If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby timduncan » Sat Dec 31, 2022 6:56 am

s7utty wrote:
timduncan wrote:
s7utty wrote:

Yes exactly. Every young boy should read this to be even more fucked up in the head. The best doctors told me that with a venous leak of the values ​​that came out for me, I shouldn't have any erections and there are days when I fuck a babe 3 times a day with a hard cock.

So,what do you suggest we have
I have the same feeling you described, with the legs, the standing etc

i dont even know whats ur problem. u has almost none posts on this forum. i can see that you are 46 yo from one post. Did you always had issues with keeping erection standing and in other positions ? If not then you shouldnt have venous leak. Im 27 and having this problem and I always had some issues while standing.

I am told via doppler that i have leak, but more precisely Angiography tells me i dont.
Imagine what im going through in my head now…
If you have venous leak i dont believe having sex 4 times in one day wouldnt be possible.
especially with EDV 15cm/s.

many young people are desentalized, addicted to porn genres or fetishes.
i also have issues with pelvic floor as my PT said.
Im lost dont know what to think if its venous leak or not.
the one thing is there for sure - i have some sort of ED, trouble maintaining them and switching position. Generally when i move i have troubles.

Maybe you describe your situation also?

EDIT: also, Tim, also narrow veins with poor inflow can also give same results as leak.

Hey there, I’m 43. Having this issue since forever (early 20’s)
Ì recently noticed this position thing, when I’m standing it’s more difficult. Inibitors work but I tend to use them not more than once every 10/15 days. I don’t want to risk them not to work anymore. Waiting for this med3000 like the others I guess.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby rjnsingh98@gmail.com » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:11 am

GoodWood wrote:Yes, this could still be venous leak.

Having venous leak does NOT mean you never get morning wood or erections. It just means that blood has an easier time getting out of your penis than it should. An erection just means more blood going in than coming out until erect and then staying that way.

Porn and masturbation are way more stimulating (mentally - picking your favorite turn ons, and physically- touching yourself in your favorite way) than regular sex with a partner.

So it’s entirely possible to have venous leak that is bad enough to make sex with a partner difficult yet still be able to get morning wood and masturbate.

Talk to a good urologist that has experience with men’s sexual health.

If you are watching porn so much it’s getting in the way of going to work and spending time with friends, sure, do something to curtail that. But otherwise be gentle with yourself. We are visual creatures and looking at porn is nearly universal among men. There is an awful lot of puritanical shaming around porn and the notion of “porn addiction”. Be gentle with yourself.

See a good urologist and let them guide you.

This post is misleading. One day I couldn’t perform, i was in a hotel , then i came back to home and did masturbation, i was able to do masturbation, then I went to doctor, he said if you are able to masturbate that rules out Venous leakage.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Txagq8 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:16 pm

It doesn’t rule it out, but it makes it less likely.

If I go back to my late teens/early 20s, before I was diagnosed…..whenever I would “beat the meatles” I would use my left hand to apply pressure to the pubic area while stroking myself with my right. I didn’t know that was abnormal or unusual. It was MY normal.

What I was actually doing is applying extra pressure to help slow down leakage from the veins and maintain a harder erection. I had just evolved into doing that subconsciously and instinctively.

Had a doctor asked “can you maintain an erection & Jack off until you cum?” I would have said yes. That didn’t mean I had no venous leakage. It just meant at that age I had better arterial flow and had figured out a workaround (not a reach around lol) that I had no idea others found unnecessary.

I’ve said it before: if you’re a straight guy and have zero experience with any erection other than your own, what your’s does us going to seem like normal.

When they finally did the x-ray and dye tests on me…..almost no problem showed up with me flat on my back. There were some pressure reduction anomalies but not to the degree I would have been dealing with bad ass ED. Fortunately, my wife was there and she said “put him on his knees like we’re either missionary or doggie style position.” You could see the dye just flowing out of my dick on the fluoroscope and the pressure drop correlated real well with my near-instantaneous return to flaccid.

Yes, ED can be psychological. But far more often it’s physical. It’s pretty simple to not find problems in younger guys where things work part of the time and you have 18 year old arteries that can help overcome a leak. You just have to keep looking.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby GoodWood » Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:36 pm

rjnsingh98@gmail.com wrote:
GoodWood wrote:Yes, this could still be venous leak.

