AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Most times, ED is ED. But sometimes, concerns are going to be different.
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AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby tommy92831 » Thu Feb 14, 2019 4:39 pm

It is coming up on a year since my implant and I wanted to share my experiences with my Coloplast implant and explain why I chose this one. My urologist gave me information on both products and I pressed him for a recommendation and wisely he said it was my choice. I read everything and found Frank talk and trolled the discussion boards and then chose Coloplast. I realize that a lot of other gay guys have chosen AMS and I in no way want to criticize that product but this is why I chose Coloplast.
1) I liked their corporate philosophy and vision statement.
2) The product seem to be more substantial in construction. The AMS components just appear not as rugged.
3) In life I never follow the masses and always go with the underdog. Coloplast at 25% of the market is the underdog.
4) I found a video on YouTube comparing the compression strength of the two manufactures cylinders. That sealed the deal for me.I am an anal top and I want the stiffest cylinders I could find for anal sex.
5 ) AMS came up with their ad "soft in the locker room" - for one I dont want it soft in the locker room or anywhere else. I like the full feeling of the the cock with the Coloplast implant. I can understand the majority of the people here are homophobic straight guys and soft in the locker room is a big selling point for them.
6) I like the increased girth of the Coloplast implant. It is definitely increased from my natural girth.
7) I was concerned about the loss of length with the implant but it appears and feels just about the same as pre implant. I do notice the head is smaller than pre implant but I take (1) 5mg. sidenifal tablet to increase the blood flow and the head does grow somewhat.

I am really happy with my choice but I definitely would love to hear from other gay guys and what made them decide on their brand of implant. There is no good or bad implant as far as I am concerned. Being a total top with ED was not a good thing and I am so glad I made the decision to get an implant. It was so embarrassing telling a partner I couldn't penetrate them because of ED. I made every excuse to avoid intimacy now it is almost as natural as when I was younger. Thanks for reading this and if you are a gay guy with ED it is definitely worth getting an implant. Attached is a current picture
IMG_0772.JPG (108.21 KiB) Viewed 4640 times
Age 71 Gay WM total top. Coloplast Titan touch 20 cm +1 RTE implanted infrapubic 3/14/18. Hoag Hospital Presbyterian Newport Beach CA. Love to share with others in the area especially gay guys

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Re: AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby GruffHunter » Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:23 pm

tommy92831 wrote: I can understand the majority of the people here are homophobic straight guys and soft in the locker room is a big selling point for them.

As a gay man who is a regular on this site, I think that statement is patently unfair, untrue, and uncharitable.
Gruff Hunter, 59, Titan (24 cm + 1 inch extenders) implanted by Dr Gross, 07 Jan 2017. Gay/open marriage, Chester, VT, USA

Lost Sheep
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Re: AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Feb 15, 2019 4:22 pm

GruffHunter wrote:
tommy92831 wrote: I can understand the majority of the people here are homophobic straight guys and soft in the locker room is a big selling point for them.

As a gay man who is a regular on this site, I think that statement is patently unfair, untrue, and uncharitable.

As a straight man who is an irregular on this site, I agree that statement is patently unfair, untrue and uncharitable. I will note that it is only the word "homophobic" to which I object.

I also note that "soft in the locker room" was not so important as "comfortable in clothes when not in use for sex" was a big selling point for me.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby Larry10625 » Wed Feb 20, 2019 8:41 am

Lost Sheep wrote:
GruffHunter wrote:
tommy92831 wrote: I can understand the majority of the people here are homophobic straight guys and soft in the locker room is a big selling point for them.

As a gay man who is a regular on this site, I think that statement is patently unfair, untrue, and uncharitable.

As a straight man who is an irregular on this site, I agree that statement is patently unfair, untrue and uncharitable. I will note that it is only the word "homophobic" to which I object.

I also note that "soft in the locker room" was not so important as "comfortable in clothes when not in use for sex" was a big selling point for me.

