Malehanger Device & Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Now $40)

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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Malehanger Device & Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Now $40)

Postby malehanger » Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:15 am

Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Hello everyone. I am Malehanger. I have already made my introduction thread elsewhere. I am a friend of Dave aka jn1421. We both hang weights from our penises. I do so for enlargement of my penis size. Dave's main focus is as part of his erectile dysfunction treatment program. I am here to share a concept and a device with you gentlemen. First of all, the concept. Weight hanging as part of your erectile dysfunction treatment program.

I am making this thread with the permission of both Frank Talk Admin and regain-is-the-aim.

First, a warning! Well some warnings. I have several years of experience (around 13 now) coaching men on various types of "PE" (penis enlargement) to include hanging weights. I have learned during this time that it is wise to advise men that these techniques involve some level of risk. What is obvious to some, is not always obvious to everyone.
I have taken great care in designing the Malehanger program to be as safe as possible. Every man starts with a very low weight and works up slowly over several months in a progressive fashion with the weight. I cannot however guarantee a "risk free" journey. If I were taking you on a trail hiking course, and told you where all the potential risks were, you could still indeed twist your ankle along the way and it would not be my fault. Men with penis implants should not even consider this option. The design of the hanger will damage your implant. If you decide to proceed, you do so at your own risk and I assume no responsibilities.

That said, weight hanging has the potential to improve your sexual health, with the side benefit of an increase in penis size over time. As part of an erectile dysfunction treatment program, it is speculated that the daily weight hanging (20 minutes per day) stimulates the inner tissues and blood vessels in the penis. Potentially the nerves as well. Men who adopt a weight hanging routine end up seeing an improvement in their erections. Morning erections often return or become more frequent. Men who have lost size from prostate surgery may find a return of lost size after several months of weight hanging. Results of course, are based on how you hang and your level of consistency.

Dave/jn1421 can give his own testimonial on how weight hanging has been a great benefit to his erectile dysfunction treatment program.

Why not just pump, or do "exercises"? Well unlike pumping and exercises, weight hanging takes a determined amount of resistance (the weight) and applies it to your penis for an exact amount of time. There is no guess work involved.

The device itself is one that I make. I call it Malehanger. I charge $40+shipping. If you want more information on the device you can see it at my support forum:

On the support forum, I have a complete how to guide with instructional videos for all of the major steps.

I have an introduction video for the device on youtube:


If you require descretion in your purchase and ordering simply contact me directly at the email listed on my support forum in the "Where To Buy Malehanger" sub-forum post at the top of my support forum. I will email you back with a "request for payment" and we will go from there.

I am of course open to and welcome all questions regarding Malehanger and weight hanging. This thread is intended to introduce a new concept to many of you here and to hopefully bring a new direction into your lives.
Last edited by malehanger on Sun May 05, 2013 6:42 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Postby jn1421 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:43 pm

Hello men, Dave here. I wanted to chime in on this thread and give my personal testimony about Penis Exercises, specifically hanging weights for ED recovery. As some of you know, my story goes back a few years when I was searching the internet about implants and reputable doctors who performed the surgery. I had been completely impotent for at least 5 years prior. My penis shrank, shriveled and atrophied into a two inch flaccid stump with zero function. I came across a link that professed ED recovery through manual exercise. Of course I was interested and began to learn about the possible benefits. Once I started I was stunned how quickly my penis responded to this activity.

The third day I woke with an erection! I was so excited I stood in front of the mirror and posed..yeah, from side to side and everything. However, it didn't last long. But I was so motivated that I decided to try every possible PE exercise I could. I began a newbie program and studied my penis' response. My best erection quality (EQ) days were from stretching exercises. I soon became aware that hand fatigue was my enemy. I couldn't hold a grip long enough to perform adequate stretching, ending up in frustration and wasted time.

I began studying about hanging techniques. Found a few threads and videos (thanks malehanger), on the proper ways and decided to try. Hanging was much more efficient, consistent, hands free and best of erections were getting better and lasting longer! It didn't take long for me to notice that my overall penis health was being effected too. My erections were not only looking more veiny and stiff, but the color was even enhanced. My wife commented that it was warmer to her touch and much more heavy and dense than before. Of course my motivation to continue was over the edge at this point so I started to study about the physiological changes taking place through hanging.

Basically what I found is something we already know...with all concentrated physical exercises, anyone can condition and develop tissue mass with better blood circulation and better function over time. I am very pleased to say that within 2.5 years, I have regained/regenerated my penis function from zero to approximately 75%! I do other penis exercises which are factored in with my overall ED recovery program but mostly from hanging weights.