Having venous leak does NOT mean you never get morning wood or erections. It just means that blood has an easier time getting out of your penis than it should. An erection just means more blood going in than coming out until erect and then staying that way.

Porn and masturbation are way more stimulating (mentally - picking your favorite turn ons, and physically- touching yourself in your favorite way) than regular sex with a partner.

So it’s entirely possible to have venous leak that is bad enough to make sex with a partner difficult yet still be able to get morning wood and masturbate.

Talk to a good urologist that has experience with men’s sexual health.

If you are watching porn so much it’s getting in the way of going to work and spending time with friends, sure, do something to curtail that. But otherwise be gentle with yourself. We are visual creatures and looking at porn is nearly universal among men. There is an awful lot of puritanical shaming around porn and the notion of “porn addiction”. Be gentle with yourself.

See a good urologist and let them guide you.

This post is misleading. One day I couldn’t perform, i was in a hotel , then i came back to home and did masturbation, i was able to do masturbation, then I went to doctor, he said if you are able to masturbate that rules out Venous leakage.

If your doctor really said “if you are able to masturbate that rules out venous leakage” you need a better doctor.

Venous leak, like every other condition, is not all or nothing. It can be anywhere on the spectrum of barely noticeable all the way through completely incapacitating.

If you have mild to moderate venous leak it’s perfectly logical you could perform in some instances (or positions) and not others.
55yo, NYC. ED started at 40. 50 units BiMix + Atropine (Pap 30/Phen 6/Atr 0.2). Prostaglandins caused aching. Doses increasing. A cock ring helps. Phallosan Forte tension devise to maintain size. Eager to talk about implant experiences.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby rjnsingh98@gmail.com » Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:18 am

GoodWood wrote:
rjnsingh98@gmail.com wrote:
GoodWood wrote:Yes, this could still be venous leak.

Having venous leak does NOT mean you never get morning wood or erections. It just means that blood has an easier time getting out of your penis than it should. An erection just means more blood going in than coming out until erect and then staying that way.

Porn and masturbation are way more stimulating (mentally - picking your favorite turn ons, and physically- touching yourself in your favorite way) than regular sex with a partner.

So it’s entirely possible to have venous leak that is bad enough to make sex with a partner difficult yet still be able to get morning wood and masturbate.

Talk to a good urologist that has experience with men’s sexual health.

If you are watching porn so much it’s getting in the way of going to work and spending time with friends, sure, do something to curtail that. But otherwise be gentle with yourself. We are visual creatures and looking at porn is nearly universal among men. There is an awful lot of puritanical shaming around porn and the notion of “porn addiction”. Be gentle with yourself.

See a good urologist and let them guide you.

This post is misleading. One day I couldn’t perform, i was in a hotel , then i came back to home and did masturbation, i was able to do masturbation, then I went to doctor, he said if you are able to masturbate that rules out Venous leakage.

If your doctor really said “if you are able to masturbate that rules out venous leakage” you need a better doctor.

Venous leak, like every other condition, is not all or nothing. It can be anywhere on the spectrum of barely noticeable all the way through completely incapacitating.

If you have mild to moderate venous leak it’s perfectly logical you could perform in some instances (or positions) and not others.

See I am not saying this, research says it : If the patient obtains erections in certain situations (self-stimulation) without medication, he does not need additional laboratory or ultrasound assessment. His diagnosis can be made from the history alone.
Yes but the exception is that it should be full erection till discharge.
Venous leakage is a rare condition it doesn’t just happen overnight, everyone here comes with problem and suspects Venous leakage, even I suspect it i am not denying. But this just spreads health anxiety and creates the problem which is not present.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Txagq8 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:51 am

rjnsingh98@gmail.com wrote:
GoodWood wrote:
rjnsingh98@gmail.com wrote:

This post is misleading. One day I couldn’t perform, i was in a hotel , then i came back to home and did masturbation, i was able to do masturbation, then I went to doctor, he said if you are able to masturbate that rules out Venous leakage.

If your doctor really said “if you are able to masturbate that rules out venous leakage” you need a better doctor.

Venous leak, like every other condition, is not all or nothing. It can be anywhere on the spectrum of barely noticeable all the way through completely incapacitating.

