Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

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Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:56 am

I posted this in the other subforum and I noticed this should be posted on this general discussion subforum as this is where it should belong.

Hey all. I am a former patient of Dr. Hsu. I'm from New York City. I am going to give a summary of my story and then post my meeting with Dr. Hsu from a while back. To those of you who remember me, I posted on thunders place forum years ago and many other forums because of an injury i had a long time ago. I was the guy who asked Hardwood many questions via email a long time ago on this and he recommended me Dr. Hsu. This was back in 2009 and 2010. I will post my story here again. I did not remember the name of this forum but i recall there was a forum where Hardwood was moderator for? It was something like but when i click on links of it, the site is not valid? So I then found this site which I' m pretty sure didn't existed years ago? I found this forum when typing dr. hsu.

I also didn't have sex before my injury. I remember many urologists told me that was the reason. I said... no... i could not get an erection while in my room and watching porn. How is that mental? That was what got me to the point where I needed to find a urologist/surgeon that could help.

Back in early 2005, I foolishly looked up jelqing. I was 18-19 at the time. Now my penis is below average size, I'm also Asian-American. So because of that, that is why i tried jelqing. This was on the thundersforum I"m pretty sure. It was either that or pegym but im close to 100% sure it was thundersforum. I still remember the accident to this day. I was looking at a nude magazine and i thought someone was coming into my room, i freaked out when masturbating/jelqing. i like to also say... i was doing this while my penis is fully hard. Yes very stupid of me. I did not follow instructions. The thing was I remember I did this for a few days before this. I think i was doing it right but I'm not good at following directions. I read it can get your penis longer so i thought... okay let me try it. So after that happened, i felt like my penis completely deflated right at the moment. It was very strange. I remember ppl back then asked me did you hear a pop sound as i heard that is what is normal with fractures etc. The thing was I wasn't 100% sure if there was a popping sound. I was just shook that i think there was one but if it was, the sound was not loud etc.

So after this, my penis turtled and shrinked. The next few days I noticed it was still like that. I remember whenever I went to the bathroom, my penis was turtled almost 100%. I got very scared after a few days as it kept looking like this. I thought okay let it rest which I did... but after 1 week of this... i freaked out. I no longer got morning wood and my penis was fully turtled. But not only that, i noticed when i urinate, it was like 2 streams crossing each other. Previously it was never like this... im positive. Thought i never really paid close attention to my peeing stream. Also i remember the term hard flaccid as that is a term that was used a lot. Im pretty close to 100% sure i had this as my penis was no longer like jelly anymore when you move it. It was like hard flaccid and turtled.

I got so freaked out because this week, not only did i have these issues, i could not get any erection at all. When i touch it and try to masturbate, it could not get hard. I watch porn alone... could not get it erect. This was the moment when i knew there had to been 100% damage. So when this happened, I started to see any doctors. I would see my regular doctor who would send me to see a urologist where my insurance covered. I still remember the 1st 2 urologists I saw. They examined me and said they see nothing wrong with it ater i told them my situation. One specific urologist even told me... you see this book right here? He told me i wrote this book. It's all in your head, you are young. I told him... i could not get an erection or masturbate. I could not get an erection for weeks. I then remembered when he examined he, he told me I had peyronies disease. He told me to take Vitamin E... then after a while told me I did not have peyronies. Saw another urologist who said nothing wrong etc. At this point i was very upset/angry. I could not get an erection anymore. I then looked for urologists online myself which many i had to pay out of pocket because insurance did not cover it. I remember visiting 1 or 2 urologist who i saw and i paid a few hundred dollars for them to examine me... looked at me and said nothing wrong you are young etc.

This all happened like the first few weeks and few months after my injury. At this point, I basically gaved up. I posted my issue on the forum... some people thought i was joking around or trolling. Some took me seriously. But the point was there didn't seem to be anything i could do about this. This was in 2005. I spent like many months that year looking for help, every urologist told me its mental etc.

I did not get morning wood at all after my injury. But not only that, i could not ejaculate at all. I still remember till this day... from my injury in February 2005.... i finally was able to ejaculate while watching porn and this was in late 2005 like November. You know how i was able to do this? The only way i could get an erection and sort of maintain it was squish my inner thighs into my testicles/penis. The moment i unsqueezed my legs while standing up or even sitting down, my erection immediately went away. Before my injury, i could masturbate while looking at porn whether sitting or standing up. It was impossible for me to get an erection by masturbating by standing up. This was 1st time i was able to ejaculate after like 9 months.
Last edited by donny3 on Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:34 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:57 am

Looking for Help

The next few years 2006-2009, I basically gaved up. My depression was very high because of this. Between those years, I basically gaved up looking for help was i saw at least 6 urologists back in 2005 who couldn't help me.

