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Just found forum

Postby biggar » Tue Aug 21, 2018 10:09 am

I'm new here but have started having ED issues for a few years now. Partly because I just turned 65 and mostly because I've been diabetic for about 20 yrs now. Tried the Elator and it does work but is awkward to use. Tried Levetra and it does work well for me with no real side effects but the pre-planning is a turn off. So we just ordered a vacuum pump system. I tried just using the tension bands with what erection I can achieve with some success so buying the pump also seemed wise. Should be here in a few days so I will probably give a review of it.

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Happy Toy
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Re: Just found forum

Postby Happy Toy » Thu Aug 23, 2018 2:10 pm

Tri-mix injections worked great for me for over 12 years. I got a hard erection in about 10 min. and it would last for 2 hrs., even after I came. But nothing works forever and I got to the point that it just would not stay hard :x , so had the implant, which so far, 12 weeks out, is working well and I can pump it up whenever I want and leave it that way for as long as I want. :D
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 79yrs., married 56 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

Doc Tom
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Re: elator

Postby Doc Tom » Wed Aug 24, 2022 3:27 pm

I bought the elator. I have Total ED after DaVinci robot prostatectomy for cancer. No one told me about this product. I happened to find it online. No oral meds worked. Trimix works but its cumbersome and distasteful to administer.. The ELATOR works great. After a little practice, I can put it on in less than 15 seconds. Imagine that, 15 seconds to an erection that I can use. And, I can use it as long as I want to. Its pretty amazing. It basically stretches out your penis and gives it some stiffness. Of course it's a skinny erection, but it works. The wife has no complaints. Its comfortable and easy to clean. Im sold!!. I just wish I had found this 3 years ago, (I Have quite a bit of time and activity to make up for) . I advise utilizing the free measuring device they will send you. Good luck

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