If you have mild to moderate venous leak it’s perfectly logical you could perform in some instances (or positions) and not others.

See I am not saying this, research says it : If the patient obtains erections in certain situations (self-stimulation) without medication, he does not need additional laboratory or ultrasound assessment. His diagnosis can be made from the history alone.
Yes but the exception is that it should be full erection till discharge.
Venous leakage is a rare condition it doesn’t just happen overnight, everyone here comes with problem and suspects Venous leakage, even I suspect it i am not denying. But this just spreads health anxiety and creates the problem which is not present.

I generally don’t get testy or aggravated by posters. Once in a rare while. This website is pretty famous for the tone, the amount of help it provides, and the lack of rancor.

This morning is time for some rancor.

Rjnsingh: I think I speak for a large contingent of guys with ED in saying I do not give a flying fuck about what your medical book or research paper says.

I’m not worried about health anxiety and telling guys with ED that the problem is not present gets done a lot, and that alone makes things worse.

Think about human anatomy and physiology. All of the veins running to, from, in, and around the genitalia “leak.” Their job is to return the blood brought in by arteries back to the heart for re-oxygenation.

If the veins quit performing this function everyone would have a priapism and their cocks would go gangrenous and drop off. Not fun to think about.

What doctors call venous leakage might be a misnomer, but it’s very real. It’s also pretty simple math. Arterial inflow greater than venous output = erection. Arterial inflow less than venous output = loss of erection. I suppose a status quo of equal input and output is the normal flaccid.

This crap could result from aging, as I discovered when I went out to the track and tried to run 3 miles for the first time in a couple of years at age 68. Or it could be caused by an accident. Or it might just be someone has great big veins and even when sexually excited there’s insufficient pressure to allow enough erection to develop for the veins to get fully closed off.

I am a phlebotomist’s dream. I donate once a month, I’m an easy stick, and I fill a bag in 3 to 3.5 minutes. If there is a market for veiny dick porn I missed my calling, I could have been rich.

Perhaps I misinterpreted your goal here. My perception: you come on this website. You ask questions about VL. A number of guys provide you with sound advice based on their experiences. Then you proceed to tell us we’re wrong and some medical study says this or that.

My gut reaction: fuck your medical book or paper. Those of us who have lived this know more than the goddamned researchers.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby rjnsingh98@gmail.com » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:26 am

Txagq8 wrote:
rjnsingh98@gmail.com wrote:
GoodWood wrote:
If your doctor really said “if you are able to masturbate that rules out venous leakage” you need a better doctor.

Venous leak, like every other condition, is not all or nothing. It can be anywhere on the spectrum of barely noticeable all the way through completely incapacitating.

If you have mild to moderate venous leak it’s perfectly logical you could perform in some instances (or positions) and not others.

See I am not saying this, research says it : If the patient obtains erections in certain situations (self-stimulation) without medication, he does not need additional laboratory or ultrasound assessment. His diagnosis can be made from the history alone.
Yes but the exception is that it should be full erection till discharge.
Venous leakage is a rare condition it doesn’t just happen overnight, everyone here comes with problem and suspects Venous leakage, even I suspect it i am not denying. But this just spreads health anxiety and creates the problem which is not present.

I generally don’t get testy or aggravated by posters. Once in a rare while. This website is pretty famous for the tone, the amount of help it provides, and the lack of rancor.

This morning is time for some rancor.

Rjnsingh: I think I speak for a large contingent of guys with ED in saying I do not give a flying fuck about what your medical book or research paper says.

I’m not worried about health anxiety and telling guys with ED that the problem is not present gets done a lot, and that alone makes things worse.

Think about human anatomy and physiology. All of the veins running to, from, in, and around the genitalia “leak.” Their job is to return the blood brought in by arteries back to the heart for re-oxygenation.

If the veins quit performing this function everyone would have a priapism and their cocks would go gangrenous and drop off. Not fun to think about.

What doctors call venous leakage might be a misnomer, but it’s very real. It’s also pretty simple math. Arterial inflow greater than venous output = erection. Arterial inflow less than venous output = loss of erection. I suppose a status quo of equal input and output is the normal flaccid.

