A possible low-cost alternative to Viagra and Cialis, etc.

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A possible low-cost alternative to Viagra and Cialis, etc.

Postby Woodicould » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:29 pm

Dr. "Sniffy" Myers has a blog. Recently on his blog he said "Viagra tablets or 20 mg Levitra tablets cost between $350-$400. Ten 20 mg Cialis tablets cost between $400-$450. Many insurance companies do not cover these drugs at all or will cover an inadequate number of pills. Many men who might benefit from these drugs simply cannot afford them.

There is an alternative. Revatio is a medication used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. It also contains sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. Revatio is available in generic form as a 20 mg pill. When I did a cost analysis, I found that Sam’s Club and Walmart often charge under $60 for 90 pills. This works out to $0.67 per pill. Five Revatio tablets are equal to a single 100 mg Viagra tablet. Revatio costs $3.33 compared to about $40 for the 100 mg Viagra. While the generic sildenafil is chemically identical to Viagra, it is FDA-approved for pulmonary hypertension.

So, prescribing it for sexual function is considered off-label. However, in the United States, prescribing drugs off-label is allowed.

As each of the physicians we spoke with point out, the loss of sexual function from radiation develops slowly after radiation therapy and can take up to five years to fully manifest. It appears that radiation alters the blood vessels going to the penis in a way that results in a slow decay in the ability of the arteries to open up and increase blood flow. As Viagra and related drugs work by improving blood vessel relaxation, these drugs are often quite effective in treating sexual dysfunction after radiation.

There is also some evidence that daily low doses of these drugs are more effective than taking a single large dose at the time of sexual activity. They may even slow or prevent the slow progressive damage seen following radiation, especially if they’re started early. Again, until recently, cost has been a huge issue for many men. The availability of a generic sildenafil in the form of Revatio offers a solution."
Prostate cancer age 65 with PSA 5.8. Biopsy Oct 2010. Gleason score of 7, 3+4 with perineural invasion. Stage II, T2cNXMX.
Jan-Feb 2011 radiation. Palladium-103 seed implant March 2011 (55 implants). Lupron treatment from Dec 2010 to Aug 2011 (8 months).

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Re: A possible low-cost alternative to Viagra and Cialis, etc.

Postby hardernharder » Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:06 am

Thanks! great info,

This is for Cialis:


Posts: 103
Joined: Sat May 21, 2011 4:15 pm

Re: A possible low-cost alternative to Viagra and Cialis, etc.

Postby padreest » Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:54 pm

you might try northwestpharmacy.com allday chemist is another. Important if CIPA approved.

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