Wifes hormone journey

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Wifes hormone journey

Postby Islanderboy58 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 12:02 pm

I thought i'd share this positive story because I have read a lot of posts on here about couples who like us have been struggling through our older years with ed and loss of desire which led us to a crossroads.

I have been struggling with ed for a long time ...pills and injections have become less and less effective so I have finally made the decision to get the implant in a few weeks... which led us to the discussion of great your going to be hard whenever but I (she) has no desire for sex so....

My wife recently began seeing a specialist to have her hormone levels checked after a friend suggested her specialist to her.We were both pretty skeptical about it but she decided to go ahead and go through the process,They were extremely thourough in her evaluation...blood tests , medical survey for last 20 years and just how she was feeling generally and sexually.As with many long time couples our sex had fallen off the charts we struggled together to keep it going as much as possible but it seemed like it was getting to the point of just stopping completely and having a sexless marriage.
The specialist decided she wanted to start a course of implanting hormone pellets in her butt and an oral course as well.
It has been several months now and to our complete amazement it has made an INCREDIBLE difference.
she is literally like she's in her 40's again,she is in the mood gets aroused WET,swollen,cumming again !
She says she sleeps better and her mood is just better in general.
This has made me even more excited for my implant surgery in a few weeks. I honestly never ever dreamed things could be this good again. Who knows how long this will last we are mid 60's but we're going ride it out as long as we can !
Hope maybe this will give other couples hope that are stuggling with the same things we have.
Many years on Viagra until it didnt help,I moved onto Trimix 5 years ago and it now has limited effect.Time to move on to The Implant.
Implanted 4/10/2024 by Dr Lawrence Levine Chicago
22 cm Titan with one .5 rte on left side.

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed May 30, 2018 9:06 am

Re: Wifes hormone journey- a recent related article

Postby Up4Real? » Sun Mar 24, 2024 5:05 pm

Islanderboy58-what was the specific hormone? Can you get more detail?-Up4Real? Link:https://www.newsmax.com/drlaura/psychotherapy-hormones-sex/2024/03/23/id/1158322/
Reviving Romance Key to Saving Your Marriage
By Dr. Laura Saturday, 23 March 2024
Sadly, many men call about their middle-aged wives being clear about not wanting sex anymore.
They're just done!
They often refuse psychotherapy or sex therapy and refuse to check their hormones.
Testosterone is important in female libido, too. When I ask these women what they expect their husbands — who still wish to be passionate and make love to them — to do for the rest of their lives, they just shrug.
"To love, honor, and cherish" requires more than just tuning out of the physical affection and passion in marriage.
Brent called my show recently, and this is what I ultimately suggested he do.
When wives call complaining that their husbands still yearn for sex, I give them the same list. Too many wives think husbands should just grin and bear it.
Brent: I’ve been married 37 years. Slowly but surely, sex has gone away. My wife has lost interest, but I haven’t. What should I do?
Dr. Laura: Did she have orgasms?
Brent: Yes, and she still does . . . every now and then, when we do. But I think she’s doing it mostly for me. And obviously, I don’t want to force her to do anything, but it’s becoming an issue for me.
I don’t want to leave my wife. I love her.
Dr. Laura: OK, so divorce is off the table. So, you tell her that you realize she doesn’t want to have sex anymore and you still want to make love to her. You’ve been giving a lot of thought to the situation.
And I have some alternatives.
You’re not going to be dead for 30 more years, and you still want passion in your life.
You’d prefer to have it with her. However, if that’s a no, then say, "I have alternatives to present to you. I could stay married and get a girlfriend on the side, watch porn, or visit a sex worker. Because I’m not going to have no sex in my life. OK?
"Or I could leave the marriage and join a monastery.
"We either go to a sex therapist together to help us sort of reconstitute our passion or one of these is going to be the rest of our marital life — except for the monastery, I have to leave to go to do that.
"Don’t misunderstand, my dearly beloved wife. I’m not kidding. I’m not going to live out the rest of my life like this."
Living as her roommate is not an option. Tell her you’re going to make an appointment with a sex therapist. Not a regular therapist. A sex therapist.
You don’t want a regular therapist.
That’ll just be jabber jabber.
One of the things I would say to your wife is a woman’s sensuality is a blessing from God.
Don’t waste it.
Dr. Laura: Now, would she say you’re a good lover?
Brent: I would say I am.
Dr. Laura: No. Would she say you’re a good lover?
Brent: I think so.
Dr. Laura: Do you make sure she’s satisfied way before you are?
Brent: That’s the first thing I think about, Dr. Laura.
Dr. Laura: OK, good. That’s a good man. Alright.
Brent: I am writing that down, too. That is fantastic. Thank you so much.
1947-77YO Uncut Married 48 years to supportive wife. Serious ED at 65YO. Used pills, VED, rings, Muse, Increasing Trimix: discontinued with 85 units of 80/3/25 didn't work. Got peyronies. 22cm Coloplast Titan 11/18/20. Legacy pump.125ml reservoir. Pleased