I chose the AMS for a few reasons... first it has the inhibizone antibiotic coating, next, I don't want to look like I have a hard on all the time, especially in a public pool or in a public shower at a pool or gym and I like the way it hangs and looks normal. Since getting my implant, I have learned so much more... Dr. Kramer, who is one of the best implant surgeons in the world, told me that 75% of HIS REVISION surgeries are replacing or repairing Titans. Yes, AMS implants can breakdown as well... anything mechanical can. Before some of you guys go nutty about what I just said, just remember where it came from. :)


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Re: AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby handfulWES » Sun Mar 03, 2019 1:51 pm

I realize when I make a post, mine are never overly short. I try to add background, personal experience, what facts I have or know and some history. I often add some stories and if it is a story, I assure it is a true one. You may feel as you read this post is somewhat disconnected but I believe if you read it to the end you will find I do connect all the dots. LOL

I read the post here I guess about 2 weeks ago. There seem to be several issues involved here and since I have a habit of putting my foot in my mouth I let this go by. Last night I came back and read thru this once again. I decided after sleeping on the matter I would post my own comments and thoughts. If you haven’t read any of my other post, I have had an implant for almost 27 years with 5 revisions. I actually believe I qualify in giving a response as I have had both the AMS and a Titian.

My first 4 implants were AMS and the first 2 were what my insurance would pay for. They didn’t work and when you get a VW instead of a Cadillac the 2 don’t measure up as you are trying to compare apples with oranges. My first had a pump problem right out of the gate. My 2nd attempt was a failure by design. It was a 2 stage implant that inflated with a pump but it never was what I term a BONER. To deflate the unit you just bent it in the middle and down it went in like 20 seconds. When in use by me I have a tendency to want to be more rambunctious in bed and the slightest resistance the damn thing would bend, thus a limp noodle. I fought with the insurance and they caved in (if you want to know how I made that happen just ask) giving and paying for a AMS 700. Remember this was 1992 before all the nicer units now.

BACK TO THE FACTS: I had a 4th revision due to pump familiar of the 700. When the pump failed on my 4th revision, I no longer had my insurance and my medical care was being covered by the VA as I am a Vietnam Vet. This time I received a Titian. I have been thrilled with my Titian as it gave me back so much I lost from my AMS 700. At the time if you had more than 6 1/2 inches AMS almost couldn’t do much for you. I wasn’t hung like a damn horse, but I did have a bit more than 6 1/2 inches.

INSERT HISTORY: I started with ED issues at 19 1/2 and went till 1991 trying all that was available to me. Like I stated I wasn’t hung like a horse but I did have more than 6 1/2 inches, and what I felt was rather nice girth. On a soft I would hang about 4 1/2 possibly 5 inches especially if I were hanging heavy.

This brings us to part of the discussion in this post: I doubt it makes any difference if you are whatever orientation or preference of who you desire to spend time with. Each guy has his own set of desires he would like to have displayed by his dick. Being in the military with open bay showers that could accommodate up to 25 guys at a time, locker rooms, swimming facilities and the beach I have seen my fair share of dicks, packages, those in pants where a guy went commando and most any other way possible. DON’T TELL ME YOU NEVER LOOKED AS THAT WILL BE THE BIGGEST LIE EVER! LOL

In my run in life, I haven’t met a guy who as he has to undress in an open area didn’t try somehow to mess with his dick to make it hang out a bit more. No erection but not something that measured 1 or 2 inches might become 3 or 4 inches. The one thing I hated about the AMS was on a soft there was very little to see it seemed to me. I wasn’t concerned about displaying a woody but what would have looked more like the other guys. Again, orientation just doesn’t enter into this ball game. If you were to give the implant say a squeeze or 2 it appeared as you where sporting a woody. Often with my AMS it would auto fill some because there was too much pressure in the reservoir, again a problem that AMS had. To avoid this situation, I would hit the head first, take a leak and make sure it was as deflated as possible. Unlike the Titan you had to pump the damn thing down just like you pumped it up. Often trying to get the last out of the cylinders actually hurt my sack.


