ED tied to Low T - Seeking Information

Anything goes when it comes to ED.

Re: ED tied to Low T - Seeking Information

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:42 pm

DrBlick wrote:Just wanted to share some information, as a Prosthetic Urologist who specializes in Penile Implants myself...hopefully it's helpful with your question regarding Low T and ED.

Interestingly, it is a common myth that low testosterone is a very common cause of ED. Low T only causes Erectile Dysfunction in about 20% of patients. Therefore, testosterone replacement therapy does not improve ED in most cases.

So while it is always a possibility that Low T is causing your ED, the probability that it is being caused by something else is much higher. In my own practice, I always do diagnostic testing in order to confirm the medical cause of the ED before I recommend any treatment options.

Low desire is a symptom of low T is it not?


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