New Registering Members - forum guidelines

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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby bldoink » Mon Oct 02, 2017 2:23 am

Welcome Rmezgo1025 !
Try not to get discouraged. Scheduling with a Uro is the correct thing to do. I'd give them a call and make sure ED issues are one of his/her specialties. I'd also ask if the Uro offers scripts for compounded ED meds for injections if appropriate. I'm not suggesting that that will be your answer but you want a doctor that has that option in the tool chest. Make sure to give the wife sexual attention, either orally, manually or even get a toy to use on her. Lets wait and see what the Uro has to say.

Good luck
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby Anonymous3 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 4:14 am

Rmezgo1025 wrote:Greetings everyone,

I come to you man to man, humbly seeking
advice for my ED battle and hope to help a few
guys on the way with my story.
no need to be humble here. Every one here has gone thru the same thing. Our partners the same.

I am 56 years old
and have been battling this for the past 5 years.
I have tried a multitude of 'T' supplements and
have also tried viagra and cialis without success.
I've read that ED triggers anxiety after the first
episode and that level of anxiety can multiply GREATLY
every time I even anticipate having sex with my wife...
Really?? How can I stop this viscous circle??
My wife told me that she can feel my anxiety
In bed now... Now we are both anxious before sex!!
This sucks.
I'm in relatively good shape for my age although
could lose 15-20 pounds and trying to focus more
on my core.
About 18 months ago I had lumbar fusion on three
vertabraes in my low back about a year ago.
Prior to the surgery I was on 50 of mg oxycodone
for about 5 months to control pain; while I was
still working. I completed the surgery and after a
VERY painful 12 week recovery I returned to work
completely off ALL pain meds!! I've never taken
a lot of medication. I now only take nexium for
acid reflux.
Realizing that stress and anxiety can trigger ED
I started daily weight training with mild cardio
to get in better physical shape and control stress.
My wife is beautiful and very attractive.
Now she blames her self for my inability to get or
maintain a strong erection like I did less than five
years ago. We talked recently and I explained to
her that this was entirely an issue of my own and
only asked her for her patience and support to
help me identify the problem and seek some answers.
My wife is very supportive but always blames
herself over time. Like most couples suffering with
ED, 'We only want to get our sex life back!'
Even half as strong and frequent would be satisfactory!!
Before my surgery, I discussed my ED issues with my
family doctor. We ran labs and he told me my T levels
were normal for my age (300?) but my blood pressure
was bordering high. He basically told me I was fine
and in great physical health and that I needed to to
stop worrying so much... Really doc??
I've also read that a lot of literature on blood flow
to the penis, the small penile arteries, blockage,
etc. In relation, I also read that there could be
heart related issues and related arteries that
could be blocked, causing blood flow issues
throughout, etc. sheesh...
NOW, all this said, I am now preparing to get
a second medical opinion from another family
Doctor and also getting new labs, and scheduling
to see a Urologist. I will also see a cardiologist
Just for safe measure. I AM DESEPERATE for an
answer to my ED! My wife is sweet and supportive
although this problem has brought a lot of question
In to our relationship. I simply cannot, WILL NOT
back down until I have found a healthy solution.
Honesty most family docs do not shit about ED. When you look for a uro find on that specialize in mens reproductive health, some one that is current in latest produres to cure it.
I am open to any comments. Fire away and thanks
for having the courage to open this MUCH NEEDED
forum! Sorry for the novel...

Oh it novel. Explore the differant boards, ask questions, read stories, get to know people.

Start researching and discussing an implant now. That is the final cure. Here is the kicker for insurance to pay you have to have documentation that the,pills, pumps and injections can not or did not work,

Loose all modesty and any hangups about talking about your dick other people seeing and touching it. Your wife needs also, most of the medical staff are nurses they see them all day
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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby radioradio » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:18 am


Welcome to Frank Talk. I hope you find it as helpful as I have. It is a wonderful resource. As Hugh said, we've all experienced this in our own ways. ED is shitty and the effects it can have on our relationships and mental/emotional health are huge. You're to be commended for facing up to this reality and making the decision to go to battle against it. And you're fortunate to have an understanding and supportive wife. It is not easy for partners, either.

Best advice has already been given -- seek out a great urologist who specializes in male reproductive issues. I don't see the need to find a new family doctor. From personal experience, I can also say it is very easy for your world to now revolve around your dick; as easy as it is for that to happen, it's unfair to your wife and may get in the way of her continued support. I didn't come up with this observation -- my wife did.

You have an "interesting" path before you with lots of options and decisions. Please lean on us here at FT, both by reading our posts, and by asking questions -- either by posting or sending private messages (PM's).

Best wishes for a successful outcome.

Bob 2.2
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.

