Long term success??

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Re: Long term success??

Postby NothingLikeNeedles » Mon May 06, 2024 11:38 pm

I posted this in this past January -- it was my first post on this forum.

I have now been using injections for about 15 years; I am guessing about 2,000 doses with less than 10 "misfires".
The first time that I did an injection, it was at a Men's Clinic type place that was advertised on the local radio station. If I had known that there was going to be an injection in the penis, I would not have been willing to go to the clinic. They gave me an ultrasound and said it was promising. The doctor then gave me an injection "down there" that I didn't realize was the medicine. He said to walk around in the room for a few minutes and he would check back in. Less than 10 minutes later, he came in, and I had a more intense election than when I was 18 (I was about 45). The technical sent me home with some needles, Sudafed, and an auto injection spring loaded applicator. He said to call if the erection was still there after 3 hours. At 3 hours, it was still cutting diamonds hard, and I called and reported. He said to give a report at 4.5 hours, and still diamond cutting, and he said to take Sudafed. I was getting worried he said report at 6 hours -- still diamond cutting, and he said take a mildly warm bath and take more Sudafed. During the bath was the first time that subsiding started to occur. He never said to have sex with my wife -- I had presumed that the day's shot was to assess how long the medicine would last. If I had known that an orgasm was permitted, it would have definitely been the best day of sex in my life! Fortunately, I didn't have to go to the ER, as the Viagra and Cialis commercials that were always on back then warned about.
Shots were very expensive ($20 per dose) until I learned about compounding pharmacies through this forum. I have followed this forum for years, and this is the first time that I have posted.
If I ever hear guys that I know talk about Viagra, I sing the praises of Tri-Mix, and they look at me like I am from another planet. I tell them that "If I'm lyin' I'm dyin' ". I assure them that it doesn't hurt at all.

PS -- I have never failed to orgasm with my wife, regardless of the position.
I had used Viagra and Cialis with limited success prior to Tri-Mix. There is no comparison. Tri-Mix makes sex over 60 truly better than in my 20s.

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Re: Long term success??

Postby azmike » Tue May 07, 2024 1:14 pm

Thanks for sharing your experience. How has your dosage increased over your 15 years of injecting? Any known issues of scarring?

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Re: Long term success??

Postby Txagq8 » Tue May 07, 2024 4:50 pm

When I got diagnosed in 1987 there was no Viagra, Cialis, or any oral meds for ED.

Prostaglandin e1/Caverject/exec weren’t on the market.

It was bimix or celibacy. I chose bimix.

I won’t bore you with a chronology of everything I tried. Suffice it to say 32 years later I was on Trimix. So I’ve injected my own cock close to 5000 times with very few misses.

Yeah, anorgasmia was an issue. It was almost like I was too hard to cum. But it wasn’t a deal breaker.

Even at the end of my run a shot of trimix or Quadmix would give me a big fat erection. The erections were just getting short lived at times, I had to get more and more stimulation to keep it going, and to put it in a nutshell, it was time for an implant.

Since I’d been on shots for so long I asked the surgeon to be on the lookout for scarring or fibrosis. When I woke up he told me everything was clean, no scarring, no scar tissue.

I have no regrets about being on the shots. I love my implant, it’s terrific. But I advise guys to give shots a try. The implant I got in 2019 wasn’t even on the drawing board in 1987. My implant is within .06” of my best ever Quadmix inspired boner. (6.81” vs 6.87”). It’s more than ample to do everything I need.

Never had a ER trip for priapism in those 32 years, although I did have to go the Sudafed/actifed/cold shower route a few times. Going out to the high school track for a 3 mile run would also do the trick.

32 years of good results is nothing to sneer at.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Long term success??

Postby Sean762 » Tue May 07, 2024 8:48 pm

Txagq8 wrote:When I got diagnosed in 1987 there was no Viagra, Cialis, or any oral meds for ED.

Prostaglandin e1/Caverject/exec weren’t on the market.

It was bimix or celibacy. I chose bimix.

I won’t bore you with a chronology of everything I tried. Suffice it to say 32 years later I was on Trimix. So I’ve injected my own cock close to 5000 times with very few misses.

Yeah, anorgasmia was an issue. It was almost like I was too hard to cum. But it wasn’t a deal breaker.

Even at the end of my run a shot of trimix or Quadmix would give me a big fat erection. The erections were just getting short lived at times, I had to get more and more stimulation to keep it going, and to put it in a nutshell, it was time for an implant.

Since I’d been on shots for so long I asked the surgeon to be on the lookout for scarring or fibrosis. When I woke up he told me everything was clean, no scarring, no scar tissue.

