New Guy

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New Guy

Postby jn1421 » Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:14 pm

Hey Guys,
I’m Jn1421 a new member. I’m 56 and I’ve, got ED too; don’t’ care for it and decided to do something about it. Went to the Dr., was given a prescription of Levitra, it didn’t work, assumed I was destined for surgery of some sort, started searching for implants and found a few websites advocating ED recovery through penis exercise; thought what the heck, started a beginner’s program, immediately saw results toward erection quality (EQ), Levitra started working, increased my penis size, finished beginner’s program, continue exercises with focus on ED issues, I now get morning wood where before had none for 6 years (motivating), Dr., prescribed an Osbon Erecaid pump and now I’m able to get a complete erection through a combination of exercise/Levitra/pump and enjoy sex once again.

I stumbled upon Frank Talk about two months ago and finally decided to make myself known by registering. I appreciate what I’ve been reading here and wanted to get involved with other men that have a mutual understanding of this thing we have become united with; namely ED.

Cajun Jeff
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Re: New Guy

Postby Cajun Jeff » Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:19 pm

Jn1421, Welcome to the board. I hope you will tell us more about these penis exercises. When I first read this post I was thinking SPAM. Then on reading more you mention lerking about for a while and willing to help others. Many of us here have pumps and use them daily. Almost all of us have used different pills and others have moved to implants.

Jury is still out for me and I would love to know that penis exercises could possibly bring the boy back.

Cajun jeff
68 years old, Married 48 years. Prostate Cancer surgery 11 years ago. Tried Pills, VED, moved to injections (EdEx) for past 6 years. Implanted with AMS 700 LGX by Dr Hellstrom in New Orleans at Tulane Medical. 1/13/20

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Re: New Guy

Postby jn1421 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:52 am

Thanks CJ,

What would you like to know? There are a lot of different exercises designed to meet different goals. Kind of like going to the gym and working on focused areas of your body.

The main site I learned from is maintained by moderators that strongly suggested I start with one of the beginner (newbie) routines. Their perspective is for safety (ignorance is not bliss); rightfully so because after I started my program I soon became aware of how easy it would be to permanently injure my penis.

The exercises are designed for developing an overall healthy penis, providing an overall healthy sex life which everyone wants but they also focus on size gains (length/girth). My sole purpose for starting was to avoid implant surgery and recover from ED completely. A bigger penis would certainly be very nice but with ED what good would it do me if I couldn’t use it?

Some of the guys at these sites say that they have completely recovered from ED and that it is a thing of the past for them, but for me it still persists although not nearly as bad. I’m still considered new at this exercise game (March 2010) but from what I have experienced so far, I will no doubt continue for life. Perhaps one day I too can boast victory over ED!

There are a few PE (penis exercise) sites that offer information on these exercises with detailed explanations, how-to demonstration videos and a lot of guys (like here) available to help. If you want I can send some links via PM.

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Location: England

Re: New Guy

Postby Gingertom3 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:26 pm

New Guy ,welcome welcome welcome! I would like to know more about these exercises. Up to now I have just been using the pump as an exercise program. But if there is more to it, please give us the link.


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Re: New Guy

Postby jn1421 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:55 pm

Thanks for everyone’s patience and interest with the exercises. The reason I’ve waited to provide them is that I wanted to get permission to do so first . Now that I have it here they are:

Free PE (penis exercise) links

In order to access everything here at PEgym (videos/posting) you may have to register. You will find a lot of very helpful categories such as: articles; exercises; guides; product reviews; forums and expert blogs. You will also find a lot of sub categories like: groups; photos; new posts; search (use this one as much as possible); forum links and my account; a place to manage your personal account.

Exercises are located in top function bar. You may need to be filtered by your browser before any of the video can be seen. For instance, I use Internet Explorer as my ISP/browser and I cannot watch the demonstration video unless I go through ‘InPrivate Browsing’ located within the tools tab. This may not be the case for some of you guys using another Internet Service Provider.

Anyway, click exercises and find the goal you want, for ex: as a goal, ‘hard penis,’ click it. It will open to a variety of exercises designed to help make your penis hard.

Most of the exercises at PEgym (not all) have a how-to demonstration video available with a real, articulate person doing the exercise and explaining step-by-step technique. This is very helpful for ‘visual learners’ like me.

The Forum section is where you find all the topics of discussions (enlargement, devices, progress, success, ED, premature ejac, relationships, women’s perspective, exercise & health, PE theory & science. . .ect) .

Be advised: Not many rules apply within the forums and anything goes; they’re a lot of young guys here foolishly expressing themselves; it gets vulgar and immature at times however the Moderators are quick at banning anyone who becomes unruly.

I strongly recommend reading the article below before you start searching searching. This particular article has a wealth of scientific/theoretical information about penis construction and development. It took me a few times reading it before I understood everything. A must read if you want to know how your penis can be manually manipulated into the penis you want, including ED recovery. You’ll want to save this one for future reference. ... -explained

Thunder’s Place
Registration is required here also if you want to view the videos or post on a forum. Membership is not always obtainable; availability opens about every 3 months, currently they are open for new membership.

One unique feature here at Thunder’s Place is that it has a multi-language forum set up (English/Spanish). I couldn’t find the links for the other language forums but I believe French and Scandinavian tongues are also available within as sub-forums. The exercise videos are not as easy to find at this site, here’s the link: ... hp?t=49689 .

This site too has many younger members who cannot relate directly to ED, but if you dig around you will find many older gentlemen who can.

Bib Hangers
Bib Hangers is a site dedicated to penis lengthening by means of hanging weights from your penis. Bib (aka ‘Bigger’) is the site administrator and inventor of the Bib hanger. He is quick to answer ‘all’ questions and posts with very insightful, personal experienced knowledge about the proper and effective way of hanging. There is a sub-section on general PE within. Lots of information here too.

I hope these sites will suffice. They are the only ones I’m aware of that freely give their information without charge like FT.

If you may have any other questions, I’m available.


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Location: Dallas, TX

Re: New Guy

Postby plink6872 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:23 pm

These are largely geared towards enlargement.

Posts: 498
Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:21 am

Re: New Guy

Postby jn1421 » Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:39 pm

plink6872 wrote:These are largely geared towards enlargement.

Yes, they are. I mentioned that in my previous post, apparently not clearly enough. A category exists within each website forum specifically about ED. Penis exercises are not only designed for penis enlargement, they do have mulit-purpose effects, mainly overall penis health, ultimately for a richer sex life. Enlargement or enhancement is no doubt what most of the guys on these sites are trying to achievce but not everyone is seeking that. The reason I chose to do them was to see if in fact they would help with my ED recovery. And I'm very excited to say YES they have! I knew before I started that my penis would inevitably become longer and thicker but my motivation and goal was ED recovery, not enlargement. You might need to overlook and ignore everything unrelated to ED.

FrankTalk is the only dedicated ED website I know of.

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