Hello and introduction

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:32 am

Hello and introduction

Postby rdpugh » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:48 pm

Hello. I joined up a few days ago so I thought I would post an introduction. I found this forum while searching for information on the use of vacuum devices and vacuum therapy which led me to some information on vacuum therapy at a prostate cancer forum, which then led me here. From reading a few posts, it sounds like a quite a number here have had prostate cancer, and now have ED. Well I am here because I have ED most likely caused by hypertension and diabetes, and I figured this was the better place to sign up because this forum is about ED from any cause. I am married and 33 years old and have had problems with ED since my late 20's. FIrst it started out with being able to get an erection but then loosing it during intercourse. That then progressed to where it is difficult to get an erection. I have been a bit overweight, and I was diagnosed with hypertension in my early 20's and diabetes only a few years ago. I have been keeping my blood sugar under control with diet and exercise along with taking metformin. I have lost a good bit of weight, but still have a bit more to go. I am 6'4" and got up to 350lbs, but since went down to 300lbs and still working on it. Most likely the diabetes and hypertension have beat up my vascular system to where my ED is from venous leakage. I have not been to a urologist to confirm it, but don't really see a need to. A couple of years ago, I started researching treatments for ED because I thought that I may not be able to take the oral meds because of blood pressure. I came across information about vacuum devices and vacuum therapy. I decided to get a Rejoyn pump, which is made by Vac-U-Tech, and have been using that successfully for almost two years, say a year and a half. I have been quite pleased with this treatment. In the beginning, I did have to purchase a few extra rings because the rings that came with the pump were not tight enough. Once I found the right rings a couple of weeks, most spent waiting on the post, after ordering the pump, everything worked good again. Later I went to my doctor to discuss my ED with her. She gave me a sample of cialis just to try. It did nothing. I haven't tried any other treatments yet, not quite ready to try injections and not sure if they would work, nor any where near ready for an implant. I can now get an erection and maintain it while laying down or sitting, but as soon as I move, it is gone. Used to, I couldn't get an erection at all. I look forward to participating in the forum and will be definitly posting in the pumping section.

PK Man

Re: Hello and introduction

Postby PK Man » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:31 am

It was great chatting with you, and your introduction helps me see you as more than an anonymous name on a chat board. Take care.

Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:32 am

Re: Hello and introduction

Postby rdpugh » Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:24 am

It was good talking to you too last night and seeing someone familiar. I see a few people I recognize from other boards I have participated in. Infact, a guy here named JackP was on a yahoogroup that I used to be a member of. He provided me a lot of help with the use of vacuum therapy for ED when I was first getting started.

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Joined: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:53 am

Re: Hello and introduction

Postby Daveuk36 » Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:14 am

Hi there mate, as a fellow newbie to the site, i just thought id say hello. Im a similar age, 37 and have similar symptoms to yours, although i think the cause of mine is sleep aponea. Any way, how you find some answers on here pal. Dave
Dave, 37, married guy, Sleep problems and meds causing ED

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Re: Hello and introduction

Postby Thomas » Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:55 pm

Just a little feedback from my history with meds, Cialis did very little for me, but Viagra makes it dance! Go back to your doctor and ask to try some of the others.

- Tom
Robotic RP Sept 2008
Cancer free
ED, but still hopeful (meds work well)

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Re: Hello and introduction

Postby Bootheel » Sat Feb 27, 2010 10:02 am

The injections will work for sure. They bypass all of the other channels for an erection. I had prostate surgery over two years ago and have been injecting for about 18 months with great success. Once you get over the fear and develop the right technique, the rewards are worth the effort. I use Bi-mix. it doesn't have to be refrigerated. Your Uro will probably give the first shot in his office to show you how.

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