I encourage you to address your ED

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I encourage you to address your ED

Postby indybanker » Mon Oct 04, 2021 5:55 pm

Hi, I am a 75 year old fit guy that has experienced some level of ED for the last 20 years. In fact, I got divorced 15 years ago and I think my ED was a significant factor. Our thirty year marriage was held together by our high octane sex life. Once that diminished our relationship really suffered. I felt inadequate and she felt she didn’t excite me. Yes, I should have sought professional help but I didn’t.
13 years ago I met another woman who urged me to have my doctor to prescribe an ED med. I started with Levitra 5mg dosage and it worked quite well as far as getting and maintaining an erection but the headaches and nausea were really bad. I switched to the daily 2.5mg dosage of generic Cialis, which had minimal side effects. It worked quite well for a period, maybe 2 years, then my erections didn’t seem to be as firm or last long enough for me to have an orgasm. I increased the dosage to 5mg on an as needed basis taken 2-3 hours before sex. We noticed my erection was certainly more firm and maybe even thicker than before and would last easily for an orgasm and even have more erections if stimulated. This too did not last, after a few years I lost firmness and staying power.
This brings us to the current day. I am now taking10mg generic Cialis on a as needed basis…about every third day. I have minor side effects but not significant enough bother me. Erections come easily, are quite firm and last through an orgasm. Perhaps the most interesting plus is that my flaccid penis is larger (5”) than before (3”), except when it is quite chilly or I have exercised then it seems to be much smaller (2’) and retracted. I don’t mind a smaller flaccid penis after exercise. It is a small price to pay for a nice firm erection and a bigger flaccid penis under normal conditions.
I assume after a period of time I will have to increase my dosage again and as long as the side effects aren’t bad I have no problem with doing it.
I make this post to encourage those with ED to get help. If I had done it sooner I might have saved my marriage.

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Re: I encourage you to address your ED

Postby silverdude » Sat Oct 30, 2021 11:43 am

Indy.....I agree with you, I didnt come to terms with my ED, until almost, too late. I didnt know of all the "tools" available to combat, and really didnt know about becoming bionic, until I stumbled into this site.

As you have stated, encourage all to come to grips with ED, see what can be done to try options.

Thank you for your input!
66 yo dude, happily married. TRT injection. PDE5's. On a diet, meds for high blood pressure. Easy going, pro 2nd amendment. Burn and explosion survivor. My motto, love my wife, work hard, play hard, and stay hard! Trimix injections, 30/1/10.

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