ED Meds from the VA

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ED Meds from the VA

Postby flyingduck2019 » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:24 pm

I'm not sure where this should go, so I am posting in general.

For any of you veterans out there who are getting your medications to help with your ED, are you having any issues getting those medications from the VA? I ask because I am trying to get an implant through the VA and when I first asked about ED medications about 3 months ago I was told there is a national shortage of muse and alprostidal. For the last 3+ years i have been using trimix and I am told the VA does not provide trimix. I'm starting to get frustrated concerning going to the VA. Below is why:

I had my first appointment with my VA doctor on 14 February, 2023. At that meeting I told him about my ED issue and what I was using and how difficlut is was to get it without having to rob a bank and I would like to get an implant. He said he would send a referrel to the urology clinic at the VA for a consultation and they would call me to set up an appointment. WELL, I waited and waited for a phone call. Finally, on the 16th of March I had a video appointment with my doctor's nurse. I asked about the referrel to urology and was told that urology had terminated the request. I never received a phone call, text, email or anything telling me this. I was left to hang in the breeze.

On the 17th of March I had a message from my doctor's nurse stating that my doctor had submitted another request to urology for a consultation and requesting they give me an implant. WELL, damn good thing I am not holding my breath! I would be awfully blue by now! No phone call, message, email, smoke signals or anything.

I have medicare and tricare for life as a veteran and I have been told if the urologist writes it up correctly they will cover the entire cost of an implant. I have been seeing a great uro locally and have an appointment on the 17th to discuss an implant.
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby Old Guy » Wed Apr 05, 2023 4:33 pm

Not a vet but if the VA isn't doing their part it is time to find a good urologist. If you have Medicare A and Part B, with your tricare coverage you should have zero or little cost. If you don't have Part B Medicare you may have a big co-pay. Best of luck moving forward, and Thank You for your service.
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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby flyingduck2019 » Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:35 pm

Old Guy,
Thanks for the response. Yes, I have part A and part B and Tricare for life from my military service will cover what medicare doesn't. Example: my wife had colon cancer surgery. Bill was over $75K. We paid not one penny out of pocket. Maybe I shouldn't be too hard on the VA. I get my hearing aids, batteries, glasses, medications and $2300.00 a month as I am rated 90% disabled because of hearing loss while in the military. It just pisses me off that they seem to think it is OK to just blow people off with no explination or contact.
Anyway, thanks again for the comback.
The Duck
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby dtwarren1942 » Thu Apr 06, 2023 7:00 pm

I am only a 2 year veteran but I probably should have gone to the VA for glasses. I had to pay Cosco $230 with transition and progressive. However, several years ago i went to see if they could help me save with my diabetes medications. but they wouldn’t prescribe/authorize any of the medications my endocrinologist recommended. So I never went back.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Apr 07, 2023 4:16 am

flyingduck2019 wrote:I'm not sure where this should go, so I am posting in general.

For any of you veterans out there who are getting your medications to help with your ED, are you having any issues getting those medications from the VA? I ask because I am trying to get an implant through the VA and when I first asked about ED medications about 3 months ago I was told there is a national shortage of muse and alprostidal. For the last 3+ years i have been using trimix and I am told the VA does not provide trimix. I'm starting to get frustrated concerning going to the VA. Below is why:

I had my first appointment with my VA doctor on 14 February, 2023. At that meeting I told him about my ED issue and what I was using and how difficlut is was to get it without having to rob a bank and I would like to get an implant. He said he would send a referrel to the urology clinic at the VA for a consultation and they would call me to set up an appointment. WELL, I waited and waited for a phone call. Finally, on the 16th of March I had a video appointment with my doctor's nurse. I asked about the referrel to urology and was told that urology had terminated the request. I never received a phone call, text, email or anything telling me this. I was left to hang in the breeze.

On the 17th of March I had a message from my doctor's nurse stating that my doctor had submitted another request to urology for a consultation and requesting they give me an implant. WELL, damn good thing I am not holding my breath! I would be awfully blue by now! No phone call, message, email, smoke signals or anything.

I have medicare and tricare for life as a veteran and I have been told if the urologist writes it up correctly they will cover the entire cost of an implant. I have been seeing a great uro locally and have an appointment on the 17th to discuss an implant.

Thank you for serving our country, flyingduck.

I infer that you are service-connected disabled and enrolled in the VA Healthcare system, otherwise (I assume) you would not have health care through the VA. I found (both in service and in the VA) it is beneficial (or even necessary) to pave the way for anything to get done successfully. Get your ducks in a row beforehand and follow up on everything that is supposed to happen afterward. Stay in touch with the Authorizations desk on all consults. Remember the names of everyone you talk to and thank them by name at the end of every call (People love to be remembered. Also, thank them even if they have not been helpful - they have at least given you their time.)

