Young implanted and dating

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Young implanted and dating

Postby Catmandu » Wed Dec 21, 2022 9:17 pm

Any younger single guys that are implanted, how has dating been with the implant? Are you comfortable dating lots of girls?

I guess you can hide it at first but how have you approached the conversation of bringing it up?

There's lots of positives to an implant but how have you dealt with the negatives, especially as a young single person - girl wants sex first thing after waking up or rounds of sex after a break, sex in a car, spontaneously horny - how do you approach the pumping situation of it?

In a cuddling/spooning situation, would the tubes feel strange if the flaccid penis was on the girls ass/leg?

Is the sensation of being close to orgasm the same in the girls mouth, as in she can feel you are about to cum?

Do you avoid having your balls being played with/sucked now there's a pump there?

How have you come to accept/mitigate any other hurdles of being implanted in contrast to having a fully functioning natural dick

Lost Sheep
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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:17 pm

Welcome to the forum Catmandu.

It would help us help you if you told us some of your history. How long have you had ED? What solutions have you tried and how did you handle dating while using those solutions?

I miss the mark on two of your demographic criteria. I am not young and in a monogamous relationship. But I do (I think) have perspective gained through years of experience (and reading, mostly here). It is said, "The wise man learns from his mistakes but the TRULY wise man learns from the mistakes of others."

I usually started out (when sex became a potential component of a relationship with a girl/woman) by saying, "My penis does not work as well as it should, but I will make every effort to make sure you are satisfied sexually." I followed up with whatever it took to enable her to feel good and to have orgasms. I had some pretty good relationships through the years.

I have found that women are incredibly supportive if they feel desired, trusted, respected and safe. (Criteria often absent in one night stands.) So, my advice is to get a girlfriend, cultivate a relationship wherein both of you want to please each other physically. Only then attempt coitus. This requires patience.

Women tend to respect a man who does not hide from difficulties. I went on a dating site a couple years before I got implanted and was honest about my inability to have sex and that I was intending to have an implant to fix that problem. My honesty and candor was commented on several times as "brave" and "refreshing" In truth it was desperation, but it was not seen as a sign of weakness, but something admirable by the women who responded (even those who declined to participate).

Now, in your social circle, if knowledge of your ED were widely known would harm your reputation you have to weigh that into your decision-making.

Anwering your specific questions (the ones I can)

Spooning, she will be unable to detect anything. Erect or flaccid. But if you keep your erection longer than any other man she has experienced, she may begin to wonder what it is about you that is different.

Cuddling, if she is handling your penis she may feel the distal tips of the implant, in your shaft, she may or may not be able to find the tubing (not the inflatable tubes, but the ones that transfer fluid). She may be able, particularly when not fully inflated, she may feel the inflatable tubes, as they may fold or crinkle. But let me assure you, if you have reached that point in your date, she has already decided to have sex with you and absent something untoward in your behavior, she will not reverse herself.

My girlfriend tells me that she can tell when I am at the point of ejaculation or just before, whether in her mouth or vagina.

A lot of guys on FrankTalk ask their partner(s) not to play with their balls. lest the pump be discovered. For myself, I don't see any reason to deprive either of us the pleasure of that fondling. But if you insist in keeping that secret from someone with whom you are being that intimate, yes, she is likely to discover the pump. Some guys stll try to deny the implant by explaining the pump as some other kind of medical device. I really doubt if that ever works, but note that women will allow their man to maintain whatever forms of denial and self-delusion they wish. I will relate one woman's story: She figured out that her boyfriend was implanted. But since he did not tell her, she simply chose not to tell him she knew.

I will give you my belief: No woman will TRULY open herself up to a man who maintains a secret. She will not truly "let go" and be all to him that she could be (all the pleasures, sexual and otherwise) that she would if he were honest with her. Now, that does carry a risk. If the relationship ends badly she might try to use such knowledge (implant, sexual preferences, dream career plans, whatever) against him. A badly ended relationship is partly on you, so uses your judgment on what you tell her or let her find out. Use your judgement on who you take to your bed as well.

I lood forward to hearinng you you make out, taking or not taking my advice.