Also, I have gained 1.75 inches in length and 3/4 inch in girth. My wife commented on that as well.
Last edited by jn1421 on Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:49 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Postby malehanger » Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:47 pm

Thank you for sharing your own personal experiences Dave!

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Re: Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Postby ventura » Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:51 pm

What about guys with Robotic surgery do to Prostate cancer. I ended up with nerve damage. Is there any evidence that hanging could help.
Inplanted 12-28-21 USC Doctor Loh-Doyle AMS700 with MS Pump

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Re: Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Postby jn1421 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:39 pm

I have no experience with PCa or nerve damage. My hanging experience is limited to personal determination for regained penis function. Can't imagine it would pose any problems for you though...however, I do not have any formal education in urology.
Last edited by jn1421 on Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Postby buckster » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:12 pm

ventura wrote:What about guys with Robotic surgery do to Prostate cancer. I ended up with nerve damage. Is there any evidence that hanging could help.

This would be of interest to me as well. A concern would be that the urethra has been cut and put back together. If PE could stretch the urethra without causing damage you should be able to regain the lost length caused by RP surgery. Even with regular pumping I am still shorter than before my RP. It would be good to hear from anyone that has had RP surgery that is doing PE on a regular schedule.
Age 68. Married 49 years. Location Oregon. PCa at age 56. Open RP surgery and radiation treatment. Oral or injection drugs didn't work. Implanted 10/13/20. Titan Narrow Base 18cm with 1cm left and 1.5cm right rear tip extenders.

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Re: Weight Hanging and Erectile Dysfunction Treatment

Postby malehanger » Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:48 am

buckster wrote:
ventura wrote:What about guys with Robotic surgery do to Prostate cancer. I ended up with nerve damage. Is there any evidence that hanging could help.

This would be of interest to me as well. A concern would be that the urethra has been cut and put back together. If PE could stretch the urethra without causing damage you should be able to regain the lost length caused by RP surgery. Even with regular pumping I am still shorter than before my RP. It would be good to hear from anyone that has had RP surgery that is doing PE on a regular schedule.

Assuming proper healing of the re-attached urethra, I do not see why you could not hang. I'd like to once again re-iterate that men start with a VERY low weight of just a couple pounds, giving the penis time to adapt, then they up the weight slowly and in a controlled manner over time. The penis adapts and re-adapts. I am not sure about pre-existing nerve damage. Most likely not.

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Re: Malehanger Device & Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Now $50)

Postby kzvcl4 » Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:37 pm

Just started using the malehanger device as outlined in the videos. And only after 3 days of hanging at the 2.5# starting weight, I have started to have night erections once again. And I haven't experienced that for the last 4 years. So the initial results are very promising. Will keep you posted. Thanks. -Stan

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Re: Malehanger Device & Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Now $50)

Postby thinktank » Sun Apr 14, 2013 3:43 pm


I have just got back into pumping and stretching and notice better erectile health. What I notice is being quicker to get an erection.

Your comments on hanging and nighttime erections encourage me. I have a malehanger and am contemplating how I will have time and privacy to use it. (I need a mancave with a lock on it. My house is full of people.) Malehanger has great videos on using his product.

One thing I would like to factor in from you Stan since you are having such positive results is your age. If not too personal, how old are you.

Thanks bro.

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Location: Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Re: Malehanger Device & Erectile Dysfunction Treatment (Now $50)

Postby kzvcl4 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:31 am


I'm 61 and on a mission to regain full erections. Up till now, for the past 4 years the only way I could achieve an erection was through the use of an injection of Edex that my urologist prescribed. While the after effects of an aching penis was tolerable, it's less than desired. And before I switch to using Trimix, I thought it was worth a shot at trying the rehab that has been discussed in these forums.

The night time erections so far are lasting and of good quality. So I'm encouraged there may be some lasting effects.

And you're right, the malehanger videos are very helpful. I'm still in my first week of hanging with the starting weight of 2.5 lbs. I plan on going to the point of at least 7.5 lbs which would be at the 5 week mark. And at that point I'll make a final assessment of the situation.

I've been doing the hanging in the morning, after the wife leaves the house, and then I've been using the water buddy in the hot tub in the evening to help restore
blood flow. The combinatin of the two seems to be working.....but again this is at the first stages and I want to make sure it's not just an initial reaction. Will
keep you posted. -Stan

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