To wit: A travel clerk/nurse was near obstructive about me travelling to get care the first few times we talked, but she remembered me (and that I had told her that I was seeking an implannt) and actually called me up to let me know a surgeon who was expert in implants (had actually taught the procedure) had recently been assigned and asked if I would be willing to consder him. This led to a successful meeting and shortly thereafter a successful implant. She did not have to reach out to me, but did because I was persistent and polite even in the face of discouragement from her.

Also, take written notes with each contact with providers, clerks, etc. It helps keep everyone's names straight and stay ahead of deadlines, etc.

In my experience, it is sometimes difficult to maintain contact with providers and they do not often reach out if a patient "evaporates". Do not be that patient. (Double entendre intended.) Annd always polite.

Good luck. Remember, no battle plan survives intact after first contact with the enemy. While the VA is not your enemy, you do need to keep your plan flexible.
Lost Sheep
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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby ape1100 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:43 am

flyingduck2019 wrote:I'm not sure where this should go, so I am posting in general.

For any of you veterans out there who are getting your medications to help with your ED, are you having any issues getting those medications from the VA? I ask because I am trying to get an implant through the VA and when I first asked about ED medications about 3 months ago I was told there is a national shortage of muse and alprostidal. For the last 3+ years i have been using trimix and I am told the VA does not provide trimix. I'm starting to get frustrated concerning going to the VA. Below is why:

I had my first appointment with my VA doctor on 14 February, 2023. At that meeting I told him about my ED issue and what I was using and how difficlut is was to get it without having to rob a bank and I would like to get an implant. He said he would send a referrel to the urology clinic at the VA for a consultation and they would call me to set up an appointment. WELL, I waited and waited for a phone call. Finally, on the 16th of March I had a video appointment with my doctor's nurse. I asked about the referrel to urology and was told that urology had terminated the request. I never received a phone call, text, email or anything telling me this. I was left to hang in the breeze.

On the 17th of March I had a message from my doctor's nurse stating that my doctor had submitted another request to urology for a consultation and requesting they give me an implant. WELL, damn good thing I am not holding my breath! I would be awfully blue by now! No phone call, message, email, smoke signals or anything.

I have medicare and tricare for life as a veteran and I have been told if the urologist writes it up correctly they will cover the entire cost of an implant. I have been seeing a great uro locally and have an appointment on the 17th to discuss an implant.

i am 100% service connected and the only meds i get form the VA is cialis or viagra if i choose. they do not cover trimix as its compounded so i always pay out of packet for those. dealing with the VA is a true PAIN IN THE ASS. i went in for a simple pain and was told to expect a call for a simple ultrasound. never got a call and radiology never got the referral or call. from what i have read on the forum is that the VA will pay for the implant and most likely will refer out to a community care provider. that just tells me that you have to do all the legwork to ensure it gets done, especially if its something that important. i know i will need an implant in the future so the VA is my only option since i cannot pay for it. i only hope that they do refer off site and its a reputable surgeon. just my two cents.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil

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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby tomas1 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 1:06 pm

About 23 years ago I went to VA to try to get oral ED med. They refused to prescribe it and told me I'd have to attend pumping school first. I had/have a friend who is a pharmacist there and he suggested going to school and telling them it didn't work. I never went back.

I had an experience in the army firing a 57mm recoilless rifle two times without any ear protection. They told us we wouldn't need it. My ears have been ringing ever since. I was 17 at the time.
85 years
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Re: ED Meds from the VA

Postby flyingduck2019 » Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:19 pm

Guys, thanks for the response and information. So far I have posted about how my VA provider requested a consult with the VA uro and it was closed by the uro department and I was never notified. Well, also, I take testosterone injections and that was also referred to the VA uro department. Again, it was dropped and I was not notified. Next, I was told the provider had sent another consult request and requesting I get an implant. Again, the uro department closed the request and the only way I found out was I had written a complaint to the VA patient advocate about it. Yesterday, I received a phone call from my providers nurse and she told me about the closing by the uro department. She said my provider was going to order a pump for me. I told my provider at our first meeting that I had been down the pill and pump route years ago. I then got the sad story about how the uro department was so understaffed and they were supposed to send notifications to my provider about what was going on with my case and they failed to do so, and that my provider has over 1000 patients to monitor.

I have decided that I am not going any further with the VA. I can still get my usual medications through express scripts, and yes, I will have a copay, usually $12.00 for a 90 day supply. I will stay with the doctor I was going to for normal issues. I have an appointment on the 17th of this month to see my local uro about getting an implant. I know he will do it and my medicare and tricare for life will cover the entire cost. The money I am getting for my 90% VA disability will more than cover the cost of any of my medications through express scripts.

Again, thanks to all,
The Duck
Phil, 75, married 54 years, ED started about 9 years ago. After viagra and cialis and pumping have found Trimix. Use 10 units injected with a partial erection. 31g-5/16" or 31g 1/2"needle. 10-1-30 :D :D :D Wife likes it too :D :D :D :D

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