me half an hour to work up the nerve this morning, but I did it and on the left side!). Should I contact Dr. Eid's office or should I continue up to 80? I go on vacation next Wednesday...I figure I can be through with this 'trial' before then and then see if I move on to something else, mid-July...(I fear I'm headed for an implant)

Has anyone had to wait this long and to keep titrating up and eventually found success? Would the next logical step be Trimix, or bimix?

Thank you all in advance...
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby ape1100 » Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:08 am

i will admit that my experience is limited as i am only on injection #23 of trimix and not straight PGE. i can say that the only injections that did not work sufficiently were the ones where i did not hit the right spot and ended in failure as you describe. it does take courage to inject your self. even after 10 or so i still hesitated and my hands shake a bit from nerves and still do to this day but it has become easier with each injection. what helps me is using a VED to pump it up, use a ring only to inject. it helps with finding real estate and ensuring i hit the right depth with the needle. it took me reading various posts here to realize that it was not the medication but injecting enough into the right spot, but that is just my case. i would try to make sure you hit the right spot and then if it still fails to try bi or tri mix if you are not worried about scarring like a lot of people on here. i don't mean to minimize the worry as we are all different.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil

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Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby Martin25 » Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:35 pm

Thank you for your reply, ape1100… The urologist who prescribed the alprostidal for me, the renowned Dr. Eid, Told me to avoid vacuum pumps. He said they can damage the penis. However, I know many people on this forum use them successfully, and I have tried using one in the past to get an erection with a ring, but it did not last. Dr Eid is a bit dogmatic regarding pumps, but I think, if used correctly, it could assist me with injections. If I eventually have to go the route of an implant, I know Dr Eid is the one to go to, and I live in New York. But it does not mean he is infallible with all advice….

Still not sure about the ‘right’, or ‘sweet’, spot, but I am injecting in the locations based on diagrams. It’s hard to get it exactly at 2 o’clock because of veins, so I am doing it more directly on the side, at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock, respectively… I guess I could go into the office and bring a refrigerated ready to go syringe with me and spring for the out-of-pocket expense (Eid doesn’t take insurance), but I was just assuming that I’d be going back in a few weeks because I would need something stronger
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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