With my Titian I have what I believe is the best implant on the market. Everything I expected one to do it does. I will have to admit to inflate the unit does take some time to reach max inflation. Many times I only inflate about halfway and I have a fine boner. Not as large but I am well able as things goes along to make it bigger just like working with a natural erection. Coloplast made reservoirs of different sizes. In doing so they could handle any size penis both length and girth or so I am told by the doctor who did my last implant. On this, I read about how thick the cylinders are and I am yet to understand all this. Each time I read this in a post I actually feel mine and they feel to me like the real thing. OK, yes on a very close inspection especially at the head you realize there are cylinders in there. On a nice hanging soft you don’t see it. I almost hang just as I did before I ever had the first implant. I like the fact that when I wear nice jeans, I have a nice package. Nothing enormous or unsightly but nice and should I dare to go commando, I look great as well.

I know this is long, but who we are, or who we choose to be with isn’t the real question here. I find it more to be a matter of desire which makes you the individual feel better about his self. The first step in recovery from ED issues is starting to feel good about you. If you start to feel sexy and some of the horny returns, for many of us from years of struggle, you are now on the road to recovery. If you are Straight, Bi or Gay it is all the same. A man is a man and in my years of working around men from every walk of life, the one common ground is OUR MAN HOOD. It is plain and simple.

A little short story here: I travel to and from the VA on a trip that takes about 2 1/2 hours each way. I have a ton of empty 4 lane hwy that I travel on. Most of the time the return trip is at night so I have this one section that I will pull over, get my lube, a towel and drop my pants around my legs. Often I have a friend with me and if so I make him drive in the same condition. We both feel more like kids doing something that is naughty but having fun. We get back on the road so to make sure he is well able to drive I use one hand for him and one for me. The game is called: CAR JACKING!!! Many times I am by myself and I do it just with me.

I may have placed a different slant on this but I think if you read all the way thru you will find this to be from the heart of the writer. You will know it is truthful and no I don’t use a bunch of technical terms. I feel we are guys, MEN and men in plain conversation on a one on one or a small group don’t exactly speak all proper. As a Vietnam Vet, I also attend from time to time a group session at the VA, and I assure you, it is plain talk and FRANK TALK as well.

68, single, have had an implant since I was 42. Goals: to help men with ED; help men over come years of failure; to know their bodies; have a richer fuller sex life whether they or straight, Bi or gay. last I traveled this road starting in the late 60's

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Re: AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby MovingOn5 » Wed Mar 27, 2019 8:55 pm

Thanks for your post.
I meet with 2 urologists in early April to discuss implants.
The one doctor told me over the phone he prefers the AMS, but will do the colorplast if i prefer.
My ed is getting worse and my penis is shrinking because of the injections.
I will be curious what the urologists say.
Have you had any difficulties with the pump?
Titan Implant 4/27/19, previous Nesbit surgery 2015 to correct 90 degree bend.

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Re: AMS vs Coloplast - one gay guys perspective

Postby tommy92831 » Fri Mar 29, 2019 4:28 pm

Thanks for your post.
I meet with 2 urologists in early April to discuss implants.
The one doctor told me over the phone he prefers the AMS, but will do the colorplast if i prefer.
My ed is getting worse and my penis is shrinking because of the injections.
I will be curious what the urologists say.
Have you had any difficulties with the pump?

At first I thought the pump was not working and I got all mental about it thinking it was defective and would have to be replaced. Then I went to my urologist for follow up and he grabbed it and pressed hard and it worked great! It has been a year since my Titan implant and it works perfect

Best of luck in your Journey and I hope you can get your implant soon.
Age 71 Gay WM total top. Coloplast Titan touch 20 cm +1 RTE implanted infrapubic 3/14/18. Hoag Hospital Presbyterian Newport Beach CA. Love to share with others in the area especially gay guys

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