Posts: 65
Joined: Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:45 pm

Re: Wifes hormone journey- a recent related article

Postby Islanderboy58 » Sun Mar 24, 2024 9:06 pm

Up4Real? wrote:Islanderboy58-what was the specific hormone? Can you get more detail?-Up4Real? Link:https://www.newsmax.com/drlaura/psychotherapy-hormones-sex/2024/03/23/id/1158322/
Reviving Romance Key to Saving Your Marriage
By Dr. Laura Saturday, 23 March 2024
Sadly, many men call about their middle-aged wives being clear about not wanting sex anymore.
They're just done!
They often refuse psychotherapy or sex therapy and refuse to check their hormones.
Testosterone is important in female libido, too. When I ask these women what they expect their husbands — who still wish to be passionate and make love to them — to do for the rest of their lives, they just shrug.
"To love, honor, and cherish" requires more than just tuning out of the physical affection and passion in marriage.
Brent called my show recently, and this is what I ultimately suggested he do.
When wives call complaining that their husbands still yearn for sex, I give them the same list. Too many wives think husbands should just grin and bear it.
Brent: I’ve been married 37 years. Slowly but surely, sex has gone away. My wife has lost interest, but I haven’t. What should I do?
Dr. Laura: Did she have orgasms?
Brent: Yes, and she still does . . . every now and then, when we do. But I think she’s doing it mostly for me. And obviously, I don’t want to force her to do anything, but it’s becoming an issue for me.
I don’t want to leave my wife. I love her.
Dr. Laura: OK, so divorce is off the table. So, you tell her that you realize she doesn’t want to have sex anymore and you still want to make love to her. You’ve been giving a lot of thought to the situation.
And I have some alternatives.
You’re not going to be dead for 30 more years, and you still want passion in your life.
You’d prefer to have it with her. However, if that’s a no, then say, "I have alternatives to present to you. I could stay married and get a girlfriend on the side, watch porn, or visit a sex worker. Because I’m not going to have no sex in my life. OK?
"Or I could leave the marriage and join a monastery.
"We either go to a sex therapist together to help us sort of reconstitute our passion or one of these is going to be the rest of our marital life — except for the monastery, I have to leave to go to do that.
"Don’t misunderstand, my dearly beloved wife. I’m not kidding. I’m not going to live out the rest of my life like this."
Living as her roommate is not an option. Tell her you’re going to make an appointment with a sex therapist. Not a regular therapist. A sex therapist.
You don’t want a regular therapist.
That’ll just be jabber jabber.
One of the things I would say to your wife is a woman’s sensuality is a blessing from God.
Don’t waste it.
Dr. Laura: Now, would she say you’re a good lover?
Brent: I would say I am.
Dr. Laura: No. Would she say you’re a good lover?
Brent: I think so.
Dr. Laura: Do you make sure she’s satisfied way before you are?
Brent: That’s the first thing I think about, Dr. Laura.
Dr. Laura: OK, good. That’s a good man. Alright.
Brent: I am writing that down, too. That is fantastic. Thank you so much.

I believe the pellets are estrogen and testosterone and orally progesterone sorry should have included that in the post.
Many years on Viagra until it didnt help,I moved onto Trimix 5 years ago and it now has limited effect.Time to move on to The Implant.
Implanted 4/10/2024 by Dr Lawrence Levine Chicago
22 cm Titan with one .5 rte on left side.

