Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby lenders » Sat Apr 15, 2017 1:41 am

PFracture wrote:There is a huge thread online, like 100 pages long on Ed-forum about this surgery, and the success rate is almost 0. I even know of a guy that did it, and talked to him. Spend your money on the implant, and forget this.

I know that thread. Was that guy in that thread? does he have an implant now? I read people with many improvements there, some few people fully cured others with minor improvements and for others the operation did not work certainly. Then I do not know what is the success rate but based on what I read some people there improved noticeably although it is also true that others do not. Anyway although I can not say whether I will go or not, that is something I would consider if everything I am trying now does not work, and even if everything fails I may simply go to the implant. It is something that I will value with the time


Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby PFracture » Sat Apr 15, 2017 4:53 am

lenders wrote:
PFracture wrote:There is a huge thread online, like 100 pages long on Ed-forum about this surgery, and the success rate is almost 0. I even know of a guy that did it, and talked to him. Spend your money on the implant, and forget this.

I know that thread. Was that guy in that thread? does he have an implant now? I read people with many improvements there, some few people fully cured others with minor improvements and for others the operation did not work certainly. Then I do not know what is the success rate but based on what I read some people there improved noticeably although it is also true that others do not. Anyway although I can not say whether I will go or not, that is something I would consider if everything I am trying now does not work, and even if everything fails I may simply go to the implant. It is something that I will value with the time

I think he was. We spoke more than a year ago. I don't think I have his contact anymore. I would waste my time on this nothing but a pipe dream....

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby jelquinginjury » Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:31 pm

Did anyone here in this forum have this surgery performed?
Injury that caused venous leak.
In my 20s thinking about implant

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby Tgruen » Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:23 am

i was there. didnt help much

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby lenders » Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:19 pm

Tgruen wrote:i was there. didnt help much

How is your situation now?
Did you have soft glans before surgery?

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby ihavegivenup » Tue May 14, 2019 9:46 pm

I accidentally came to this thread and thought maybe my experience could help some people who are anxious to go to this disappointing doctor.

I have undergone the surgery of Penile Venous Stripping combined with Curvature Correction and Varicocelectomy by Geng Long Hsu, and Penile Venous Stripping only for the second time by same doctor after couple months, and I would like to share my frustrations and Geng Long Hsu's failure in fixing my problem.

To begin with, the reason why I have had to gone through the second surgery was the first one didn't work at all, without any positive impact on my erection but with a bunch of undesirable side effects. Until now, many surface areas of my penis are still numb and the length is about 1.2 inches shorter than before operation. The most important thing is my erectile dysfuntion has not improved at all, not even for a second, and has even gotten worse.

Also, the Curvature correction and Varicocelectomy sugery were sold to me, out of the blue, by the Geng Long Hsu when I was lying on the surgery table with my lower body naked and ready for the Penile Venous Stripping only. He abruptly said I would be a stupid men if I didn't accept the extra two operations combined with the Penil Venous Stripping. As a result, I reluctantly accept the other two operations to prevent him from blaming the possible failure on the lack of the extra ones, even though I thought my penis was not curved at all. However, it turned out to be a big failure even with these two last-minute added operations.

Some may interested in how painful the surgery was. In my case, it was very painful and I had no choice but to suffer the whole process because it was only local anesthesia. The most painful parts were my sore back, which started aching only three hours after the surgery started and kept soaring within the 12-hour-long operation, and when the doctor was not aware of the anaesthetic decay, which caused dramatic pain. Those days after surgery were also quite uncomfortable, I couldn't stand or sit well until three weeks later.

Geng Long Hsu always told me that it would get better and all I had to do is be patient. Now, it has been several months and nothing has improved. I still can not erect properly.

If I had had the chance to know the surgery was so ridiculous, useless, and harmful, I would not have had myself in such miserable situation and wasted so much money on this tragedy.

