Interactions with over-the-counter medications?

Anything goes when it comes to ED.
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Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2014 6:57 am

Interactions with over-the-counter medications?

Postby grunter » Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:33 am

I have been very clear with my doctor over the years that I really hate having pills thrown at me constantly to take care of momentary symptoms. But as I've aged, especially in these last few years, I've had to accept a daily dose of a number of pills that aren't just optional -- e.g., diabetes meds, blood pressure meds, low testosterone meds, etc.

My ED seems to be an unpredictable thing. With all the "t" gels and boner pills that I've been prescribed, occasionally my dick gets hard easily and works just fine. But other days, it's like the thing just goes completely dead.

Yesterday, in particular, I saw my doctor and was prescribed two new drugs: one, an antidepressant, which I'm hugely against, but for which I promised my counselor I would try; and the other, a decongestant for a bout of bronchitis that just won't quit. I took both new pills yesterday afternoon. By evening, when my thoughts turned to more amorous endeavors, my equipment just would not work no matter how much I tried. I suspect last night's block to have been the influx of new pharmaceuticals coursing through my body.

Is this something I can expect in the future? Do new meds always affect a man's potency? I'm just so freakin' tired of trying to get the combination of my body chemicals just right so that I can experience a few minutes of pleasure. But then, that's what this condition is all about, right?

Posts: 625
Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2011 2:44 pm

Re: Interactions with over-the-counter medications?

Postby Anonymous2 » Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:17 pm

Hi Some of the drugs your are cycling you, meaning there giving you good days and bad days, but watch out with the antidepressants, there sex killers, google natural ways out of depression you may find an answer that way, least it would keep you off the drugs.
Diabetes meds are sex killers, ED, if its diabetes 2? have you tried controlling it by diet, if you can do it, that would be more meds out of the way.
And I think so are the high blood pressure meds, again google natural ways out of HBP, you may find a better way, if so more drugs out of the way.
Can we keep going?
Do hope there is some help here.
Good Luck
Your Penis is Affected by Every Aspect of Your Physical, Mental and Emotional Life.

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