I hope this helps.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby Catmandu » Thu Dec 22, 2022 6:41 pm

Lost Sheep wrote:Welcome to the forum Catmandu

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the response, I'm 30 very fit and healthy and have always had ED, I've always relied on Cialis which has been fine, I've never known anything different, I've been able to fuck like a pornstar, girls nearly always commenting on size and stamina. But in the last year the pills have stopped working. I have a moderate venous leak, confirmed through both a Doppler and cavernosogram. Urologist advised against injections for a young single person, they didn't appeal to me at all anyway. Looking to get implanted as soon as possible as this is driving me absolutely CRAZY, I've become genuinely obsessive in my research. Have no insurance, so, painfully, will have to pay out of pocket.

Appreciate the input. I'm still unsure how I would approach waking up in the morning in bed and she wants sex and having to pump up next to her. I don't know if I would ever be comfortable enough, even if the girl knew I was implanted, to so brazenly pump up my dick with her watching.

Would be interested to hear from someone that has dating lots of girls after being implanted

Lost Sheep
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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Dec 22, 2022 7:20 pm

Catmandu wrote:(edited down for focus)
Have no insurance, so, painfully, will have to pay out of pocket.

Think of it this way. An implant costs about the same as a decent sports car and has about the same service life. Which will you value more?
Catmandu wrote: I'm still unsure how I would approach waking up in the morning in bed and she wants sex and having to pump up next to her. I don't know if I would ever be comfortable enough, even if the girl knew I was implanted, to so brazenly pump up my dick with her watching.

Pumping up is easily done while performing cunnilingus. Or you could excuse yourself to brush your teeth and pump up then. Many different ways to camoflage the activity even if you (as I suggested) don't attempt to hide it. You can just tacitly both agree to ignore it.

This thread is a good read. One principal in it is 78. The other guy is 27.

edited to add: Some men here let their partner pump them up. It does take a degree of trust to do this, but some women like to be involved to that degree. That is, if you trust her, respect her, are truthful with her and YOU feel safe. :D

edited again to add: Go ahead, be brazen (Some women like that degree of confidence.) If I were ever to find a new partner, I would like to surprise her by saying (while in a flaccid state), "Here, watch this." and then pump up while watching her eyes get wide in proportion to my degree of inflation as my dick begins to stand up.
Lost Sheep
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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby Suns21 » Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:38 pm

With your VL do you get morning erections at all?

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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby cangoforever87 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 11:44 pm

Just tell her. She won’t care!
35 yo started cialis January 2021 effective but side effects too much including loss of sensation Urolift early next year am going to try Viagra and if no luck explore implants

Old Guy
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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby Old Guy » Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:44 am

OK, a story about another member I know. A bit older, but a single guy.
He found a gf not long after he got the ok to have sex. He's been seeing her now for over a year and has yet to tell her he is implanted. As far as I know she hasn't noticed, or at least hasn't said anything. But she keeps coming back for more.
There are many ways to pump up on the sly. It might take a while to learn how, but it's possible.
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Re: Young implanted and dating

Postby Bambino09 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:05 pm

Catmandu wrote:
Lost Sheep wrote:Welcome to the forum Catmandu

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the response, I'm 30 very fit and healthy and have always had ED, I've always relied on Cialis which has been fine, I've never known anything different, I've been able to fuck like a pornstar, girls nearly always commenting on size and stamina. But in the last year the pills have stopped working. I have a moderate venous leak, confirmed through both a Doppler and cavernosogram. Urologist advised against injections for a young single person, they didn't appeal to me at all anyway. Looking to get implanted as soon as possible as this is driving me absolutely CRAZY, I've become genuinely obsessive in my research. Have no insurance, so, painfully, will have to pay out of pocket.

Appreciate the input. I'm still unsure how I would approach waking up in the morning in bed and she wants sex and having to pump up next to her. I don't know if I would ever be comfortable enough, even if the girl knew I was implanted, to so brazenly pump up my dick with her watching.

Would be interested to hear from someone that has dating lots of girls after being implanted

Podrías hablarme sobre tu eco dopler valores, y si conseguiste una ereccion firme con la inyección?

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