Hello from Tampa

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Joined: Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:04 pm

Hello from Tampa

Postby r0g3rs0n » Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:16 pm

Hello All,

I'll be 57 next month. Last October I had a prostatectomy. So far the cancer has not returned and the same can be said for an erection. That is how I ended up at this site. I read a few posts and could tell right away I've found a great place to share and learn. I live in Tampa Florida. Getting ready for the RNC and a hurricane. Not sure which one will create more hot air! I don't really do a lot of forums and such so let me know if I screw up.

As they say in the south, talk to y'all soon!

Cajun Jeff
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Re: Hello from Tampa

Postby Cajun Jeff » Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:53 pm

Welcome to FT, Im in Louisiana and were looking out for the herricane as well. I am also a PCa guy injections have been the solution for me but there are lots of options to get back in the game.

Join us some time in the chat room. Lots of great guys. My Niece will graduate from USF this year.

Feel free to ask questions.

Cajun Jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Location: Indianapolis

Re: Hello from Tampa

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:24 pm


First welcome. This is a great place and there is a lot of experience and wisdom here. Like you I am here because of PCa and required robotic surgery. And like you my PSA's remain at 0. It does change things- doesn't it.

If I may ask; what are you doing now? If you are not pumping I would suggest you begin such a program. It is fun and it helps to prevent loss of length and keeps the blood flowing into the shaft and head. Also, keep using him even though he may not get hard. That is important and keeps the boys active and the hormones flowing- well it also feels good.

Jeff is right. Join the chat room when you can and ask away. We all have the same issue so there is little false modesty or "can't talk about that". The humor can be bawdy but the support and understanding is sterling. This is a good place!!


PCa-surgery 10/06

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