Fast forward to 2009 or so. At this point, I got so upset more and I could not continue to live like this anymore. I then decided I have to do something about it. I posted on the forums again looking for help and some people suggested like DMSO oil and other things. I don't think i tried this. Because some ppl said DMSO oil doesn't work. But at this point, I went to more urologist that accepted my insurance. There was 1 urologist... i went to him a total of maybe 10 times minimum... and im not exaggerating. He did many blood test and test on me. What he notice was my testestrone was low. I told him injury. But he said there is really nothing you can do about it except use cialis or injections. He also thought it was mental as well. Now i completely understand his opinion because in the US, doctors follow proper protocol. So at this point he did a few tests on me. One test i specifically remmeber was he lent me this machine which measured my erections at night. It was like you put a string over it when you go to sleep. After those tests he said... he noticed there was something physically wrong with the erection. So because of that, i was happy. But there was nothing he could really do about it. I then remember he told me i had a varicocele. I ended up having surgery for it from him and it worked out okay i believe.

I remember he scheduled me to do an mri test of the brain as well... no idea why but he did it. I remember in the test, he said my prolactin was very high which could be a cause of this. He did give me cialis to take. Again, I did not have sex at this time yet but i needed to know my erection would work when masturbating. I took those pills and notice it did help me get erection when watching porn. The problem? I had to still squeeze my legs while erect to keep erection. i dont remember 100% or not if i could masturbate and get an erection while standing up while taking cialis. Because if i could, i think i would been happy. But the thing was in back of my mind, i cant take cialis everytime i want to get erect while standing up. I mean i was young guy. Now this doctor did a caverject injection in my penis in his office. When he did this, i remember i got one of the strongest erection ever. He said from that test, it showed i could maintain an erection. My issue was i did not want to inject a needle into my penis... i thought... im scared of needles... i cant do this. But i understand the 2 options he gave me was proper protocol.

Now at one point, i asked him for a printout copy of my medical tests. This was what changed everything. I remember when going through the papers and seeing i have high or low prolactin, low testesterone etc... i notice it was written venous leak on the paper. I then googled it online and read all tons of things about it. I then visited him again and asked him about venous leak and he said yes i have it but there is nothing he can do about it. Again this is understandable because western doctors are not suppose to talk about things like surgery as that is not allowed in the US as its experimental.

I remember on thundersforum, there was this one guy guy around my age who told me he had venous leak and he went to a Australian radiologist for this. I told him my issues, the squeeze legs to masturbate and he told me he had similar symptoms. He said he flew to Australia and a radiologist did venous leak embolization on him. He told me the surgery was not invasive and safe and all the doctor did was tie something around the area. When i heard this, i immediately contacted that Australian doctor. What happened was the secretary answered my email and then eventually i spoke to that radiologist on the issue. I asked if i could see him and how much it would cost. He seemed to be not helpful as he told me that young guy had this specific issue and i told him i had a very similar issue so i like to see him. But he thought that guy's case was different which is why it worked for him.

I remembered he was busy a lot and eventually that doctor did not respond back to me as he was really busy. I do not remember his name, just remember he was Australian. And if he wasn't going to respond back to me, I did not want to see him if anything goes wrong.
Last edited by donny3 on Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:58 am

Finding Out About Dr. Hsu and Meeting with Him in Taiwan

So at this time, i remembered posting in a forum and this poster Hardwood posted and replied back to me. I remember this was not on one of these forums but something like or something. I asked him questions about the surgery and he told me he had the surgery months ago. I told him my story and he said its most likely venous leak. I asked him if he had complications and he told me he does have some numbness on the penis but says Dr. Hsu tells him it goes away with time. He said it definitely was getting a little better as this was months ago. He told me to contact Dr. Hsu but most importantly... he told me to not rush things. He said to take things slowly like cialis and maybe do some exercises to try to heal it. I told him this was years ago. This is 2010 when my injury happened in 2005. He said this is experimental surgery, its not like something that is 100% so don't rush things. Me at the time... i thought about it and I thought to myself, i dont' care about the risks. There is no way i can continue like this.

