Normal TS but no libido

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Normal TS but no libido

Postby danny1553 » Thu Dec 12, 2013 12:02 pm

I have been on the testosterone replacement therapy for a couple of years now. All started with the symptoms of low libido.
At the beginning of the therapy my libido was as high as in my teens but over time has faded. Now I am in a good physical and mental shape but the libido is virtually non-existing.

My testosterone numbers are as per book (both free and bio-available) but I have (literally) no desire for sex.
I've tried various "libido boosters" that I could find on the market with no result. Or better say, the results varied from "no effect" to "fatigue and sleepiness". And no promised boost whatsoever.

What could be the reason; and what else to try? My doc has no explanation to this...

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby Anonymous1 » Sat Dec 14, 2013 12:14 pm

You may be the victim of too much estrogen. I don't know how you are receiving T therapy but if you're getting the big honking harpoon shots from the doc you may at this point be in the point where you are converting most of your T to estrogen.

I have been doing the subcutaneous method of about 40mg every 4 or 5 days into my belly using diabetic needles. My endocrinologist finally admitted that this is the best way he's seen for doing T therapy and wonders why more docs don't recommend it - my answer - laziness, plain and simple. I recently had my labs done and my estrogen is right around 15. Most guys feel their best with T therapy when it is less than 20 but greater than 17 so it's a very, very narrow band. The initial libido boost is do to lots of free T floating around - your body will compensate that free T with SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and DHT conversion. This is not uncommon. In some cases you can supplement with HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or clomid but you run the risk of become insensitive to LH (luteinizing hormone) which tells your testicles to create T. If you are on statins take whatever steps are necessary to get off of them. Since you are supplying your body with T now your hypothalamus and pituitary are telling your testicles to not make T. When this happened for me my total cholesterol dropped a huge number of points - why? because T is made from cholesterol synthesis. The unfortunate side effect of that was that my testicles shrank big time. Oh well. But your testicles make other hormones besides T and this may be a smaller part of your problem.

However the first thing you need to do is find out what your estrogen level is. This can only be done accurately in men by requesting a sensitive male assay. If your doc glazes over when you ask for that or gives you some BS about it not being accurate brush it off then go to the Accessa labs site and look up TRT tests for men - spend the money and get your numbers. The regular test is slanted to the ladies so it can be off for men. Ideally you would get this done on the day you need your shot. This would show you the conversion rate you have metabolically. I'm a hyper-excreter so I really go through the T. My libido peaks 24 - 30 hours right after a shot and then goes down quickly after that.

I would also recommend not letting the docs do the shots (I don't like T pellet implants - some guys do - or the gels due to hyper levels of T concentrating in the skin) as I think you can easily manage your dosing with them. Testosterone cipionate is the main ingredient in all of them anyways and the only difference is just how they're administered. High gauge needles and frequent low dose shots make it really easy to do yourself.

Keep a log of how your body is reacting to T therapy and keep in mind that most docs really don't know anything about male hormones. You really have to do this on your own.

Feel free to PM me if you need further clarification.
Married. 50+. Migraines, low T, performance anxiety and transient ED. Trimix user. Yahoo/Trillian: RF8877/Skype IslandGuy2240.

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby danny1553 » Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:48 pm

Wow. Thanks a lot, RF8877 for such a detailed response.
Yes, probably I should take a closer look at the estrogen. I had it tested... but that was quite a while ago, just at the beginning of the T-replacement therapy. At that point time it was normal. But I do have a history of periodic spikes, when my nipples become tender, like in early teens. Then it goes away.
As for the estrogen test, I am in the hand of the doctor's will. In Canada we do not have a choice. If my doctor will not refer me, no lab will make me test even if I wanted to pay. I'll talk to the doc. He is quite an older guy but maybe still not overwhelmed with the professional ego...

As for the type of T I use, it is Delatesteryl, which I take 200mg weekly via needles into my butts. My wife does the shots, or even sometimes I do it on my own. The Testosterone does make a big difference on my mood and overall self feeling, but nothing to libido. This is a slow-releasing formula so I do not really have peaks and valleys.

You mentioned that you make shots into your belly with the diabetic needles. How do you measure the dosage? The amount you are injecting into the bally had to be adjusted after switching from butt shots?
My belly can be problematic since I have no belly fat; I do have my abs though...

Do you know what other symptoms of the high estrogen could be other than low libido? My testicles shrink too, but I am not too concerned as I am waiting for my turn on the implant and the implant's pump will take care of the "testicle size".

I have heard stories that people get different results with different T products. Like the compound cream can result in higher libido than injections... But again this may be not an option for me as I have extremely sensitive skin. Any minor reason for irritation, and here we go with eczema.

