Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

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Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby TwoStep » Tue May 08, 2012 12:11 am

I think we need a thread with information on the long-term sexual development after RP for those who intend to stay alive for a long time.
It would be very helpful to hear from those who had RP several years ago and use their penis with the help of a pump/injections/Viagra as opposed to an implant.
(Implants are a different subject with different issues to deal with)

I will start off with a question on size but I hope this thread can be for everything sexual long-term after RP.
Did your penis size stabilize within one/two years after RP or has it continued shrinking since then?

Good health to all!

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby bluene » Tue May 08, 2012 4:54 pm

Robotic Prostatectomy September 2007. Once I determined that pills wouldn't work (It appears they seldom do with RP), I started with the vacuum pump 6 months later and have used it daily ever since. Six months after I started with it, penis returned to its former length, and girth was even larger than ever. Length pretty well stabilized at pre-RP level but girth continued to increase for another year or so. Once I began with the pump we have had glorious intercourse 3 times a week, but orgasms take longer and longer all the time. We sometimes use other means to finish me off when my loving spouse gets tired, which takes about 10 minutes. Having a great time at 80 years of age. Don't give up.

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby Shooter500 » Tue May 08, 2012 6:13 pm

Laparascopic Radical P in APril of 2007. I started Trimix 4 months after surgery (6 months ago I added levitra 30 minutes prior to injection). Used a vacume pump for a few months had some pain with it and was concerned about doing damage. I might reconsider afer what I have read on this site. Girth is back to full size, I my have lost a 1/2 inch in length but not much. Recovery has continued for the duration, and I continue to improve. I have had over 500 injections with no scarring. I do experience an unusual side effect of a mild burning in my feet several hours after injecting, but no big deal. Orgasm's take a lot longer but are extremely powerful. On a few rare occasions, I have had more than one after resting and getting back at it.

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby Thomas » Tue May 08, 2012 6:56 pm

RP Sept 2008 - Viagra works well for me and I had no change in penis size. Orgasm intensity is my only challenge, but still feels good!
Robotic RP Sept 2008
Cancer free
ED, but still hopeful (meds work well)

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Wed May 09, 2012 5:51 pm


First, welcome this is a good place. I am also PCa with robotic surgery from 10/06 and the world has certainly been a much different place. You did not say your age when you had surgery and I'm beginning to think that has a big impact. It seems the younger you are the better and quicker the recovery.

I lost a lot of size from the surgery but then I was a grower so that may have had an influence. If you are not pumping you should seriously consider beginning a program. There is no doubt that all of us, after surgery and probably radiation, need a Penile Rehab Program. Many docs are not there yet so we are on our own to figure this out and take control. The pumping therapy I've undertaken has made a difference! Those efforts plus stretching exercises has give me my length mostly back. I agree with the other posts- the pumping also adds girth(a nice plus). There are a lot of advantages to a reasonable pumping program.

We must take control of our own rehab! And it is a contact sport- the more you use him the better and as often as possible. You should be able not only to stop the loss of length but also work to regain much or all of it. Many guys who pump report they, over time, are even able to add some length. I will also add that, since surgery my climax is more intense and seems to last longer- a nice part of my new normal. Each of us is different and responds differently to this crappy hand we were dealt. But, most important is to get the PCa, and then rehab and become comfortable with our new sexual normal.

That is an excellent question you have posed. Hope this gets you started and feel free to ask further in chat or contact some of us thru a PM.

Again, welcome.


PCa-surgery 10/06

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby TwoStep » Thu May 10, 2012 2:29 am

Thanks a lot for your replies! They are all of great help to me (I'm setting expectations), wonderfully informative and on-topic.

You have contributed a lot on this forum with your personal experiences. Please disregard my specific situation since it's not very transparent and hard to say anything about :) I never had to fight against cancer, I just had a weird injury and after seeing many doctors there's a consensus that I had nerve damage similar to what happens with RP. I have ED but it doesn't scare me since I've tried VED and injections and both work OK, should all else fail. So no need for encouragement on my potential recovery, although obviously recovering would be nice :) I do the pump therapy.
I hope that although we're not in quite the same boat, others will also find it useful to hear people's stories of long-term developments after RP.

I'm really interested in the long-term perspective, whether some of the veterans have had things deteriorating over a long time after RP. I want to know when I can say "this is what I have and can keep it".
regain-is-the aim, how long did it take till your erect/pumped penis stopped shrinking and instead stabilized or even started to recover? How's your girth compared to pre-RP?

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby TwoStep » Sat May 12, 2012 3:51 am

I hope you don't feel that I'm trying to push my way into the PCa club by the way, as I never had it.

regain-is-the-aim how's your ED status? I guess my previous question about when it stopped shrinking cannot be answered if you didn't see any erections during those 4 years. I'm glad girth i coming back for you guys, is it back for good or just in the hours after pumping?

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby Crazyjohn46 » Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:23 pm

I had RP in 2004 by the old method. Also had 6 weeks of radiation and 3 years Lupron. I'd guess my penis is about 1" smaller when fully erect which only occurs if I inject myself. I don't think it has continued to shrink.

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Re: Anyone had RP long ago? (5 years +)

Postby radiodec » Sat Sep 08, 2012 8:59 pm

RP 12 1/2 years ago. Non-nerve sparing, straight to injections at urologists recommendation. They worked great for quite a few years, always a bit of a pain. Length stable at about 1 inch loss. Now injections are a no show, so waiting on IPP surgery to be scheduled.

I guess that is a good long run after an old style retro-pubic radical prostatectomy. Good luch on your journey.

70 - married 47 years: RP - 2000, injections till 2012, AMS700LGX with 21cm tubes 2cm extenders 11/7/2012, failed 6/5/2017 --- Re-implanted 8/18/2017 with AMS 700CX -- Implants by Dr. David Morris, Hendersonville,TN

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