What device can I get in Mexico to help Peyronies? (Loss of length)

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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What device can I get in Mexico to help Peyronies? (Loss of length)

Postby gandalfasfhaf » Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:33 am

In short, I have severe peyronies disease.

I am on route to get implant but itll be in months so I need to do my best to look after my penis until then.

It has shrunk around 3 inches at this point which is devastating. Fortunately I had somewhat a large penis (maybe) before so I'm just around the minimum of average right now from googles standpoint. I am determined to win some of my inches back at least 1.

I'm thinking of a stretcher type situation. Any one know what I can get INSIDE mexico? As they have issues with any packages coming from abroad in customs.

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Re: What device can I get in Mexico to help Peyronies? (Loss of length)

Postby sogwap » Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:24 pm

I have been using a VED for about 6 months and have regained much of my size lost from PD. I still have the curve.

Amazon sells VED for less than $100 and I've seen some for around $30 that should work.
You don't need anything fancy. The one I have has a manual pump without a gauge.
Just make sure it's sized properly.
Age: 68. Struggled with ED/PE for years.
Used Viagra for 10+ years with mixed success.
In May 2022 started using Trimix with very good results.
Feb 2023 developed PD
2023 still in treatment for PD, and still using Trimix with very good results

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