Erectile dysfunction from the fastsize

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Re: Erectile dysfunction from the fastsize

Postby Titan_Man » Tue Mar 27, 2012 2:52 am

I have often thought about all of the hoops I have been jumping through, and trying to figure out if it is worth it, or if I should talk to the URO about an implant. My only issue is that it is very permanent, long recovery, and a major decision. It seems as though the injections i am currently on, are working only part of the time, and at half best at that. So for now, im just dosing with trimix, seeing where that takes me, but if I dont get anywhere, I will have to think about the implant.

Two-step and premature, have you guys already talked to the URO about implants, and if so, what did they say??
David, 33, from Central MA
Erectile Dysfunction all of my life
Severe venous leak
Coloplast Titan OTR implanted 9/4/12

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Re: Erectile dysfunction from the fastsize

Postby Dave48003 » Tue Mar 27, 2012 8:53 pm

Read the stories of the bionic guys on this site, you will find that most of us went down the same path you guys are now going down, should I or shouldn't I? Trust me, the answers you are looking for won't come from urologists, they will come from guys that have already lived it. My uro will be the first to tell you he doesn't know the answers to how does it feel, etc., just the % chance of infection, shrinkage, and all the medical stuff, the stuff you can read on the AMS or Coloplast websites. That is why he has asked if I would be willing to attend seminars on implants to answer questions from others considering the procedure.

If you want to have the ability to get a hard on when you want, with about 90 seconds notice, and keep it until you don't want it no more (next month, maybe?), with 100% certainty, get an implant. Any other solution doesn't meet any of these criteria, it is a lower performing solution. Now, when that ratio of performance gets to the point where you feel it ain't cutting it no more, then step up to the plate. Are there risks? Yes. But there are risks with pills, pumps, and injections also. I was starting to get some scar tissue from injections. I've heard of guys getting PD from injections and pumps. There ain't no free lunch guys! Your doctor isn't going to make the decision for you, it's on you!
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: Erectile dysfunction from the fastsize

Postby prematuredysfunction » Thu Mar 29, 2012 2:55 am

I haven't considered an implant yet. My ED is not there yet. The pills are still pretty effective for me (~90% of the time), and I have a little bit of room on the dose. I'm not sure how as I age (I'm 32) my erection will progess, but I will try injections first before deciding on an implant.

The veterans with the implant on this site are your resource for experience with the implant. Minnesota is a 23 year-old with an implant since I think both TwoStep and Dsisoh are in 20s and 30s ? He is worth contacting if you are considering it since I think our age is a different experience than someone married in their 50-60s.

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Re: Erectile dysfunction from the fastsize

Postby jn1421 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 2:09 am

I agree with Dave48003's post above.
You guys need to read/study up on the testimonies in the Implant Forum. I'm convinced you won't find any place on the internet that has more available, personal experience about life prior to and after implant surgery; Pros and Cons included.

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Re: Erectile dysfunction from the fastsize

Postby Pumpingvictum » Mon Jul 18, 2022 5:53 am

TwoStep wrote:I'm sorry you find it so hard to read premature's post. But at least it's been helpful to me. I'm in a similar situation and I just had cavernosal nerve damage diagnosed on an EMG scan. I hope we can keep in touch, premature. I'm considering an implant myself.

What exactly your penile emg test exactly?
I damaged my peins 2012 by enlargment exersise by home made penis pump. 2 penile doppler with normal result and 1 cavernosography with normal result.

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