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby superbird69 » Wed Mar 29, 2017 10:08 pm

I'm taking testosterone cypionate injections 1cc every two weeks. My libido is good , but but what happens whenI get an implant? Will it be the same or the same with super :D :D
diabitic for 15yrs and ED for ten and implanted 8/24/17 AMS700 LGX
Doctor Zimmerman,Rogers Arkansas

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby newtoed » Fri Mar 31, 2017 1:41 pm

Dear Friend,

Libido is only partially physiological, it's also mental. Libido is how sexual you feel and look. Sexuality takes some work. With my severe ED I feel like I don't have physiological libido, but with my life style and Trimix on my hand I feel very sexual. We have to surround ourselves with a sexual partner, things and activities. It's constant work in this complicated world with this information overload and constantly feeling busy. Don't tell me if the only thing you had to do was to chill on a tropical beach in your shorts, with a cocktail in your hand surrounded by gorgeous women, you would not have libido.

Start filling your life with sexual people, objects and activities and the libido will come.
All the best.
Age 54, Single, Los Angeles. Stage 2 rectal cancer in 2013. Radiation, surgery, chemo. In remission for 5 years. Some ED before cancer, complete since. 2-3 units of Trimix 40/30/2 2-3 times a week since Feb/2017 with great success!

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby Bjones » Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:00 am

newtoed wrote:Dear Friend,

Libido is only partially physiological, it's also mental. Libido is how sexual you feel and look. Sexuality takes some work. With my severe ED I feel like I don't have physiological libido, but with my life style and Trimix on my hand I feel very sexual. We have to surround ourselves with a sexual partner, things and activities. It's constant work in this complicated world with this information overload and constantly feeling busy. Don't tell me if the only thing you had to do was to chill on a tropical beach in your shorts, with a cocktail in your hand surrounded by gorgeous women, you would not have libido.

Start filling your life with sexual people, objects and activities and the libido will come.
All the best.

Hmm I disagree..I find libido to be mostly biological..I can look in the mirror and feel great with how I look and be around a an attractive woman with whom im compatible yet there is no lust present..even mild touching doesn't spark the tiger inside so to's not a good place to be when you are alone with an attractive woman yet you are almost more interested in getting to sleep earlier or how the Bears game ended lol..I have always had low libido and quite a few ladies have been hurt by it yet it's out of my hands..I could force it but that's dreadful

I mean, many men are highly motivated to go out to the bar or elsewhere by their strong libido..

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby newtoed » Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:00 am

Over 90% of men are deadly afraid to talk and interact with women. I know, I was one of them. Just the thought of walking up to a girl gave me anxiety. I worked on it and now it's the most natural thing. We are greatly conditioned by our upbringing, past experiences and present social norms. Many people spend hours and hours a day avoiding social and sexual interactions by withdrawing to TV, internet, working out solo and other a solitary activities or getting together with other like minded friends and talk about why everybody else is withdrawing instead of making effort to connect.
I have severe ED and have no idea about my testosterone level because I had chemo and radiation to the area, but mentally I feel sexual, interested and pro active to have amazing social and sexual experiences. This takes some effort, but it's worth it for me.
All the best!
Age 54, Single, Los Angeles. Stage 2 rectal cancer in 2013. Radiation, surgery, chemo. In remission for 5 years. Some ED before cancer, complete since. 2-3 units of Trimix 40/30/2 2-3 times a week since Feb/2017 with great success!

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby Bjones » Fri Apr 07, 2017 1:15 am

newtoed wrote:Over 90% of men are deadly afraid to talk and interact with women. I know, I was one of them. Just the thought of walking up to a girl gave me anxiety. I worked on it and now it's the most natural thing. We are greatly conditioned by our upbringing, past experiences and present social norms. Many people spend hours and hours a day avoiding social and sexual interactions by withdrawing to TV, internet, working out solo and other a solitary activities or getting together with other like minded friends and talk about why everybody else is withdrawing instead of making effort to connect.
I have severe ED and have no idea about my testosterone level because I had chemo and radiation to the area, but mentally I feel sexual, interested and pro active to have amazing social and sexual experiences. This takes some effort, but it's worth it for me.
All the best!

Again, everyone is different..when I was in my teens I was afraid to talk to women..I developed social skills through the years and now im pretty adept at approaching women and winning them over..I dont know but I've been almost molested by women on different occasions and it just didn't have much effect on my sex me, it's caused some confusion through the years lol..only when on certain drugs or herbs have I felt a strong sex drive

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Re: Normal TS but no libido

Postby newtoed » Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:09 am

Drugs may make you horny,but mainly indirectly by reducing your inhibitions.
Age 54, Single, Los Angeles. Stage 2 rectal cancer in 2013. Radiation, surgery, chemo. In remission for 5 years. Some ED before cancer, complete since. 2-3 units of Trimix 40/30/2 2-3 times a week since Feb/2017 with great success!

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