Joining from California

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Joining from California

Postby another_one » Fri Aug 26, 2022 11:53 am

Hello All,

Joined the site a couple of days ago - from Norcal. I am a 55 yo and have generally had a great sex life until things started to go downhill about 4 years ago.In the beginning I was able to have an erection but lost it during sex. I was on Viagra for a few years and it helped in retaining the erection. The pandemic happened and the kids were back home so we had limited intimate time. Post pandemic I saw that Viagra is not helpful and also the ejaculation was down to one or two drops if at all. Met with a urologist who told me that it happens due to age and all that and put me on Cialis. I tried a couple of times but dont find it effective. Total T came out to be 409 and Free T at 86.4. My question is that what should my next steps be. I want my physician to find the real cause and treat it accordingly ? Any help or guidance would be appreciated. I have type 2 diabetes but very well managed.

Yet another_one
56 years old. ED symptoms started when I was 50.Viagra and Cialis with reduction in efficacy over the years. Married for 27 years, with two adult children.Wife is very supportive

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Re: Joining from California

Postby ape1100 » Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:19 pm

another_one wrote:Hello All,

Joined the site a couple of days ago - from Norcal. I am a 55 yo and have generally had a great sex life until things started to go downhill about 4 years ago.In the beginning I was able to have an erection but lost it during sex. I was on Viagra for a few years and it helped in retaining the erection. The pandemic happened and the kids were back home so we had limited intimate time. Post pandemic I saw that Viagra is not helpful and also the ejaculation was down to one or two drops if at all. Met with a urologist who told me that it happens due to age and all that and put me on Cialis. I tried a couple of times but dont find it effective. Total T came out to be 409 and Free T at 86.4. My question is that what should my next steps be. I want my physician to find the real cause and treat it accordingly ? Any help or guidance would be appreciated. I have type 2 diabetes but very well managed.

Yet another_one

i have seen 4 urologists and not one has tried to find the cause. they all have suggested that its a combo of age, hypothyroidism and low T in my case. have been on meds for hypothyroid and am still on TRT but they did not improve ED or libido issues for me. a year ago oral meds became 50-75% in effective. every doctor just goes through the steps. oral meds, VED, injections and the ultimate option of IPP. for me, at the time when oral meds started to become ineffective, i also noticed that orgasm was very difficult to achieve. now I am on trimix injections and anorgasmia is now even more illusive. its not gone but takes a lot of work, time and shoulder ache. lol. anorgasmia is an even less talked about symptom with my current uro. i had to show him internet research on cabergoline and at least he did prescribe it but it also has done little for the problem and there is no delving into the cause. its all these are the steps, what would you like to do. at lease w trimix it works really well for me and it has helped sex so much that i just now can focus on pleasing the wife many many times. if need be i will get an implant but for now trimix works. i guess focus on what your goal is. if its fixing the problem focus on that. i have lost too much sleep in trying to figure out what the cause is. just my two cents. welcome to the forum and i wish you luck.
50+ yrs old. married 25+ years. hypothyroid, on TRT. 10+ years ED, viagra, cialis now 50% ineffective. now on trimix 2MG phentolamine/30MG papaverine/20MCG alprostadil

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Re: Joining from California

Postby bldoink » Fri Aug 26, 2022 1:25 pm

another_one wrote:Hello All,

Joined the site a couple of days ago - from Norcal.

Welcome to the forum.
another_one wrote:I am a 55 yo and have generally had a great sex life until things started to go downhill about 4 years ago.In the beginning I was able to have an erection but lost it during sex. I was on Viagra for a few years and it helped in retaining the erection. The pandemic happened and the kids were back home so we had limited intimate time. Post pandemic I saw that Viagra is not helpful and also the ejaculation was down to one or two drops if at all.
Met with a urologist who told me that it happens due to age and all that and put me on Cialis. I tried a couple of times but dont find it effective. Total T came out to be 409 and Free T at 86.4. My question is that what should my next steps be. I want my physician to find the real cause and treat it accordingly ? Any help or guidance would be appreciated. I have type 2 diabetes but very well managed.

Yet another_one

I'm not expert but if you're getting any erection with the pills, or without, I'd try adding some novelty/sex shop silicone cock rings to the mix. It may or may not help and may or may not be a longer term solution but many find it does help. I wear one around my dick behind the boys. It should be tight enough to restrict the blood a bit but not so tight that it cuts it off necessitating a 20 min limit on wear. There are many to chose from. Expect rejects until you find which rings work best for you. The proper ring should give you a boost that may satisfy you.

As far as ejaculate volume, yes it generally decreases with age. However also as we age it seems common to fail to drink enough water. The water is important for a number of reasons.

Good luck.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Nerve sparing - damaged. C in margin. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ ~ 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE-1 - cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: Joining from California

Postby Anonymous FT Member » Fri Aug 26, 2022 4:02 pm

I'm 39 and wondering the same thing. Would like to know the cause rather than just keep throwing ED pills at it.
Finding a good and helpful doctor has proven to be a real challenge for me.

Could your situation be stress related? You mentioned the kids were back, so I wondered if your routine or living arrangements were off. I wouldn't jump right into an implant at this point. Your testosterone seems like it would be higher than mine. I remember mine being in the 300s several years ago. So I don't know how you're doing it, but I would love to know. Good luck finding the information you need, and please share whatever you find out.

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Re: Joining from California

Postby Reggieman » Sat Sep 03, 2022 2:03 pm

Also from NorCal with Type 2 diabetes. I had Radical Prostatectomy with immediate loss of any erection along with acquiring anorgasmia (note: there is a separate forum here on Frank Talk for anorgasmia). I tried all the drugs, pills, contraptions but ended up going to an ED specialist Uro at UCSF where I had my RP done. I now use injections containing Bimix (no pain like for some using Trimix).

First, find a Uro who specializes in men's sexual health who is trained in ED problems and solutions. Most Uros are not. Spend your time and money on a Uro that truly knows about men's sexual problems. I went to UCSF and on my second visit I was given a test injection on the spot and the Bimix worked right away, no need to try Trimix. No problems since. Don't jump into an implant as there is no going back once it's done.

In the last few years I've achieved a sort of orgasm using electro stimulation. Due to now taking more meds due to a variety of health issues electro-stim doesn't work as well for me. It is still better than nothing. Wife has had no interest in sex for years so I don't even get any emotional satisfaction from physical intimacy. The rewards of old age I guess. LOL At least I am still on the right side of the dirt at my age of 76.

Good luck.
Retired. R.P. 2016. Bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Now use .15cc of Bimix twice weekly & anorgasmia, moderately incontinent. Wife no longer interested so go solo with Electro-stim using Erostek ET-312. Now am Type 2 diabetic.

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