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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby Anonymous3 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 6:40 am

radioradio wrote:Rmezgo,

Welcome to Frank Talk. I hope you find it as helpful as I have. It is a wonderful resource. As Hugh said, we've all experienced this in our own ways. ED is shitty and the effects it can have on our relationships and mental/emotional health are huge. You're to be commended for facing up to this reality and making the decision to go to battle against it. And you're fortunate to have an understanding and supportive wife. It is not easy for partners, either.

Best advice has already been given -- seek out a great urologist who specializes in male reproductive issues. I don't see the need to find a new family doctor. From personal experience, I can also say it is very easy for your world to now revolve around your dick; as easy as it is for that to happen, it's unfair to your wife and may get in the way of her continued support. I didn't come up with this observation -- my wife did.

My wife tell me exact samething

You have an "interesting" path before you with lots of options and decisions. Please lean on us here at FT, both by reading our posts, and by asking questions -- either by posting or sending private messages (PM's).

Best wishes for a successful outcome.

Bob 2.2

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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby scgunslingers » Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:49 am

Hello I am a new member, but a long time reader.
I have a question about trimix injections. It seems that I achieve better results injecting into the right side of my penis than injections to the left side. Has anyone else had this problem? If so what is the correction to be made? Thanks for any and all comments.
I have managed ED for about 2 years now tried pills they had no affect. Same with VED,on to the trimix. I have a good success rate,except when using left side of the penis. I don't achieve the same rigid erection. I'm right handed and less than blessed.


Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby Larry10625 » Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:06 pm

scgunslingers wrote:Hello I am a new member, but a long time reader.
I have a question about trimix injections. It seems that I achieve better results injecting into the right side of my penis than injections to the left side. Has anyone else had this problem? If so what is the correction to be made? Thanks for any and all comments.

Please create a signature. It makes things much easier to answer your questions without asking a lot of questions. Here's how you do it
Click on your name in the top right corner and select "user control panel"

Then under the big letters "User Control Panel" there is a row of words... select "Profile"

Then down the left had side of the "User Control Panel" select "Edit Signature" (You might have Create Signature or something. I don't know exactly what you'll get because I already have a signature to edit)

Most guys put something like what I have, but you can put whatever you want. Here is mine -
"AMS 700 (18 + 2 rte's). Implanted March 30, 2017 by Dr. Brock of London, Ont, CANADA. Great surgeon. Went in to septic shock and had to have implant removed April 29, 2017. I'm from Belleville, Ontario, CANADA. Appt. for consult for second attempt is on November 6, 2017... I can't wait."

Don't get too carried away with the doctor like his name, address, phone number, etc (anything that looks like advertising for him).. you can certainly say Dr. Jones (great Dr.)

If you need further help, please ask, that's what I'm here for.


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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby bldoink » Thu Nov 16, 2017 4:29 pm

scgunslingers wrote: It seems that I achieve better results injecting into the right side of my penis than injections to the left side. Has anyone else had this problem? If so what is the correction to be made?

I'm not a medical professional of any sort. I'm just sharing my own layman experiences which are likely invalid. Always consult with your doctor and defer to his/her recommendation.

What you report is not unusual. In my case I find doing the right side is easier but I attribute that to my being right handed.

I've found that if I take care to inject correctly the result is the same on both sides although I'm still way slower doing the left side. My visible vein distribution isn't equal on both sides which also complicates matters. For whatever reason I have more on the left.

Others have claimed the actual results are better on one side than the other and not just the ease of injecting. Personally I'm guessing they just do a more consistent job on one side, rendering better results. I may well be wrong on that.

I'd still rotate sides and locations to hopefully reduce the odds of scaring. I actually injected at 4:00 as an experiment, making sure to be angled up toward the center-line. It worked just fine but I'm not recommending it.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby wstephens3 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 5:42 pm

Hope I'm doing this right-- if not kick me off and tell me how to what I'm supposed to. Anyhow this is me-- 84 years old---hey, time flies when you're having fun! Beautiful and luscious wife--we've been together 64 years! I had surgery in 1994 and radiation treatment as a follow up a couple of years later for slowly rising PSA. She and I keep trying!`--no way are we giving up yet!!

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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby Anonymous3 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 6:25 pm

wstephens3 wrote:Hope I'm doing this right-- if not kick me off and tell me how to what I'm supposed to. Anyhow this is me-- 84 years old---hey, time flies when you're having fun! Beautiful and luscious wife--we've been together 64 years! I had surgery in 1994 and radiation treatment as a follow up a couple of years later for slowly rising PSA. She and I keep trying!`--no way are we giving up yet!!

Larry Will ask you to create a signiture.

Welcome ask questions, No need to be shy, bashful , or need to sugar coat what you say(dont insult each other)

Posts: 14
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Re: New Registering Members - forum guidelines

Postby wstephens3 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:31 am

Is this where I enter my personal info? If not here, where and how? Thanks

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