No injections in my country

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No injections in my country

Postby caninoespacial » Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:06 am

So, hello guys, just posted my story, and I have a few questions about the injections, pretty much about access. I have had psychological ED since my first sexual attempt, and even with sexual therapy for 3 years, I have never been able to overcome this terrible issue. Lost a lot of important people in my life for that, and don’t want to experience this anymore. So, I’m 21 and I gathered some cash. My country does not sell injections and doctors would not prescribe them for psychological ED anyway. So, I will try visiting a doctor in the USA to get a prescription and buy the injections. My questions are:
1- Is there a doctor I can visit who would surely prescribe the injections for psychological ED? I said surely because I will have to use my job’s vacation and all my savings to go there, I can’t miss.
2 - Can I bring the injections with me (travel with them from USA to Brazil)? Can you guys recommend any pharmacy?
3 - What about the expiration date for the usual injections (trimix, bimix, caverject)? Is it 3 months?
4 - Would I have to revisit the same doctor frequently to get new prescriptions? If yes, how often? is there an expiration date for the prescriptions?
I definitely thank any response in advance; this would be a life changer and a real happy turn in my life. Right now, I’m desperate and under a terrible depression. I really need this way out.

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby spiroshouse » Tue Aug 08, 2017 12:52 pm

dear caninoespacial

are you sure you can not find in brasil trimix because i was making vacations in florianopolis in 2012 and i used all my tri mix supply i carry out in my luggage in a small penicilin bottle of 3ml and i did make a small search in google for ourologist in centro florianopolis i find one i get there and i have bought a standard tri mix in a small bottle of 3 ml with labels of the clinic etc and after i was refill my injections in the units i wanted

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby antelope » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:03 pm

First of all, I think everyone on this site would join me in commiserating with your situation. Having a limp dick at age 21 is way worse than developing ED at 60-70-80 years of age after presumably enjoying decades of booty. I cannot speak to your specific issue, but I would encourage you to continue to do everything you possibly can to deal with the root case of your Erectile Dysfunction. I can't say what all that might entail, but I'm pretty sure that you will eventually have to do that and the sooner the better. From my own experience, when a man loses his ability to get an erection, that's a mindfuck of the first degree and I would suggest that it can lead to clinical depression. And then the clinical depression contributes to the ED which is even more depressing and downward spiral accelerates. In my case, I need to do everything I can to deal with my diabetes and circulatory issues or at some point the Happy Juice may no longer be effective. All the best, friend. Here's to hard times.
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby caninoespacial » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:08 pm

Im very thanfull for your reply, man. Well, Santa Catarina is, indeed, a more advanced State than mine. Have you bought your trimix in the same clinic you got consulted? Mind telling me the name of this clinic? My search for an option abroad is also partly because of the national politics from most doctors to dont prescribe serious interventions for psychological ED.

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby caninoespacial » Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:13 pm

antelope wrote:First of all, I think everyone on this site would join me in commiserating with your situation. Having a limp dick at age 21 is way worse than developing ED at 60-70-80 years of age after presumably enjoying decades of booty. I cannot speak to your specific issue, but I would encourage you to continue to do everything you possibly can to deal with the root case of your Erectile Dysfunction. I can't say what all that might entail, but I'm pretty sure that you will eventually have to do that and the sooner the better. From my own experience, when a man loses his ability to get an erection, that's a mindfuck of the first degree and I would suggest that it can lead to clinical depression. And then the clinical depression contributes to the ED which is even more depressing and downward spiral accelerates. In my case, I need to do everything I can to deal with my diabetes and circulatory issues or at some point the Happy Juice may no longer be effective. All the best, friend. Here's to hard times.
Yes, man, it's a horrible situation to deal with and it's wrecking my future and my will. I have been open minded the most I could to adress a solution for the psychological situation, really cosidered everything, but nothing worked. I believe the first try wenting wrong got me into such a vicious cycle that i cant reverse without help anymore.

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby Ahappigui » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:13 pm

Have you seen a urologist? Who has determined your problem is a psychological one? If your diagnosis is that of a family doctor I would not accept such....request a referral to a urologist and go from there....I hope you are successful in sorting out this problem!

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby lenders » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:28 pm

Psychollogical ED.., excuse me , but I doubt it, they say it's psychological because you're young, but do not trust in that, that's rubbish, lots of guys just due to they are young urologists tell them that their ED is psychological and in the end it turned out it was not (oh surprise surprise ) and many had an organic problem, most venous leakage caused by fibrosis in cavernous bodies, or in tunica.
Tell me one thing when you see porn, your erection lasts minutes without touching and you get an erection without touching?
Do not believe in half of the urologists, they will only tell you that it is psychological to remove problems from above

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby caninoespacial » Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:29 pm

Yes, maybe the uros I seem were just missing the point, I always suspected that because, like Lenders said, I get nothing from porn at all. In fact, without cialis, I cant even have a morning wood

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby lenders » Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:59 pm

caninoespacial wrote:Yes, maybe the uros I seem were just missing the point, I always suspected that because, like Lenders said, I get nothing from porn at all. In fact, without cialis, I cant even have a morning wood

Look for get a doppler with injection or if the doppler is not conclusive get a cavernosography or arteriography

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Re: No injections in my country

Postby spiroshouse » Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:54 am

caninoespacial this is the link for the uromed clinic in florianopolis i went there and i asked to supply me with trimix and they gave me without any questions a bottle of 2.5 ml of trimix in standard ratio inside a small foam box together with ice and 3 small insulin syringes the price if i remember right was around 150 reais but this was 5 years ago

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