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed May 30, 2018 9:06 am

Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Up4Real? » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:44 am

How have others dealt with this problem?
As we age the incidence of occurrence is bound to increase. Personally, not too long before my implant I was able to frequently give my wife 3 PIV climaxes. It has been next to none since. My libido has not decreased. My wife’s is little to none. Thanks for any feedback.
P.S. I feel my implant was very successful.
Up4 Real
1947-77YO Uncut Married 48 years to supportive wife. Serious ED at 65YO. Used pills, VED, rings, Muse, Increasing Trimix: discontinued with 85 units of 80/3/25 didn't work. Got peyronies. 22cm Coloplast Titan 11/18/20. Legacy pump.125ml reservoir. Pleased

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed May 30, 2018 9:06 am

Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Up4Real? » Mon Mar 25, 2024 8:47 am

Edited. Duplicate post.
1947-77YO Uncut Married 48 years to supportive wife. Serious ED at 65YO. Used pills, VED, rings, Muse, Increasing Trimix: discontinued with 85 units of 80/3/25 didn't work. Got peyronies. 22cm Coloplast Titan 11/18/20. Legacy pump.125ml reservoir. Pleased

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Location: Central Pa.

Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Spontaneous1 » Mon Mar 25, 2024 11:05 am

Did she still have her ovaries?
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

Posts: 115
Joined: Wed May 30, 2018 9:06 am

Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Up4Real? » Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:13 am

1947-77YO Uncut Married 48 years to supportive wife. Serious ED at 65YO. Used pills, VED, rings, Muse, Increasing Trimix: discontinued with 85 units of 80/3/25 didn't work. Got peyronies. 22cm Coloplast Titan 11/18/20. Legacy pump.125ml reservoir. Pleased

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Location: Central Pa.

Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Spontaneous1 » Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:16 am

That makes a huge difference!
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Martin6469 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 12:20 pm

Fifty years ago I read Masters' and Johnson's sex-problem treatment textbook, "Human Sexual Inadequacy," because it summarized their two-decade creation of methods to overcome all of their patients' varied sex problems. Masters and Johnson were in the news all the time in those days as the best hope for improving unhappy marriages, which were in the majority, extremely common, mainly because mid-twentieth century men knew little of women and nothing of sex. Well, their book also described older women who had shut down, refusing sex because it was "unseemly after fifty" or was only for making babies. In some cases sex had become painful, and M&J describe how hormone replacement therapy would rejuvenate a woman's vagina completely, even restoring her orgasm potential. Their textbook also describes how psychological counseling overcame Puritanical or other mental blocks to sex. There are some case studies of each sex problem. They didn't let men off the hook; they had to counsel some husbands to slow down, extending foreplay, because until HRT is fully effective, vaginal tissue will be thin and more sensitive to rough handling.

M&J describe how difficult it was to get some of the wives to get hormone replacement therapy - but in one case, a stubborn post-menopausal woman who was firmly convinced against sex got HRT and slowly became sexual again, and then eager for sex!

Well, it's exasperating to read about FT guys' older wives shutting down, and for exactly the same reasons 1950s and '60s wives shut down, when M&J showed so long ago that women can enjoy sex at any age. Their books should be on every such couple's bookshelf! I'm lucky that my wife, age 78, resembles Islanderboy's in that HRT has given her youthful sexuality, but she had to go to two gynecologists who each experimented a little, and the second doc finally got it right. Each woman has her individual hormone needs. If you guys can keep your wives going to their gynos, they will eventually get the right HRT, and you'll be posting like Islanderboy!

Masters and Johnson are gone, but their psychological work continues. Their special type of counseling, a dual man-woman team, can be located by calling any psychologist and asking, "Where can my wife and I get Masters and Johnson therapy?" If there's a university nearby, call the psychology or social work department. Most GPs could probably find these special counselors. The female counselor will try to convince the wife that a nice sex life awaits if she goes along with the therapy. Stubborn wives might have to hear the d-word to go.
Age 79 in 2024. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

Posts: 332
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Location: Central Pa.

Re: Wifes hormone journey

Postby Spontaneous1 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 1:55 pm

They have to want to go to start with!
Retired 65 y.o. Married. Moderate ED since 2019. Use constriction band ocassionately to help maintain erection, or Cialis/Viagra. Nocturnal/morning erections returning with VED usage. Lower libido than before.

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