My Story

Posting in this forum is just for young members (under 40).
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My Story

Postby Notloc1129 » Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:57 am

Hello all. If you are browsing through the young members section of this site wondering what the heck is wrong with me, I can tell you I know how you feel. I am a 24yr male, lift and run regularly, and in decent shape.
Id say I have struggled with ed since the first time at 17. At thise times however it was mainly psycological as once I became comfortable I was ok. I was with a girl for 3 years. At the beginning i struggled on and off with psycological ed(I believe). As our relationship went farther it became almost sexless. After struggling with the ed I found myself want sex less and less and by the last year i could care less. The only time I wanted it was when I was 100% in the mood. Which might be once every 6 weeks. Then this relationship ended. I should note that somewhere in the middle of this relationship i noticed when I masturbated, the erection seemednot as rock hard as times past.
A few months go by and I meet a woman. The woman I want to be with. Beautiful and sexy, what else could a guy ask for? Should have no issues down there right? Well turns out I just couldnt make anything happen down there. No matter what. I broke down eventually. I was able to obtain generic viagara, 100mg. I tried it worked!...for some time. After apx a month its effectiveness started to dimish. I started experimenting. Viagara, cialis, levitra along with aix of alpha blockers. And they worked.
A few months later i decided to see a doctor. I wanted to know if i had real issues. I feel pretty lucky with the doctor I got. He was very supportive and the first thing he ordered was a doppler. A note I want to say my girlfriend didnt know of
My issues, too embarased and a very difficult subject to talk about as you all can understand..
The doppler test was interesting. I got i believe 10cc? Of cavject. It was the lowest dose. I got a partial as the guy did the test. Took a long time to find a reading but he eventually did. In my heart i didnt belive there was anything wrong with me physically, i just wanted to prove it.
As he started going over my results I was thinking well heres where we prove iv just lost my mind. The results?
"You have veinous leakage". As he said those words to me I couldnt believe it. I have veinous leakage. I felt strangely calm after hearing it because I i wasnt crazy, I had an answer.
Fast forward a couple more month of continuing to keep meds for erections while still not telling my gf. Then one day she was straitening the house and I was at work and i get the message. "Do you need pills to get hard?" My heart sunk. After a fight and a lot of explaining about what it was I
Had a suprise. She still accepted me. She was depressed shortly because she felt she wasnt attractive and the pills only made me hard. But after explaining you need to want it still, she felt better. And as of now she is my fiance.
A couple months later I was helping my dad out working. As we were driving back from a job he out of the blue says " your mother said you went to a uro, are you ok?" (I dont live at home but my insurance is through them and they got a notice saying i went to a uro). I said i was fine but he kept pressing the matter for some reason. Eventually I gave in and told him everything. To my shock he then started telling me he thinks this runs in my family. He said he started having issues around the same age, so did his father and as far as he knows his brothers have had issues. Not the conversation I was expecting. He was upset. He felt responsible.
Today, well as of now im taking a mix of pde5's and alpha blockers. Its not a path i want to continue my whole life but I do what I need to to maintain some sense of normal. Who knows down the road. Condsidering an implant. It would be noce to have an on demand erection and be spontainous. Veinous litagation? Never heard of any real success in the US. Iv heard of a doctor in china that supposidly does a much more intense litagation but im weary of traveling so far for a surgery.
Well this is my story. Iv come to term sort of with living with ed. Sucks being so young and facing this problem, but we have to handle the cards were delt with.