This crap could result from aging, as I discovered when I went out to the track and tried to run 3 miles for the first time in a couple of years at age 68. Or it could be caused by an accident. Or it might just be someone has great big veins and even when sexually excited there’s insufficient pressure to allow enough erection to develop for the veins to get fully closed off.

I am a phlebotomist’s dream. I donate once a month, I’m an easy stick, and I fill a bag in 3 to 3.5 minutes. If there is a market for veiny dick porn I missed my calling, I could have been rich.

Perhaps I misinterpreted your goal here. My perception: you come on this website. You ask questions about VL. A number of guys provide you with sound advice based on their experiences. Then you proceed to tell us we’re wrong and some medical study says this or that.

My gut reaction: fuck your medical book or paper. Those of us who have lived this know more than the goddamned researchers.

No I am just trying to know the difference between venous leak caused by anxiety and Vl caused by medical reason. How a normal guy who is absolutely fit and one day suddenly finds that he losts the erection in between. And he already had anxiety prior to that. So is there any way person can get to know ? Or everyone is getting VL only with blink of an eye ?

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Txagq8 » Tue Apr 16, 2024 10:45 am

Anxiety, by itself, shouldn’t result in a venous leak per se.

What might happen to the overanxious guy is a systemic reduction in arterial blood flow.

Not enough arterial blood in, penis doesn’t expand enough to compress veins.

Veins not compressed, they allow blood which might have been trapped in the penis to create the erection to flow out.

That’s why the term venous leakage is kind of a misnomer. Pretty much all erection problems are related to the inability to hold back enough blood to stay hard and erect.

Major exceptions would be nerve problems, spinal cord injuries. In general that would manifest itself as a failure to initiate ie you don’t get erections.

But most guys with ED see their physiology try to get an erection. They chub up a little. They get a very short lived erection. They get a semi-erection but lose it when they move.

In my case the single biggest problem was when I would thrust. Lying on my back I could get and keep an erection especially with a cocktail ring. I’d get on my knees and penetrate my wife it’d go to a semi. A few thrusts my arteries couldn’t pump enough blood to keep up with what was flowing out of veins.

It’s why I got 30+ years out of injections. Medication that opened my arteries and constricted my veins fixed the problem. Until it didn’t.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby rjnsingh98@gmail.com » Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:43 am

Txagq8 wrote:Anxiety, by itself, shouldn’t result in a venous leak per se.

What might happen to the overanxious guy is a systemic reduction in arterial blood flow.

Not enough arterial blood in, penis doesn’t expand enough to compress veins.

Veins not compressed, they allow blood which might have been trapped in the penis to create the erection to flow out.

That’s why the term venous leakage is kind of a misnomer. Pretty much all erection problems are related to the inability to hold back enough blood to stay hard and erect.

Major exceptions would be nerve problems, spinal cord injuries. In general that would manifest itself as a failure to initiate ie you don’t get erections.

But most guys with ED see their physiology try to get an erection. They chub up a little. They get a very short lived erection. They get a semi-erection but lose it when they move.

In my case the single biggest problem was when I would thrust. Lying on my back I could get and keep an erection especially with a cocktail ring. I’d get on my knees and penetrate my wife it’d go to a semi. A few thrusts my arteries couldn’t pump enough blood to keep up with what was flowing out of veins.

It’s why I got 30+ years out of injections. Medication that opened my arteries and constricted my veins fixed the problem. Until it didn’t.

I totally agree with you sir , but anxiety does cause venous leakage. studies demonstrate that the stimulation of sympathetic nerves or systemic infusion of epinephrine causes detumescence of the erect penis. That’s why people with performance anxiety lose the erection when they get some thought while performing.

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Re: If I get morning woods and can get hard with porn and masturbation, could it be a venous leak?

Postby Budward » Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:58 am

Don't know were to post this but there is a Canadian inventor that has released a new kind of cock ring for Venous leak called: Xialla, https://xialla.com/products/xialla

I thought I may have venous leak and ordered one. After my recent experiences with the peptides and Trimix I am pretty sure that I don't have VL. Hadn't had penetrating sex for 7 years, I got on Ozempic and had dramatic weight loss, so much so that I started researching a way back to a sex life. Its been since September 23 and I have now had multiple peptide experiences and Trimix 5 times. At 67 my sex life has never been better. I have to say the VED has been a Godsend as well.

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