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New here....

Postby indofrank » Sun May 20, 2012 12:26 am

Hi folks,

49 year old , newly married for first time here. Suffered from anxiety ED from mid 30's, however noticed that my erections are not as hard as when younger. Trying to get my wife pregnant now, and I'm suffering from anxiety ED. This is so difficult for both of us. Glad I found this place.

I used to take 25mgs of Viagra and the flag would raise with any little stimulation. Now 100mgs doens't do anything...... new urologist has me on 5mgs daily Cialis now.

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Re: New here....

Postby Peckerwood » Sun May 20, 2012 12:15 pm

It might take a little while for the 5mg of Cialis to do its work, but it works so well for me that I ocasionally don't even need the additional 20 mg of Levitra or Cialis for an erection that lasts through ejaculation. However, the most dependable erection for completely successful intercourse comes when I take a shot of Trimix. I always take the 5mg of Cialis daily now, but I never take an additional 20 mg of Cialis or Levitra plus the Trimix shot. What I'm finding with the daily Cialis is that I consistently have nighttime erections which are important for keeping your penis healthy and in working order. I'm assuming you have had your testosterone level checked; if you haven't, you should do that. If you begin to find the daily Cialis too expensive, you might want to check into Northwest Pharmacy in Canada for the generic of Cialis; it works just as well, but can cost you between $30 and $60 per month as opposed to the cost of the brand labeled drug. I'm also a believer in injections and have found Trimix to be my most reliable source for an erection, as I mentioned earlier, for "successful" intercourse. Read about all of these options on our site, particularly the injections forum.

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Re: New here....

Postby indofrank » Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:10 am

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Re: New here....

Postby indofrank » Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:16 am

Hi everyone,

Back after one year hiatus. Well, things not good, still trying to get my wife pregnant. Still suffering from severe performance anxiety.

All the pressure to perform in a two day window is not helping. I am taking acupuncture to help stimulate blood supply to penis area, which is helping because now waking up to morning wood more frequently.

I took 75 mg Viagra last session, was really hard during foreplay, but right into insertion it failed. SO disappointed, as was my wife. Yet, the next night I take 50mg Viagra when I was by myself, looked at a little porn, and got hard. With no pressure, it seems to work.

This is now our biggest issue in our marriage.

Will come here more often now. Thanks gentlemen.

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Re: New here....

Postby irishguy » Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:52 pm

Hey indo just an idea for you.. You say the cause is stress anxiety etc but not physical. So your taking tablets and acupunture and prob other stuff, what you need to do is do tests to see is it physical or mental.. Do you have morning wood. If tests come back that its pyshological then go to a pysco sexual counsellor. If its in your head,fix your head. . If its in your head and the drugs arnt giving you the tempory confidence you have to work on your mind! Just my 2 cents... Best of luck
Age 34 Implanted with a 20cm Titan, Mar 19 2013, By Doctor David Ralph in London England,
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Re: New here....

Postby Dave48003 » Wed Mar 06, 2013 10:19 pm

Indo - I can relate! Once you fail at the act, it seems to always be on your mind. Try a ring, they aren't the most comfortable, but it will help keep you hard and maybe give you some of ur mojo back!
Charter member of the Brotherhood of Bionic Boners.
69 YO with a venous leak since puberty, made worse by meds & diabetes. Tried pills, a VED, and injections before my AMS 700LGX was implanted 3-17-2011. A life changing event!

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Re: New here....

Postby Peckerwood » Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:59 am

Why not give the injections a try? I have had great success with Trimix, and it's possible an injection will get you past your anxiety and give you the confidence you need so that you might eventually drop back to the oral drugs. You can continue with the daily Cialis and still do the Trimix. Trimix is less expensive in most instances than Caverject.

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Re: New here....

Postby antelope » Thu Mar 07, 2013 8:52 am

I agree with peckerwood. Barring some organic malfunction like venous leakage, trimix injections will definitely produce an erection and a fabulous one at that. Believe me, have a raging hard-on once again is a major step forward in resolving the psychological effects of ED.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: New here....

Postby indofrank » Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:08 pm

I belong to Kaiser insurance - not sure if they cover Trimix but will find out. Little framed out about shots in the pecker though!

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Re: New here....

Postby losangeles » Sat Mar 16, 2013 8:25 pm

hey indofrank,
los angeles here. i am 59 and have had issues with ed for about 8 years. believe me i can sympathize with your anxiety. once my penis started failing me suitable erections my confidence went south and my anxiety went off the charts. Being away on a submarine for 6 months at a time only made it worse. i could masturbate on the submarine without any problem, but once home i could not get an erection for anything. Really do not know what caused a cure but i think my expectations went out the window and my wife just stopped expecting anything to happen and this took the pressure off me. Tried Viagra for a couple of nights and man did my mojo come back. That was then and this is now and i have type ii diabetes and moderate to severe leakage. have tried the shots, pills, and pumps. am using the pump now with Cialias 5 mg daily and can do ok. there are no expectations from either my wife and me and if erections happen then the better. If not...well there is more than one way to skin a cat.See if your uro will recommend a pump and see if that works. Most insurances cover the cost. My advice (2 cents worth) quit trying so hard and let yourself breath. your wife is obviously very understanding and this is worth its weight in gold. Take care and keep us up to date on how things progress. los angeles

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