Update 6/30/14

Wanted to put an updated for the rest of the young guys out there. I am into weightlifting and decided to take the plunge into doing a cycle of testosterone. Now in the process of doing this you get bloodwork done so you have a baseline of where your body is so you know where to start. One of those tests was called an ultra sensitive estradiol (e2) test at quest dianostics. Mine was way out of range. For men it should be =<29, mine was 45 on their scale. Now bear with me.
When you run a cycle of steroids you take what's called an aromatise inhibitor during the cycle. When testosterone get produced (or injected) in your body, a large portion of it is turned into estrogen. High estrogen levels will cause all sorts of problems in your body. About 2 weeks into taking the aromatise inhibitor, my erectile function improved dramatically!!!!!
I am actually able to get and hold an erection for sex!!!!! It's is great. Now it hasn't been perfect, I can get and hold and erection but it will fade when breathing starts to get heavy. Whether I do have a slight leak or its still something to do with estrogen levels I'm not sure. But im taking about 1/3 the meds I was taking to stay hard and there's never a problem holding it. It's just great now because my woman can just start messing around and bam, there it is.
As far as treatment I really can't find much on treating high estrogen levels in men. Aromatise inhibitors were designed for woman with great cancer. None of my doctors even checked for estrogen levels. I don't have an answer as to why there are high but it's a step in the right direction.

Update. 8/11
Just wanted to give an update. I am certain a big part of my issue is estrogen. I backed off my AI and my erections were getting more difficult. After a few days of full dose it came right back.

Now for the exciting stuff. I am now married to my beautiful wife and we are expecting our first child next year. All you young guys and older too, there is hope for our problem. With time and determination this problem can be solved and helped with. I understand your feelings of hopelessness and not feeling fully a man. You must take hold of your problem, give it a giant middle finger, and figure out a way. There always is. Goodluck gentlemen.
Last edited by Notloc1129 on Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

6gun 44 mag
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Re: My Story

Postby 6gun 44 mag » Wed Oct 16, 2013 9:09 pm

Your humbleness in telling this story is impressive to me. I detect no attitude or "feeling sorry" for yourself, even though many of us would surfe have those things had ED started in so early in life. Sounds like you have a heck of a woman in your life, don't let her get away. Most likely you will overcome ED, either by an implant, or some other method. I can tell you're not a quitter. Thanks for your story. Keep us posted now and then.

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Re: My Story

Postby Notloc1129 » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:10 pm

Its been quite a journey so far. Im not so sure on where to go from here though. I dont want to take this cocktail of meds my whole life, nor do I believe I physicaly can. Any insight from anyone? Any would be appreciated

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Re: My Story

Postby softglans » Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:40 pm

Can you have sex without pills

Posts: 8
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Re: My Story

Postby Notloc1129 » Mon Oct 21, 2013 4:22 pm

I have with her but i was maybe 60% if that

Posts: 14
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Re: My Story

Postby softglans » Mon Oct 21, 2013 6:47 pm

Okay cause I think I can have sex with venous leak, but can the majority of people with venous leak have sex? It's really bummed me out thinking everyone with venous leak can't have sex. Making me think I can't either. I had a penile doppler but they gave me the lowest dose and I got a 9 edv on the right side, but then a minute later, it went down to a 6. I'm depressed

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Re: My Story

Postby Notloc1129 » Mon Oct 21, 2013 8:42 pm

What is a 9 edv?

Posts: 14
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Re: My Story

Postby softglans » Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:03 pm

Speed of outflow. Anyways, can you have sex without pills usually? Can most people with venous leak?

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Re: My Story

Postby fnrldir07 » Wed Oct 30, 2013 11:15 pm

I had venous leaks to and the pills were not working i would say about 80% of the time and towards the end it would take 6 to 8 hours for them to kick in usually when i was in bed. So I had the implant after going to the doctor. I am at this point 100% wishing i would have never had the implant. I went to 2 other Uro's and am going to a third and have to have a revision. I am scheduled to have a revision on 11/27 the day before thanksgiving. The new doc said the doc who did my surgery did it incorrectly and that because the cylinders stop before the head of my penis it makes it unusable. Make sure you do your research. I did and my former doc does many every week.

Posts: 8
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Re: My Story

Postby Notloc1129 » Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:55 am

6 to 8 hours. Iv heard this from other people in the past but it never happened to me. Empty stomach, chewem a bit and as. Little as 30 min later it would be good to go. Im sorry for your luck on the implant. How old are you?

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