Am I a Odd Duck?

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Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby flyingduck2019 » Tue May 12, 2020 3:55 pm

I have been keeping up with the posts on this subject (Injections), and when I read the amount of some of the doses you guys need to get a usable erection, I sometimes think I either am damn lucky or I am a "odd duck". My initial visit with the uro was with a 20 unit injection that gave me a towel rack boner that lasted for about 3 hours, however, the head of my cock throbbed which took the fun out of the play. The mix for my Tirmix was 10-1-30, which it still is. I have since played with the dose and at 15 units I still get a hard boner for about 2 hours but still have the throbbing but not as bad. At 10 units I get no throbbing and get a hard erection for about 1.5 hours. If I want to go solo I can use 5 units that will give me a good boner for about 30 to 45 minutes.

So, seeing what others have to take to get usable results makes me think I am one lucky dude!
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby antelope » Tue May 12, 2020 4:16 pm

Nope, you're not an odd duck. My story is much like yours but my typical dosage is even smaller. I think there are naturally more posts about problems than there are about successes. And that is not surprising.

My compounding pharmacist (jokingly?) tells me that half the men in my town use Trimix. That's likely exaggerated, but I suspect it's much higher than one might think. Certainly the compounding pharmacies around here are doing well and I think much of their business is with men with ED.
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby flyingduck2019 » Tue May 12, 2020 5:26 pm

Antelope----Thanks for the response and information. I am very thankful to have the small doses I have. Of course, the smaller the dose needed to get the desired results means further between RX refills and less overall cost. I am also blessed that I can get my trimix through my military pharmacy program. Right now I get 10ml (a lot of fun times be they with company or solo at my dose) for $46 which includes a $10 overnight delivery charge. I really feel for anyone who has to pay more than $100 for their juice. I just don't think the cost should be that high and I also don't understand why Medicare will cover pumps, pills and implants but yet say injections are not medically necessary! Well, if you have tried the pump, pills and still want to have some sex without getting your cock sliced open, the injections are necessary. I can buy a lot of Trimix and syringes for the cost of an implant.
Well, I will stop and get off my soapbox.

Take care and thanks again.
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby silver daddy 1960 » Tue May 12, 2020 7:21 pm

Antelope... When i used Trimix trying to get my erection back after prostate surgery i only need 5 units for 4 hours of down right rigid pain. At 3 hours and 56 min it would only start to subside without pills. Winds up i was allegic to Trimix and per Frank Talk switch to Bimix only after changing URO's. Apparently Trimix is the only FDA allowed product so most Dr will not prescribe Bimix (per Dr Eid). But Bimix was a blessing. No pain and a nice fat erection like i used to have (minus the lost 1+ from the prostate surgery). Anyway, i'm now injecting 60 units of Bimix to get a 2 hr erection. You are lucky that you can use less. It does get costly now, but what the hell, i cant take it with me. Frank talk rocks

63 yrs old, NYC, DR. Eid Titan Coloplast Dec 10, 2021

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby Hunchback » Wed May 13, 2020 2:55 am

Don't know if you are an odd duck or not, but you sure are lucky to have what you've got.

I've been on EDEX20 all my life and technically never ever have had a "towel rack" erection with or without it. Lately it's barely working, it's practically impossible to have sex without combining the injection with one or more cockrings to maintain the erection a bit better. And i know i am not getting my full length and girth either right now.

I wish we had access to trimix here in Europe, but sadly that's not the case. I am pretty sure the additional components of the mix play an important role and are the reason you guys over in the US get such good results with injecting.
It's really infuriating to know a simple solution exists and it might change your sexlife completely but you just can't have it because of rules. It's not even about a price or anything, just stupid rules.
40 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby mikehard » Fri May 15, 2020 9:18 am

Well I'm one of the luckier ones in that I have been able to reduce my trimix dosage down to 3 units and have a boner for around 3 hours. Have tried reducing the dosage below 3 units but don't get a real hard on and usually only lasts 30 minuets. So thankful to have the small doses that does the trick and keeping cost down.
Age 73, married 1972. Tried all pills with poor results. Started QuadMix injections in July 2010. Fantastic results so far. My QuadMix formula is : 10MG Alprostadil, 9 MG Papaverine , 0.1 MG Atropine , 1 MG Chlorpromazine

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby Happy Toy » Fri May 15, 2020 12:36 pm

mikehard wrote:Well I'm one of the luckier ones in that I have been able to reduce my trimix dosage down to 3 units and have a boner for around 3 hours. Have tried reducing the dosage below 3 units but don't get a real hard on and usually only lasts 30 minuets. So thankful to have the small doses that does the trick and keeping cost down.

Have you noticed an increase in girth since you started Trimix? I used Trimix for 12 yrs. and gained over an inch in girth, from 5.5" to 6.6+". I did loose that "gained" girth with my implant :( , but glad I have a hard dick now and a much larger flaccid one also.
pre-implant girth.jpg
semi, pre-implant
pre-implant girth.jpg (243.04 KiB) Viewed 2773 times
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 80 yrs., married 57 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby mattmdv » Thu May 21, 2020 2:36 pm

flyingduck 2019, My last injection was 80 Units, firmness, yes, hard enough?, No. Spoke with my Uro, next attempt will be 100 Units, aka 1cc. a full syringe. My current Tri-Mix is 30-1-20. If successful, :) , if not, Doc said give him a call and we will discuss.
Would much rather be on the lower end of the Unit spectrum. I did read someone here was doing 135 Units.
63 Years old, married 41 years, no medical issues, (except ED), retired U.S. Army, 22 years, keep busy working P.T. for several funeral homes.

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby mattmdv » Wed May 27, 2020 10:33 am

100 Units/1 cc Saturday night = :( :(

Called and left message with Uro, now waiting for him to return my call.

63 Years old, married 41 years, no medical issues, (except ED), retired U.S. Army, 22 years, keep busy working P.T. for several funeral homes.

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Re: Am I a Odd Duck?

Postby flyingduck2019 » Wed May 27, 2020 3:38 pm

Matt, I am so sorry to hear this. It leaves me scratching my head, the one on my shoulders, as to why you aren't getting some form of good erection with that dose. Something that will require some testing must be going on. Is your URO a good dependable person? Can you trust that he knows what he is talking about? My URO is a female and she got it right the first try! My first injection in her office produced a towel rack, albet it was only about 4 inches. I am still using the same RX today although I have played with it and have cut the dose in half and still get a very hard erection that lasts for about 2 hours. The original dose gave me aching in the head of my cock, so much so I could not concentrate on getting the job done. Now, at half that dose, it's all good.

Keep me informed as to your progress. Us vets have to stick together and I really am interested in how you are doing.
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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