Lack of Feeling

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Lack of Feeling

Postby MIDBOB293 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:24 am

About 18 months since seed implants and radiation. Able to have an erection using Viagra. I find it most effective to masturbate with or without my wife's help. But, I am finding that when i cum the feeling is not much. Not much liquid but i don't care about that. It is the almost numb feeling when i ejaculate that bothers me. Anybody else experience this lack of feeling (enjoyment) at pop time? Thanks, Bob
Had external beam radiation and brachytherapy 2010 with some ED soon after. Viagra works, Some loss of sensation at times but overall sex has returned We are very oral and that helps a lot.

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby limpnoodle » Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:30 pm

Bob, I've got the same problem. I am 4.5 years post surgery and varying degrees of erections. I have been on cialis daily off and on for over a year. Sometimes with a tension band I have a usable erection, but both sensation to penis and feel of climax vary. Sometimes I don't even know if I had one or not. An example is: not long ago things worked in the erection department but the only way I knew I had reached the moment was the erection started going away. Frankly I have gotten very frustrated and at times feel like "why am I even trying" but not ready yet to give up on that part of life. I've asked on this forum before if testosterone might help with sensation and climax but seems it increases libido but nobody has commented on sensation or climax feelings. I plan on requesting a testosterone test at my next physcial but don't know if I am brave enough to supplement and risk waking up the PCa if it is low.

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby MIDBOB293 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 2:18 pm

Limp: Appreciate your comments. I am not competent to comment on the value of testosterone in improving our conditions – but from what I have read it is doubtful – but that does not mean it is so. One thing that bothers me is the words of Dr. John Mulhall of Sloan-Kettering who says that the peak negative effects of radiation is 3 to 5 years which is not exciting news. He also says the negative effect for radiation and surgery at that time is about the same. I obviously have venous leak issues which may relate to my lack of an impressive climax. All this brings me to what I am doing to make the best of a bad situation. I satisfy my wife orally and she will satisfy me orally but I find that if I masturbate as part of our sex act I have a better climax before I lose my errection due to the venous leak. And I like you, hardly know when I climax. Please let me know what you find out about the testosterone subject.
Had external beam radiation and brachytherapy 2010 with some ED soon after. Viagra works, Some loss of sensation at times but overall sex has returned We are very oral and that helps a lot.

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby limpnoodle » Fri Jul 06, 2012 5:47 pm

Midbob: I am not sure where to go from here. I'll keep looking at testosterone but only thing I think with that is: remember how horny in our twenties we were. And after heavy foreplay how great it felt to climax maybe testosterone might bring that back. What is a little strange to me is early in penile rehab with the pump I seemed to have great (normal) sensation but as time has progressed it has gotten less. I have a hard time climaxing vaginaly and the least little thing (dog barking outside) will derail me so to speak. I will admitt before surgery my climaxes were not what they were 20 years ago but on a scale of 1-10 I'd say maybe 6-7; and now during vaginal maybe a 1-2 and manually 3-4. I lost one nerve bundle during surgery and that contribitates to the ED but according to everything i've been told and have read that should not affect sensations. With out a prostate to contract that can't help but reduce the climax. I think over time some scar tissue must be affecting some nerves somewhere. I was at a seminar about ED a few years ago and a fellow who was having some luck with the ED made the comment that "well after getting it up the end was well anticlimatic". None of the five Drs. in the room had any kind of answer or response. So anyways here's hoping for a solution. Cheers Limp

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby bw1951 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:17 pm

Bob, I'm 5+ years post brachytherapy. I became convinced that sensation was less intense within a year or two of treatment. It hasn't gotten better, but it hasn't gotten worse. My doc says that any radiation damage would have been to erections, not sensations. Cialis works, but hasn't helped with sensation. It takes a long time to ejaculate (decreased dramatically after brachytherapy but still have a small amount of clear ejaculate), and when I do it is disappointing. Maybe the erectile problems got worse 3 to 5 years out (I switched from Viagra to Cialis), but the lack of feeling has not gotten worse. Good luck.

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby MIDBOB293 » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:30 am

Bw: Glad to hear two things – 1. that the radiation damage seems to be more of a threat to erections and not sensations and 2. That your loss of feeling has not gotten worse. I am able to have an erection with 100 mg of Viagra (I use 150 mg and think it works better but docs say the extra 50 does not help). I use Cialis 25 to 50 mg nightly and I often have a strong erection sometime during the night and early morning but it is like we use to call a “piss hard” and does not seem to work much for sexual use. The daily Cialis is based on the penile rehabilitation concept that comes from mostly Dr. Mulhall of Sloan-Kettering and I really believe it has helped. So, bottom line – I can get an erection and if I don’t wait too long to achieve a climax I can do so before the venous leak causes me to lose it. That is why I usually masturbate as part of the sex act with my wife and satisfy her orally. But my sensation is just not much. I appreciate all the comments by you and Limp. It really does help when trying to understand things. I still get a little depressed when I remember that while I am 76 years old right now with limited sexual ability, two years ago before radiation I could get it up twice a week and climax with a fantastic feeling. I am thankful to be cured of prostate cancer and retain whatever sexual ability I do have. I have friends with no cancer and no known problems and I would say that 75% of them over 65 don’t have even the sex life my wife and I have. I am blessed to have a wife that loves sex and so I have a partner in satisfaction.
Had external beam radiation and brachytherapy 2010 with some ED soon after. Viagra works, Some loss of sensation at times but overall sex has returned We are very oral and that helps a lot.

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby dtwarren1942 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 2:37 pm

My EDvis a result of many years of diabetes. I now require Trimix or pump/constriction and still have an issue with orgasms and sensation issues when I do. I am starting to believe age has a lot to do with my orgasm issues.

My wife recently was suffering from acute bronchitis so we refrained from orgasmic sex (we did enjoy a few non orgasmic penetration sessions) for about two weeks. When we finally decided to have orgasmic sex, I had one of the biggest and strongest ejaculations in a long time.
Age 81
Started Trimix injections 8/'11

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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby vladtepes » Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:25 pm

I do believe also that orgasms is connected to the age of a man. In my case is true.
To have a really good orgasm, I need to take a brake of one week at least between them.
Unfortunately I am doing that very rarely.


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Re: Lack of Feeling

Postby Burnett » Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:19 pm

Sometimes I can't orgasm orally or vaginally. My penis seems less sensitive or my mind can't focus. I masturbate and bring myself to the brink and then resume and can orgasm with her. Is this uncommon among members of this discussion board?

I'm 59 on testosterone, cialis and Trimix. We still have a good sex life. My orgasms are great too.

I've had sexual performance anxiety issues since my heart attack 9yrs ago. The testosterone really helped as does the Trimix.


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