20 year old please help

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20 year old please help

Postby joshchant20 » Fri Dec 06, 2019 8:34 am

Im a 20 year old student, and I've struggled with Ed for years now. ED ruined my first relationship. When I first started dating her at 18 I would easily get erections and have no problem at all maintaining them, but one reason or another at that point my gf didn't want to have sex ffs. After about a month of dating she did, and when I tried to maintain a erection I couldn't. 3 months went last and we never ended up having sex as a result. Jump to today, I've just started seeing a new girl, who I really like, she's incredibly attractive therefore thought I wouldn't have any problems at all. After 2 attempts now we haven't managed to have sex because I couldn't get an erection. Its incredibly humiliating, frustrating and of course upsetting for both of us. As we're not actually dating Im worried she is going to leave me for someone else because of this. Its extremely upsetting because I genuinely like her a lot, (hence why I'm here reaching out for help), I don't want my Ed to be the cause of her leaving, especially as we get on so well. I'm hesitant to try viagra because of my young age and cost of it, and side effects. I've recently quit porn all together which I believe is probably the main cause behind it. I've also started running and doing workouts. I do smoke which Is probably a big factor in this, but I don't understand as the majority of people my age smoke a lot more than me and im sure not all of them have these problems.

If anyone has any short term solutions please please help thanks

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Re: 20 year old please help

Postby vajim1 » Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:02 am

Can you get an erection watching porn and masturbating?
76 year old fart. Prostate removed Oct. 9, 2017,Psa 30 days after .15 next Psa .2. 37 Radiation treatments for recurrent cancer, 1 year out Psa .033 ZERO ERECTIONS, implanted Sept 5 2019 Dr. Lentz Duke Raleigh N.C. Titan 22cm.

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Re: 20 year old please help

Postby Agfa13 » Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:04 am

Sounds like you need to see a Urologist.
You said you have ED, how do you know?
You have to come clean with your Dr., tell him/her what is happening. Let them do their tests, ask their questions, etc...
Good Luck.
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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Re: 20 year old please help

Postby Hunchback » Thu Dec 12, 2019 9:38 am

To add to what others have said before me:

Whatever the cause, you'll have to talk to the girl about it because, sadly, these things can take a long time to get sorted out. It's gonna be scary and uncomfortable i guess, opening up and talking about things like that, but to be honest you shouldn't worry too much about it. At worst, she'll dump you but with such things it's better to have it done early than late, since if that's the outcome, it'll always be the same so you might as well get done with it. If the girl cares about you, she'll understand and help you deal with it.

For some perspective, i've been with my wife since she was ~21-22 years old and i was 24-25. I have had ED all my life. ~12 years later, we have no problems -between us- caused by ED. ED remains a problem for ME, since it's frustrating, annoying, bothersome and sometimes depressing, but my wife's been extremely supporting and has never ever dissed me about it, made me feel bad or anything of the matter. She takes part of the treatement, she's completely adapted her life to how i work and we've been completely open about it since day 1 and talk often about these things. Honesty has been the number 1 part of our relationship.
Obviously, not everyone is going to be like that, but as i said - if that's not the case, might as well get it over with before investing too much of yourself in a bad person.

As for ED itself - there's a ton of reasons you might be having trouble, sadly the only way to be sure is consulting specialists and that'll take a long time. There's tests to do, medication and treatments to try, ...
Make sure you read things around here, there's a lot of information on this forum on many subjects, people tend to be honest and share actual experience...
39 years old, married. ED all my life because of spinal cord injury caused by a tumor in early infant age. Using standard EDEX20 since 2007. Increasingly bad results with EDEX in the last few years, but had very good results for at least 10 years.

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Re: 20 year old please help

Postby Charlie2019 » Sun May 10, 2020 9:24 am

joshchant20 wrote:Im a 20 year old student, and I've struggled with Ed for years now. ED ruined my first relationship. When I first started dating her at 18 I would easily get erections and have no problem at all maintaining them, but one reason or another at that point my gf didn't want to have sex ffs. After about a month of dating she did, and when I tried to maintain a erection I couldn't. 3 months went last and we never ended up having sex as a result. Jump to today, I've just started seeing a new girl, who I really like, she's incredibly attractive therefore thought I wouldn't have any problems at all. After 2 attempts now we haven't managed to have sex because I couldn't get an erection. Its incredibly humiliating, frustrating and of course upsetting for both of us. As we're not actually dating Im worried she is going to leave me for someone else because of this. Its extremely upsetting because I genuinely like her a lot, (hence why I'm here reaching out for help), I don't want my Ed to be the cause of her leaving, especially as we get on so well. I'm hesitant to try viagra because of my young age and cost of it, and side effects. I've recently quit porn all together which I believe is probably the main cause behind it. I've also started running and doing workouts. I do smoke which Is probably a big factor in this, but I don't understand as the majority of people my age smoke a lot more than me and im sure not all of them have these problems.

If anyone has any short term solutions please please help thanks

What Hunchback said... you have to tell her. You can buy toys to satisfy her and oral while you work on your problem. You can try a VED (you don't need one of the expensive kinds either) and try Viagra or Cialis... you can get the no name kind it is the same drug, just doesn't have the fancy name and packaging. If you have any other questions, go ahead and PM me. :)
53 years old. 3 botched circumcisions starting at 3 years old. 2 botched reconstructive attempts, finally got the AMS LGX on Dec 14, 2017 in London Ontario by Dr. Gerry Brock. Great Dr. Love my implant

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