Important instructions for injections !

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Important instructions for injections !

Postby goodwoodnow » Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:16 pm

I've been injecting Alprostadil (also known as PGE-1, Edex, or prostaglandin) for close to 5 years. Success has been very good, erection achieved about 90 to 95% of uses. It was incredible the first several times, amazing orgasms for both my wife and me. Then that part fell back, but still great at maybe 75 to 80 full success rate.

I just got a resupply of my medication with the standard instruction page, only this time i read it. One part could make the "injection experience" even better. In my initial trial at doctor's office he did say something about not lying down for "a few minutes" after injecting. sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't bother , just got into bed with my dick swelling to begin the foreplay.
But the day my new supply arrived we did follow the instructions closely, waiting, in various upright positions a full timed 15 minutes before i lay down. My wife had already cum once, from oral stimulation. All I can say is TRY IT! My penis got bigger and harder than it had in years. It felt great. It was easy to control, no risk of my cumming until I wanted too. (Full disclosure: II have become a slow cummer in recent years. This time, after I felt it took another 10 delicious minutes or more for me to reach orgasm as my wife had her #3.

******What I am trying to say is the directions say after injecting to apply pressure for 2 minutes...then"Gently massage the shaft of the penis and (do not lie down) keep yourself upright for 10-15 minutes."
When I followed these instructions it felt like my erection went into overdrive. I noticed the shift about 7 minutes in. My wife felt it too. It was like my penis got harder and thicker. A when I came it was fantastic.

I'd never heard or read of such a long wait. glad i did now. Hope many of my fellow injectors try it too. It feels funny to wait so long but we found lots of ways to entertain ourselves with me upright and so can you. Enjoy!
Injections for 5 years PGE-1 (Alprostadil) 40 mcg /ml. Trying Tri Mix (20-2-30 . Hope is shift in meds will restore some sensitiviy. Enjoy sharing openly withother "EDguys". Love the site, informative and entertaining too!

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Joined: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:11 am

Re: Important instructions for injections !

Postby Alanoc8 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:59 am

Great advice. Thank you
75 yrs. old. Married. I used viagra from 2007 t0 2017. I have venous leakage. I started injections in September 2017. I've used the Xialla cock ring along with Trimix since June 2020 with excellent results. I pump on a daily basis to maintain my size.

Posts: 69
Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:07 pm

Re: Important instructions for injections !

Postby goodwoodnow » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:05 pm

Thanks Alan. I hope you try the "10 to 15 minutes upright method yourself soon. If you do please let me know how it worked for you, or not. i do believe this is an important discovery foe all of we injection/erection men. :D
Injections for 5 years PGE-1 (Alprostadil) 40 mcg /ml. Trying Tri Mix (20-2-30 . Hope is shift in meds will restore some sensitiviy. Enjoy sharing openly withother "EDguys". Love the site, informative and entertaining too!

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