Viberect Explanation

A very new area of interest is penile physical therapy. From exercises to stretching to vibrational therapy, it's all new and still being studied. This is where we can share techniques, exercises and successes.
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Viberect Explanation

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:06 pm

This is a great explanation of the Viberect and how and why it works. It is written by the inventor of the Viberect, Dr. Kambiz Tajkarimi. It is excerpted from instructions to a patient. I thought it would be good here
Thank you for allowing me to explain the neurophysiology pathways that are activated by Vibratory stimulation. Penis erection is a nerve generated event that causes the blood to fill the penis and several mechanisms preventing the blood from leaking out of the penis.

Unfortunately, men after prostate cancer treatment develop defective mechanisms at all 3 fronts: 1. Poor nerve conduction to the penis 2. Poor blood flow to the penis 3. development of venous leakage. Current treatments such as oral medications, and injections do not address all of the 3 fronts. Injections are vessel dilators which help bring lots of blood to the penis. Oral meds keep nitric oxide from breaking down. If there is no nitric oxide released from the nerves, then they do not work...hence inadequate response of most men after prostate treatments.

Surgery and radiation cause damage to the cavernous nerves, which are very close to the prostate. Nerve conduction is reduced or stopped altogether for a variable amount of time. Cavernous nerves are just highways to take information from the spinal cord to the penis. They do not act independently. If there is no strong stimulation such as genital stimulation, and erotic moments, they will not work at all

Another nerve system is the pudendal nerves.....they are both sensory, motor and autonomic (many recent data). They are NOT damaged after surgery or radiation and remain intact throughout. In fact, the pudendal nerves become the only reliable form of communication between the penis and spinal cord after surgery until cavernous nerves recover. Pudendal nerves are responsible for sensation, pleasure, voluntary urinary and fecal control, and rigidity of erection. Vibratory therapy targets pudendal nerves. Interestingly, multiple studies show that cavernous nerves communicate strongly with branches of the pudendal nerve. Pudendal nerve stimulation can help communicate with injured cavernous nerves at multiple places, including spinal cord (proximal to the injury), and inside the penis (distal to the injury)

There are millions of nerve receptors (antennas) on the surface of the penis that can be activated by specific frequency and amplitude. Regular vibrators, including hitachi magic wand do not have high enough amplitude to generate sexual reflexes. Medical vibrators like Ferticare (Multicept, Denmark) and Viberect (Reflexonic, USA) generate high amplitude necessary for scientific nerve stimulation. Nerve stimulation after 2-3 minutes strong activates spinal cord sensors that originate the injured cavernous nerves and instruct it to "wake up from sleep". If done on a daily basis, this has shown in much neurophysiology literature to help in regeneration of nerves and functional recovery. Men after prostate cancer treatment benefit the most by starting to use such devices as soon as surgery or even one month before. The benefits are cumulative and not immediate. It takes 30 seconds to damage the nerves, but may take weeks to months for them to recover. Our data shows recovery of penetratable spontaneous erections at least 6-8 months earlier than those who choose not to use them. Many studies are currently underway, including Tulane laboratory study comparing Viberect with caverject injection in the lab, Johns Hopkins randomized prospective trial for post prostatectomy rehab, and Miami Project spinal cord injury studies. Our expericense suggests that simultaneous stimulation of both sides of the penis is necessary for optimal response.

Penile Vibratory stimulation is an established modality that has been used for decades for treatment of sexual dysfunction in both men and women. it is safe, effective, and cost effective.

this modality can help treat men with ED and urinary incontinence at all 3 fronts: 1. improve nerve conduction to the penis 2. Improve blood flow (pudendocavernous reflex and bulbocavernous reflexo), 3. help strengthen muscles around the penis that act as physiological "penis rings". Men who use Viberect on daily basis report progressive improvement in rigidity and spontaneous night time erections. In addition, vibratory stimulation can help correct poor and lack of orgasm after prostate cancer treatments.

Our Post prostatectomy penile rehab is as follows: (men can enter at any stage depending on their situation)
1. begin Viberect therapy one month before surgery or radiation
2. Use Viberect therapy in a sexual setting (foreplay, visual stimulation, etc.) 3 days after catheter removal (after surgery) for 3-5 minutes. In the beginning, no rigid erection is expected to occur, but fullness occurs, which is beneficial, allowing the penis tissues to be oxygenated and elasticity to remain
3. Perform Kegels exercises regularly
4. If desired, use oral meds (daily cialis, viagra 50 mg three times a week, Cialis 20 mg three times a week) 30 minutes before Viberect therapy. This allows improved response and benfit than oral meds alone.
5. High motivation is necessary. Viberect therapy requires intense sexual concentration to prevent adrenaline and erection prevention pathways.
6. Impatience, frustration, anxiety will reduce effects, as Viberect therapy produces physiological erection.

We collect validated questionnaires and 24 hour pad weight test every 3 months. In my opionion and many experts, Vibratory therapy plays a great role in enhancing recovery of erection and urinary control after surgery. We are very excited for emerging data from clinical trials.

We have recently made significaint improvments to the Viberect power and amplitude. It is now very effective in proposed indications. We offer to modify all previous models free of charge. Just contact 717.267.1155 to arrange modification.
Updates on clinical trials and testimonials available on

my best.
Kambiz Tajkarimi, MD

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Re: Viberect Explanation

Postby buckster » Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:43 pm

Has anyone that is using the Viberect started use more than 2 years after RP or radiation? I'm just over 3 years post RP and radiation. I have partial erection response but have not had a full erection with pills or injection. Do you think this tool would help someone after 3 years or am I too late??
Age 68. Married 49 years. Location Oregon. PCa at age 56. Open RP surgery and radiation treatment. Oral or injection drugs didn't work. Implanted 10/13/20. Titan Narrow Base 18cm with 1cm left and 1.5cm right rear tip extenders.

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Re: Viberect Explanation

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:00 pm


I hope so. I'm over 5 years post PCa robotic surgery and seriously considering this therapy modality. It may take us longer but it would be worth the wait and effort- and it sounds as though this therapy could be a lot of fun. . . . .

Paul- any thoughts for those of us a "few" years post PCa treatment??

Also Paul, could we send the above instructions to ALL Uro's who treat PCa. It is evident they have a lot to learn and need additional continuing education.

Science can assist us and better advocacy from all of us should speed the process.

Just a thought.

PCa-surgery 10/06

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Re: Viberect Explanation

Postby regal1945 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 7:57 pm

:D Great artical Paul, this new version just plain works! :D :D :D

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Re: Viberect Explanation

Postby thinktank » Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:10 am

Regal and others who have tried the new Viberect........

Have you had a radical prostectomy? I have not and have age related E D. My reasoning is if it works for R P men, then it should really really work for men who have simple age related E D. AGREE???? DISAGREE????

For men who have used the viberect for sex, have you been able to stay hard during intercourse?

What I am wondering about is the rehabilitative benefit of the Viberect for both non RP guys and for RP guys. Paul, do you know?????

I guess only time will tell since the V2 has only been out a couple of months.......

But what say you men who have used the viberect. Please continue to post and lets become the forum that helps this kind doctor launch his product if it indeed gives us men hope for rehabilitating our erections.

Frank Talk Admin
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Re: Viberect Explanation

Postby Frank Talk Admin » Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:40 pm

Penile Rehab and physical therapy can and will help anyone. So, I think, without a doubt, that stimulating nerves and blood flow with the Viberect can only help. Even if you have non-specific ED, this device will help. Penile Rehab will work for everyone - even those with only slight ED.

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