seeking advice for pumps

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seeking advice for pumps

Postby enniswb » Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:28 pm

I just recently turned 59 and I had the DaVinci Robotic Prostatectomy surgery on Aug. 16, 2005. The surgery was performed by Dr. Jean Joseph at Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY.

I did not have to have any further treatments (chemo or radiation) and my PSA has been 0.05 ever since my surgery nearly five years ago.

I have had alot of leakage issues since my surgery. I tried keagels and they didn't work for me, so I've been wearing padding (Depends) 24/7 for the past 4+ years. And because of my incontinence problems, I have not pursued my ED issues at all. I took some Cialis and Viagra off and on from time to time, but have pretty much lost my sexual desires and, luckily, my wife has been okay with that. However, lately, I've been reading information online about pumps and I'm seriously thinking about giving that a try. I just hope that I didn't wait too long! Since I haven't done anything about my ED problem for nearly five years now, do you think I can still manage to build up my blood enough to get erections? I certainly hope so! I have, on occasion, masturbated "soft" and when I did take a Cialis pill I gained thickness/girth but my penis never got fully erect--but I was "working with it" by myself, without any female stimulation.

I don't want to spend an awful lot of money for a vacuum system that might not even work. I would like to try this, but I would like to remain very discreet about it. How do I go about doing this? I guess I need to get a prescription from my urologist and then they will determine if my insurance will cover all or part of it, right? Even if I can get one to work on my blood flow, even if I can't get it hard enough for sexual intercourse, that's got to be helpful, correct?

I see several different types of pumps online at and wondered what kind of success I'd have with just buying a cheaper ($20-$50 range) pump from there. I'm really not into going to adult stores, so I'd prefer to buy online and by check or money order.

I'm small-to-average size (even though it seems even "smaller" since my surgery). Is the vacuum pump hard to use the smaller you are?

Thanks for listening and I'd appreciate any advice/suggestions you might have to offer me as I look into FINALLY seeking some help for my ED problem.



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Re: seeking advice for pumps

Postby enniswb » Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:05 pm

Some of the brands that I've been looking at online and considering buying (all in the $20-$40 range) are: LeLuv bulb power pump; Advanced pump; Precision pump; Nick's Penis Pump Masturstroke Kit; and Fireman's penis pump.

Anyone use any of these products and interested in knowing your results.

Thanks again!


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Re: seeking advice for pumps

Postby franglais » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:21 pm

Last edited by franglais on Sun May 22, 2011 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: seeking advice for pumps

Postby jackpTenn » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:24 am


I used a pump for about 3 years before my implant 10/23/08 at Vanderbilt by Dr. Milam. I have posted a single cylinder exercise that I used that was developed by Old Man on the peyronies society forum.

I had a better than expected outcome with my implant because of the exercise and the great skills of Dr. Milam.

If you would like a copy of the exercise send me an email to jwp104 at att dot net. The only caution with the pump it do not pump to the point of discomfort or pain.

Like Mike said Dr. Milam also implants the AMS 800 and both can be done at the same time.

Good luck.

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
Normal Again

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Re: seeking advice for pumps

Postby Paul-Mod » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:24 am

I have used the Fireman's pump since very early on. It is NOT good for sex, but I really like it because I can use it in the shower. It has a rubber cuff that goes around the base of your penis, so it is more comfortable and less risk of anything being sucked up! This is great for simple therapy. I put it on the minute I get in the shower - just soap up and pump it on. Then as I shower I will take a sec several times to release it, and pump again. It is very light and does not hurt to just let it hang there. Sometimes, I'll even leave it on as I shave. Gotta say, it does wonders for your ego when you take it off, step out of the shower and you finally look like your old self again!

This pump is no good at all for sex. Vitality Medical also carries a wide range of less expensive pumps in the 50-150 range. Many of them will work for sex. But do see if your insurance will cover VED's. You may end up paying less out of pocket with those. The Osbon Erecaid pumps are the best, IMO.

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Re: seeking advice for pumps

Postby jn1421 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 4:40 pm

I have an Osbon Erecaid ‘Esteem’ model. It has a manual pump handle on the top and works well. I got mine through the VA as a prescription from my DR. Before I got it I checked online and was shocked how much they cost; up to $400+!!! I have seen some as low as $275 but still that’s a lot of money for a pump. If you don’t have insurance maybe this brand may not be a good choice.

I don’t have any experience with a pump prior to this one so I can’t really comment on any other manufacturer.


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Re: seeking advice for pumps

Postby kbota53 » Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:07 pm

Bill; On Wednesday evenings at 7pm central time dial into this conference call. (888 330-9551, and pin is 1029829)(This conf call is sponsored by Firma Medical. They make pumps and are great people to work with.) You do not have to participate at all, but just listen to the dialogue. The pump is certainly not a cureall for ED. It has limitations. It is not spontaneous, and requires a patient partner. My wife actually enjoys watching me "pump up." Pump erections are not great for intercourse, although is is possible for doggy style. My problem is one of maintaining an erection long enough to finish. If I use a constriction ring small enough to maintain an erection for a significant amount of time, it hurts. If I use one that is comfortable, then the erection doesn't last but 2 to 3 minutes after I turn off the pump.

The other thing I've learned about the pump is that if its been a long time since you've had an erection, then you may have to use the pump daily for up to two months before you can acheive a usable erection. It's just part of the price you pay.

There are other ways of enjoying sex however. I've found the pump to be very adequate for oral sex. Finding a good ingestibly safe lubricant has actually been a turning point for my wife and I in this regard. (coconut oil) We are now slowly but surely putting our sex life back together after my prostatectomy a few months ago. I did not have the nerve sparing surgery, so I will never be able to acheive a natural erection again. I hate that, but in this life, we have to play the cards we're delt. So my wife and I are ready to play. We just have to do it a little differently these biggie

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