I contacted Dr. Hsu via email. I remember i answered his questions and he told me i most likely have venous leak as my test showed i had venous leak. So at this point, I wanted to see him. Now this was what concerned me. Back in 2010 when you googled Dr. Geng Long Hsu, there was very little information about him. Even hardwood who i talk to said others thought okay how do you know if he is not a scammer etc. But the thing was we had a relative in Hong Kong who told us yes this doctor is real and not a fake. So i feel good about this. Then i remember I did a skype video chat with him. Dr. Hsu was pretty friendly but busy at the time. He then said yes I could come to Taiwan and see him and perform the surgery. He did describe the process like it would take at least 5-6 hours under local anesthetia and painful. I told him i understand.

The price back in 2010 I paid for the venous leak surgery was $10000 or $12000 USD. He also did Varicocele surgery for an additional $500 USD. My surgery cost total was $10500 or $12500 USD. I do not remember 100% as this was back in 2010. I do remember Dr. Hsu helped with booking of my hotel stay as well and that covered everything. So that cost covered everything.

Okay so I did not go to Taiwan alone. I went with my father. My family would not trust me going there by myself. It was long flight from New York to Taiwan. By the time i got there, i did not sleep at all during the long flight. Dr. Hsu had driver to take us and meet him at his work place. I still remember that office... it was in the older district. I know Dr. Hsu told me years ago he moved to a better clinic. So when we get there we talk about the situation. We then went into a room where he did test to show if i had venous leak or not. Now this test he did, was extremely painful. I do not remember the name of it but it was me like pinned to one of those beds but im like vertical. It was one of the most painful test i ever did. I forgot to mention this earlier but back when i did several tests with my NYC urologist, one test he did was extremely painful. It was like he put a telescope in the hole of my penis. This test Dr. Hsu did hurt very similar... i don't remember which one hurt more.

So after he did the tests, he told me he does notice I have venous leak. But then he told me he didn't think I was that great of a candidate for venous leak surgery. But i eventually said please and convinced him because I didn't think come to Taiwan for nothing. He then agreed to it. Now if someone is a scammer, they would push the surgery on you. Dr. Hsu is not that and that is why I trust him.

Now on to the surgery. I remember Dr. Hsu had like 2 patients to assist during the surgery. This surgery is extremely painful. He uses local aesesthia and its not like he puts you to sleep like in the US. This surgery took like 5-6 hours i remember. What I did remember about this surgery besides the pain was Dr. Hsu kept making jokes while doing the surgery. I tried to laugh but also was worried because this surgery is not like a simple surgery. This is a salvage and experimental surgery. Dr. Hsu told me his success rate was in the 90% so if i did this surgery, he is only guy i would go to. Hardwood said same thing... if he did this surgery, he only go to Dr. Hsu. I remember there was a european urologist who he got in contact with before Dr. Hsu but he said that doctor didn't seem to care much and said success rate was like 30-50% whch is obviously not good.

Okay so after the surgery, i was in terrible pain. Your penis is basically wrapped. I then remember Dr. Hsu would come to the hotel to visit me and my father for next few days. We left a few days after the surgery in case anything goes wrong. I remember when Dr. Hsu removed the thing from my penis and then taped it back, he said he did good job. Now the next few days in Taiwan... i had lot of pain in my penis.

When we fly back to New York, I talk to Dr. Hsu on skype. My father then helped me remove the covering of my penis. It was extremely hard to do this. I could not do it myself. After this, I just rested. Now I had terrible pain on my penis which Dr. Hsu said is normal. There was a shower pain I had. When i use shower, the water hitting my penis hurt a lot like fire on my penis. Dr. Hsu told me that is normal and to take bath. I asked Hardwood about this and he said yes that shower pain he had and it does last for a while but eventually it will go away. I remember i had this pain for quite a while.

Now during this time, i make sure to not masturbate or do anything like this which could damage my penis. My penis looked much shorter as well. Now this is what freaked me out at first. One night when i had erection, it felt like close to a full erection, my penis was not only shortened, it looked like it was shortened by less than half. I was freaked out and immediately contacted Dr. Hsu about this. This was early in morning so I don't think he was on computer so i freaked out and googled online about penis shortening from surgery and i read this was possible. At the time, I for some reason did not thought about this. Now when Dr. Hsu responded to my on skype with video message, he told me don't worry this is normal... you will get back your length in few months. When i heard this, I didn't know what to believe. I thought... how is that even possible. He joked and laughed and said don't worry. So then i calmed down and trust him and hope things will get better. Now im sure if anyone had this happen, you all would be very worried.
Last edited by donny3 on Wed Oct 30, 2019 2:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:58 am

Now about 2.5 months after the surgery, I remember one day i had erection, my penis erect size was very close to my normal erection size. I got so excited when i saw this. But i didn't know if it was temporary or not. Then i remember the next few days or so, it was like this when i try to get erection so I was relieved.

