Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimix60 » Tue May 08, 2012 4:14 pm

Hi Jim- The way I look at it, it can't hurt and maybe you are correct, this could be great therapy !!! Maybe having a 2-3 hr happy willie could be a very good thing with a room full of willing females !!!!! You could actually use it all the way to the end as long as your strength holds up !! :-)

Anyone know any good swingers forums that they would trust ??


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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby shipper222001 » Tue May 08, 2012 4:28 pm

Does that appeal to u?you will have to perform with the husband incuded. T

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimix60 » Tue May 08, 2012 5:14 pm

It doesn't bother me, some of these clubs have women without men that just like a variety of partners, I am not bashfull, just looking to get willie back in action :-)


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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimixtraveler » Tue May 08, 2012 10:01 pm

Dear all,

Thanks so much for contributing to this thread. I have a question to all of you who suggested sharing the news with your partner:

Is there anybody in this threat that actually told a NEW partner (not wife or steady girlfriend) that you suffer ED and had to inject? If so how do you delivered the message and what was her reaction?
Please add the age of your partner as well. I would imagine (not sure though) that women in their 60 would be more familiar and understanding of ED than women in their 30s.

Women in this position have two options, take you or move on to the next partner. She may also choose to spread the story about the weird guy she just met. I am really scared here. Im talking about women in their 30s who I bed after 2 to 4 dates. That is how it goes down these days.

Thanks again,

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby paperboy48 » Wed May 09, 2012 12:11 pm

I too am in my mid thirties (recently divorced) and have recently learned I will need to use injections to get a good enough hard-on for stimulation. I think if you find the right person who cares more about you than your problems with your johnson, than she will not care if you have to throw an injection in there if need be. If she does care to the point where she rejects you (us) for this than that tells you (us) about the kind of person she really is.

In the meantime, before having a long realtionship we can have some fun without having to tell the partner before it evolves to a serious relationship.

check out the resposnes I received from ladies on a chick site where I asked them their thoughts on injections: ... ight/false

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimix60 » Wed May 09, 2012 2:07 pm

paperboy48 wrote:I too am in my mid thirties (recently divorced) and have recently learned I will need to use injections to get a good enough hard-on for stimulation. I think if you find the right person who cares more about you than your problems with your johnson, than she will not care if you have to throw an injection in there if need be. If she does care to the point where she rejects you (us) for this than that tells you (us) about the kind of person she really is.

In the meantime, before having a long realtionship we can have some fun without having to tell the partner before it evolves to a serious relationship.

check out the resposnes I received from ladies on a chick site where I asked them their thoughts on injections: ... ight/false

The response from the ladies is interesting, thanks for posting that link !!!

I am invited over to a nice ladies house tonight for dinner, we will see what happens, she knows nothing about my ED or use of Trimix. I am going to take a 20 mg Cialis just before I go over to her house and if the opportunity shows itself, maybe that is all I will need, If it does not work :-( then I will just tell her I was nervous.

Standby for an update tommorrow, wish me luck !!!!

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimix60 » Thu May 10, 2012 11:07 am

An update on my date last night.......

I was invited over to a nice ladies house for dinner last night. After a few glasses of wine and a nice meal, we ended up relaxing on her couch just talking about life and what it can throw at you.

This lead into her telling me that she was a breast cancer survivor and told me her story, this lead me into telling her about my cancer, RP and ED and I told her that if we were going to move this to the next level, it would be a big experiment on my behalf. She was very accepting and understanding, seemed like she was just as interested in having sex as I was

About and hour before dinner, I took a 100mg Viagra hoping this is all I would need if the opportunity should arise. The evening continued with lots of talk and then she said the magic words, "lets see what we can do in bed" We went to bed and had some very passionate sex even with me not able to perform normally.

She was very understanding and she said don't worry about it !!! She seemed to be satisfied just being close and liked what we did even though I did not have any type of normal penetration.

I told her that next time I would fix that problem and I will come more prepared !!!

She was a great, understanding lady and this encounter was just what I needed to help me rebuild my male ego.

Next time, I will bring my trimix

A big step forward for me!!! Guys, hang in there, keep plugging away and hopefully you will also find an understanding lady like I just did to help move your forward.

Cheers !!!!


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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby shipper222001 » Thu May 10, 2012 12:46 pm


That's wonderful!! So ironic that she had breast cancer. How did you and her handle that? The surgery? Was she self conscious in bed?

So when you have her over. now that she knows about trimix. just invite her into the bedroom when the time is right, excuse yourself and inject. Im sure she will find the results to her likeing.

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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby trimix60 » Thu May 10, 2012 1:00 pm

Hi Shipper- She was able to have her cancer taken care of with radiation, they caught it early so there was no physical issues at all.

I did not tell her about trimix and injecting, thought I would leave that for next time. But I did tell her I would be more prepared to deal with my limp willie the next time and she did not ask how so I just left it at that :-)

I am going to be very open and upfront when it comes to my injection, infact, I want to inject right in front of her so she can see what I am doing to try and have some normal sex. She is a really nice lady, very open minded and I feel she will appreciate my honesty.

I will inject, let her play with willie until he gets hard and then let the fun begin !!!! this will be a new experience for her and when she sees how well it works, I am sure she will be excited for me and her :-)

There really is hope, I guess it is how you approach the problem.


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Re: Young and divorce need help from fellow trimix users

Postby antelope » Thu May 10, 2012 3:57 pm

Well done, Curt! I'm doing the Happy Dance just for you.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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