I have no regrets about being on the shots. I love my implant, it’s terrific. But I advise guys to give shots a try. The implant I got in 2019 wasn’t even on the drawing board in 1987. My implant is within .06” of my best ever Quadmix inspired boner. (6.81” vs 6.87”). It’s more than ample to do everything I need.

Never had a ER trip for priapism in those 32 years, although I did have to go the Sudafed/actifed/cold shower route a few times. Going out to the high school track for a 3 mile run would also do the trick.

32 years of good results is nothing to sneer at.

Your story is inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Long term success??

Postby NothingLikeNeedles » Wed May 08, 2024 9:08 pm

"Thanks for sharing your experience. How has your dosage increased over your 15 years of injecting? Any known issues of scarring?"

I don't think that there is any scarring. If there is, it is so insignificant that it is a non-issue. When I started, it was probably 20 units, which was probably too much, but I was just using the premeasured clinic doses I was originally having 3.5 hour diamond cutting elections, even after an orgasm. Anymore, I use 10 units for a very satisfactory erection that would last for an hour, or until a little bit after orgasm At time, I am tempted to measure 15 or 20 units, but I don't do it. I premeasure about 25 needles and don't thaw out the vial until there are only a few of the 25 left in the refrigerator. As a rule of thumb, I figure that a 10 unit session costs about $2 per love making session -- this is a fraction of what Viagra and Cialis would cost, and it is one tenth of what the original 2009 clinic shots were costing; at the clinic, a shot cost the same if it were 10 units or 20 units, so back then I asked for high unit doses.

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Re: Long term success??

Postby qcswral » Sun May 12, 2024 12:46 pm

I've been taking Trimix now for some 11 years. Countless injections. About 1 year in to injecting I had a scare with small pea size nodules on the left side of my penis. I sought out a Peyronie specialist who treated me with 400mgs BID of Pentox ( a blood thinner prescribed for Peripheral Artery disease), along with Vitamin E and daily penis pump therapy. He told me to limit my Trimix injection to once a week. After 6 months or so the nodules resolved themselves, but I continued with penis pump therapy. It draws fresh blood into penis which promotes healing..The Dr. said I didn't have Peyronie's but fibrosis which could progress to Peyronie's if precautions were not taken.You just can't do the pump therapy after you inject or the day after. I started on about 12 units of Trimix which I gradually had to increase, but I also decreased the prescription. Anyway, my Trimix dosage increased to about 30 units when I started having less of a result than I wanted or that could be hard enough for penetration. So about 7 months ago I went to 12 units of Quad-mix which has worked like a charm up until my last injection. I was able to have sex with my GF but she and I noticed I wasn't as hard as I had been when first taking the Quad mix. I did check the date on the vial when I had the script filled and it's been 7 months. Usually I can get about 9 months out of a vial before I notice a fall off in effectiveness. So I renewed the Quad mix script with a new vial...just haven't had the opportunity to try it out. I don't want to think about if the injections stop working for me. I'll be 70 this summer and want to avoid any surgery as much as possible. And then there's the cost of an implant, the recuperation, risk of infection, failure etc..So I'm hoping I'll get another 10 years from Quad mix with gradual increases in dosage..and perhaps progressing to Super Quad mix. ED is the constant dark shadow companion that you put at bay for a while but then rears it's ugly head..no pun intended..lol..
69 year old legally separated retired health-care professional. ED began in my early 50's. Viagra worked great for about 5 years, then had cardiac by-pass surgery and eventually moved to injections about 10 years ago.

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Re: Long term success??

Postby Stew52 » Sun May 26, 2024 10:10 pm

Ben doing injections for 7 1/2 years. First Caverject, then TriMix in increasing strength, then back to an 80mcg monomix of PGE. Several months ago the effect really seemed to drop off even at 0.60ml of that strong mix. Even with lots of supporting things (or maybe because of?). See my other recent post here.
NOT an MD. 71, M51 yrs, CenTX US. Inj since 12/2016, a yr after pills stopped working. Caverject for a yr. 1/2018 Tri-Mix at 30 pap/2 phent/60 pge @0.3ml, now 0.5ml 80mcg/ml PGE1. DE/Anorgasmia setting in since 5/2019, worse now.

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Re: Long term success??

Postby CanGetItUpButNotOff » Mon May 27, 2024 5:49 am

Tadalafil+Sildenafil have been pretty effective for me in the erection department, but it is waning. But now, the main problem is anorgasmia. As I contemplate injections instead of the PDE-5's, is anorgasmia affected (favorably or negatively) by Trimix? Getting a solid long-lasting erection is only mildly useful if I can't ejaculate.

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