I do have an incision in the area right above my penis where there is pubic hair. That is expected for surgery like this.

I have looked through this forum and it seems lot of ppl had the surgery and had bad results and lot of people seem to talk negative about Dr. Hsu. Now, I had this surgery back in 2010. I know Dr. Hsu like in 2011 or 2012 moved to a better clinic compared to the one he had back then. I see lot of people say the surgery does not work and it is a scam.
This is not the Dr. Hsu I met. He didn't even want to seem to want to perform the surgery on me... until I begged him to do it.

Now yes he did say back in 2010 90% of his surgeries were successful. As of now, I don't know why so many people here seem to talk bad about him. I have tough time believing so many people had bad experience with him. I did remember years ago he told me if i saw a different surgeon first before i go to him... such as that doctor mess up the surgery, it would be a lot harder for him to fix it. I remember he said if the penis was performed a 2nd surgery, you had to wait at least 1 year to do it. Because of that, there was no way i would go to any other surgeon for this. And yes... I knew there were risks of it. But there was no way i would continue living my life like this. If you all knew my mindset, you would understand and im sure all of you do after reading this.

Now reading how some people surgery didn't go the way it was suppose to, yes there are risks in it. But because of my mental state and because Dr. Hsu had high success rate, I had zero doubt I would do it. Also back in 2010, when you typed in Dr. Geng long hsu on google, there was very little information about him. I remember i only found 1 picture online back then. Now when i type his name, its all over google and google pictures.

Now for those of you who considered venous leak surgery with Dr. Hsu, the first thing you have to make sure is confirm through a test that you do in fact have venous leak. If you don't, Dr. Hsu would not perform the surgery on you. He is a very funny and caring guy. He always answered my emails/skype back then. He is the nicest doctor i ever met and that includes doctors i met in the US.
Last edited by donny3 on Wed Oct 30, 2019 5:30 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:59 am

And anyone here who spoke with me back then via email can confirm who I am from reading this. I spoke with many of Dr. Hsu potential patients via email many years ago or people that had questions about it in general. I remember i told everyone that if you do this surgery, Dr. Hsu would be the only person I would trust. I also mentioned if your condition was not serious, then I think you probably shouldn't do it. Because again, this surgery is experimental. Its not like a risk free surgery.

For me, I could not get an erection standing up regardless of what I do. I did not get an erection for 9 months after the injury until I found out only way was to squeeze my legs towards my testicables.. That is serious enough for me and most people. Now if you ask me if i could do it all over again, I trust Dr. Hsu and yes I would. At the time, I had no option besides cialis/injections which i wasn't happy about it. Now of course i wish i never did jelqing in the first place which caused this nightmare for me.

I even spoke to a few on the phone as well back then years ago when Dr. Hsu said some people wanted to speak to me on the phone about my experience. I remember speaking to several people on the phone on my surgery experience. Any questions or comments, feel free to ask me here.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Wed Oct 30, 2019 1:59 am

I also like to say this. After the injury I had, i no longer got morning wood ever. After the surgery, I did get morning wood but its not the same super strong morning wood like before the accident. Its still strong. Remember after the injury, i had zero morning wood for years.

When i had the surgery, i was 23-24. If I never met Dr. Hsu, I don't know where I would be right now. Also my biggest fear at the time was if Dr. Hsu would retire and no longer perform the surgery. That was why after knowing about him from Hardwood, I went to taiwan pretty quickly and asked Dr. Hsu when was the soonest i could meet him for surgery. I still remember i found out about Dr. Hsu in January 2010 and went to him for surgery in April 2010. Any questions/comments, I will answer it.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:18 pm

Had someone messaged me on this and i answered many of his questions. If anyone here have questions about this, feel free to private message me.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby mj4117 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:42 pm

donny3 - I sent you a private message. Can you reply when you have a moment?

Thank you!

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby donny3 » Sat Feb 29, 2020 9:28 pm

Replied back.

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Re: Venous Leak Surgery- Dr. Hsu Patient Story

Postby mj4117 » Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:23 pm

donny3 - I sent you another message. I look forward to hearing from you again. Thanks so much!

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