Scrotum stuck to pump?

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Scrotum stuck to pump?

Postby uglygrizzly » Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:47 pm

I had the Coloplast Titan Inflatable Penile Prosthesis done on 1/22/14. I've had a lot (seems major to me) of edema/pain. Saw my surgeon a couple of days ago and he seemed to be quite concerned when he discovered that my scrotum is attached to one side of the saline pump that was implanted there. He mentioned nothing that could be done about it, just muttered something about "all the parts are supposed to be covered with antibiotic"... so I guess he is hoping that there is no infection. Before surgery he told me that he had done over 700 of these implantations; online I've read that other surgeons have done more than 2000 of these surgeries. I'm supposed to go back to see my surgeon in 3 weeks... at that point I will be 6 weeks post surgery. Until then, what can I do to make matters better, if anything?

Question: who are the mysterious "Reps". On the day of my implant surgery everything seemed to be in place (I had been cleaned and shaved, my surgeon was there, my anesthesiologist was there, my surgical nurse was there, but they all seemed to be waiting on the mysterious "Rep") I was never introduced to the "Rep", so I can only presume that he/she was employed by the Coloplast Company to report to local surgical sites with a suitcase full of devices in hand (so that the correct size could be chosen. My surgeon, by the way, has never shown/demonstrated one of these devices to me. Does all of this sound familiar? Do these devices cost in the neighborhood of $12,000.00? I would like to have seen what they decided to implant before the implantation was done! It must be platinum plated? Is there something I can do to get the saline pump released and properly hanging freely in my scrotum or will they always be welded together? :o :shock: Right now I'm not too sure about this being bionic thing?


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Re: Scrotum stuck to pump?

Postby Dave48003 » Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:33 pm

Hang in there, my friend. I have an AMS, but I had the same problem and I'm talking with another guy locally who just had the same implant I have and has the edema thing going also. Some of us just react more severly to the "invasion of privacy".
Because of my swelling, I didn't try to pull the pump down. My doc and I agreed to try to leave things alone to get the swelling down do I could deflate. I was so swollen that he could not deflate me after surgery. I walked around with a boner for over 3 weeks! I was never so happy to see my dick limp as I was when I finally was able to push the majic button. lol
Anyway, I had to deal with the sticking pump. Here is what I did every night: I got in the shower (we have no tub) with an old plastic bowl and used it to fill with warm water to soak my balls. Once they were nice and loose, I would grab my pump with one hand and whatever it was sticking to with the other and apply pressure to pull them apart. It felt like pulling adhesive tape off your skin, only inside. Very slow and unpleasant experience, but after a few weeks, the pump was totally free and now hangs between my testicles like its supposed to. Take ibuprofen for the inflammation (if your doc doesn't have you on anything else for it) and ice when you can and do your soaking and pulling at night.
Good luck. PM me for my phone number if you want to talk.
BTW, this should be posted in implants for maximum visibility.
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Scrotum stuck to pump?

Postby uglygrizzly » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:22 pm

Thanks for the post. Dave. I'll let you know if I get up enough nerve to try your advice. Ouch!

This is already posted under Implants with the Title "Saline Pump Stuck To Scrotum"


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