Good Info and a Contribution to FT, Too!

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Good Info and a Contribution to FT, Too!

Postby RobinWriter » Thu Jun 23, 2011 10:37 am

Paul has posted some info on the Home page, and a link to buy my book, HARD! Maintaining Potency, Elimination Erectile Dysfunction, and Enjoying Healthy Sex for Life. Just wanted to remind everyone that I'm donating $1.00 of the $4.89 price to, so you can get some good information -- perhaps life changing -- while helping to maintain this site in the process.

My work as a biochemist and wannabe naturopath, doesn't follow many of the traditional paths. I discuss nutrition and exercise in ways you may not have thought about. I am not a zealot: having a few beers with some ribs with buddies while watching the game is NOT going to put you nutritionally on the path to hell. I've developed a simple, common sense, real-world approach to nutrition and health. Not just for your dick, but for all of you.

Even if you use the pump, or an implant, or any other device -- even the pill -- your nutrition will impact your ability to be a good lover. The rest of you has to be a sufficiently healthy delivery mechanism for your dick, or the hardest boner in the world can still disappoint your partner.

Here's the kicker... a year ago, I couldn't get it up. Now I can, and without pills. I walked my talk. My body was my laboratory. And it worked.

I write the book with humor, some dirty jokes, and a lot of irreverence -- just the way we men speak when among our compatriots. It'll be the best $4.89 you've spent in a while... and you'll help out Paul.

Go to and use the code ZZ84X at checkout to flag your purchase as part donation.

Thank you, and I'm sure Paul thanks you.

Robin D. Ader

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