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby Hoping » Wed May 15, 2019 2:08 pm

Wow thank you for sharing your experience "ihavegivenup" I had considered to some degree about seeing him actually. Being young and suffering from ED is a little different and I can understand the desire to not have anything artificial like an implant inside you. That's what's made me hesitate on getting an implant. Honestly looking around online and reading about surgeries like the ones you had it looked like if there was anyone in the world capable of fixing ED surgically without an implant it was him. He has, from what I was seeing, by far the most research and articles on it. Which should slam the door for others on this surgery.
Are you still able to masturbate? How bad is your ED currently? What types of medications/treatments work for you?
How old are you? I'm 27 and am almost certainly getting an implant this summer. Maybe you should consider that?
After all the horrible explanations, excuses, embarrassing moments of being unable to perform I'm really starting to like the idea of one. Not losing additional length from ED, 100% always going to work without fail (could be drunk as you want and fuck better than anything she's ever had), you can be harder than natural if you want (I think you get additional girth with a Titan which will make the sex even better) imagine the confidence knowing that without a doubt you will rock her world
28 years old, single, implanted 7/12/2019 Coloplast Titan 22cm +1cm rte, surgeon Dr. Tobias Kohler at Mayo Clinic Rochester

Lost Sheep
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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby Lost Sheep » Wed May 15, 2019 2:44 pm

As I understand it, venous stripping seeks to cure E.D. by restricting the leakage (venous leakage) that drains the corpus cavernosum in the tunica albuginea. That leakage deflates the erection.

Venous stripping might work. But you should rigorously determine if it is likely to.

Ask, and get definitive answers before proceeding. There IS downside risk!

Of course, if your E.D. is NOT caused by leakage, this treatment misses the mark completely and will be a complete failure.

If your leakage is NOT in the veins treated, it will be like patching an inner tube in the wrong place. Complete failure.

Note that "venous leakage" is not the only leakage that could be taking place. If your tunica leaks, you are patching the wrong place. Complete failure.

If the vein(s) treated ARE the problem, you may get relief. That relief may or may not be permanent. Partial success or temporary success or temporary partial success. Or maybe 100% success.

So, you try to get a pinpoint diagnosis. Is my problem VL? If so, exactly where is the leakage and is that location treatable? Is there any other leakage going on (if you don't patch all the leaks, the treatment will not succeed very well)?

Granted that VL/VS surgery is less invasive and destructive than an implant, but to do it right you must lay the groundwork.

The auto mechanic's "hit or miss" method; your engine doesn't run right? Lets start randomly fixing parts and see if anything works - swap out the spark plugs, No? swap out the starter motor. No? Replace the thermostat. No? change the fuel filter. Hey! what do you know!. It worked. (Note that chose more-invasive solutions first, but not the most invasive one-rebuild the engine.)

Venous stripping might work. But you should rigorously determine if it is likely to.

See also this thread
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby disapointed2 » Wed May 15, 2019 9:40 pm

There are other discusions on this subject you may want to find them. They are on F.T.
67yrs old. ed for 8yrs. Implanted 5-29-2019

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Re: Penile venous stripping- Dr Geng Long Hsu

Postby Hoping » Thu May 16, 2019 12:48 am

I've looked around a decent amount on who would be a good doctor for this surgery. Geng Long is problem the number one doctor in the world that does this. Does he have any MRI type imaging or idea on where the actual leaks are coming from? It seems to me like these doctors just start taking out veins and don't really know where the leaks actually are. I think this is a huge reason this surgery has been abandoned in western countries. It's a crap shoot. It may work it may not, it may be partial, it may be temporary, if you are very very lucky it will be a long term cure. But it's seemingly random and can cause other issues like numbness and shortening of the penis. I don't think this is a good idea doing more so experimental surgeries. I remember reading about gollam, he did sclerotherapy, which is somewhat similar to vl/vs surgery. It ended horribly for him.
28 years old, single, implanted 7/12/2019 Coloplast Titan 22cm +1cm rte, surgeon Dr. Tobias Kohler at Mayo Clinic Rochester

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