penis size

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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Re: penis size

Postby niarceel » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:18 pm

Due to the onset of ED in 2018, I've been engaged in a considerable amount of research on many sex related subjects.

One of them was erect penis length vs. vagina length, and how little/much these can effect a person's satisfaction with intercourse.

The "bottom lines" based upon results and averages from numerous studies:
1. From a very large study performed over many years, average human penis length was determined to be approximately 5.4 inches when fully erect.
2. The number of penises as long or longer than 7 inches is a small minority of the population, somewhere between 2% and 5%.
3. From another very large study performed over many years, average vaginal length was determined to be approximately 3 to 7 inches when a woman was not aroused.
4. During sexual arousal, a vagina becomes pliable and can easily stretch to accommodate most penises up to about 7 inches in length.
5. Beyond 7 inches, most women have difficulty accepting the full length of a penis without training their vaginas to stretch further. This training can be successful if a woman is dedicated to doing it and enduring uncomfortable stretching during the training process.
6. Most women are not focused on penis length for their satisfaction.
7. In dedicated relationships, most women are focused on intimacy and bonding, and for all women during coitus, a man's ability to remain hard enough, long enough, for them to experience an orgasm.
8. Women are generally not as focused on achieving orgasms as are men.
9. The great majority of women experience orgasm during penetration with concurrent stimulation of their clitorises, whether by their partner or by themselves.
10. For most women, the girth of a man's penis is more important than its length.
11. Girth can present 2 problems for women and men:
a. If a man's girth is very large, intercourse can be anywhere from uncomfortable to painful. Dedicated training of the vagina to accept a penis of large girth can help solve this problem. (A high quality lubricant can help reduce the intensity of this problem; I recommend using one that is silicon based.)
b. If a woman has experienced natural childbirth and no medical procedure was performed at its conclusion to compensate for the (usually permanent) stretching that occurs, she is usually going to be able to accept a penis of above average girth fairly easily. However, if a woman's sexual partner's penis is of approximately average girth, sufficient contact between penis and vagina to produce satisfaction may be lacking for both partners. The only solutions I have read for this problem are: i) a man's successful attempts to enlarge the girth of his penis without inflicting damage to it, and ii) a high degree of sexual stimulation for the woman such that her vagina is very swollen and tighter. But either of these solutions may not be optimum and may not produce the sexual satisfaction desired from penetration.

Of all the various sub-topics I have studied, the last one in the list is the most difficult problem to solve and the one most important to both men and women.


I am going to make an important point by sharing something intimate from my relationship with my wife. This would normally be private but in the context of this forum, I'll share it:

My wife and I both watch high-quality, very explicit pornography together (erotic, no violence or demeaning treatment of women) as part of our sexual foreplay. We've had frank discussions about the visual stimuli that sexually excite us, both individually and as a couple. Both of us really like the sight of a long, hard, big, erect penis inserted, or about to be inserted, into a woman.

I've candidly asked my wife if a large penis is what she would prefer, since my penis is on the low end of the average dimensions for penises. Her candid response was "no". She likes to see a long, hard, big, erect penis. It is sexually provocative, it excites her, and frequently she has a reflexive thought, "I wonder if I could get that thing inside of me". (She remarked that she thinks most women reflexively have the same thought.) But she knows its just a reflex and that's not what she wants. She wants me. She really doesn't want me to bigger or longer. I am just right for her.

Since those discussions, I've never given the length of my penis a second thought.

The reason I've posted all of this is to make this point: Most of us, men and women, have a strong sexual response to the sight of an erect penis of extraordinary dimensions, but the reality of such a penis is quite different from the fantasy of it. While the sight of one is sexually provocative, there are real world issues about the ownership and deployment of such a tool, not the least of which is the physical limitations many, if not most, women have to accepting one into their bodies.

In the real world where we all exist, the reality is that a penis that is something close to average in scale is the most useful and desirable. I share that conclusion with the studies I read.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
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Re: penis size

Postby stephen54 » Mon Dec 16, 2019 12:00 pm

niarceel wrote:Due to the onset of ED in 2018, I've been engaged in a considerable amount of research on many sex related subjects.

One of them was erect penis length vs. vagina length, and how little/much these can effect a person's satisfaction with intercourse.

The "bottom lines" based upon results and averages from numerous studies:
1. From a very large study performed over many years, average human penis length was determined to be approximately 5.4 inches when fully erect.
2. The number of penises as long or longer than 7 inches is a small minority of the population, somewhere between 2% and 5%.
3. From another very large study performed over many years, average vaginal length was determined to be approximately 3 to 7 inches when a woman was not aroused.
4. During sexual arousal, a vagina becomes pliable and can easily stretch to accommodate most penises up to about 7 inches in length.
5. Beyond 7 inches, most women have difficulty accepting the full length of a penis without training their vaginas to stretch further. This training can be successful if a woman is dedicated to doing it and enduring uncomfortable stretching during the training process.
6. Most women are not focused on penis length for their satisfaction.
7. In dedicated relationships, most women are focused on intimacy and bonding, and for all women during coitus, a man's ability to remain hard enough, long enough, for them to experience an orgasm.
8. Women are generally not as focused on achieving orgasms as are men.
9. The great majority of women experience orgasm during penetration with concurrent stimulation of their clitorises, whether by their partner or by themselves.
10. For most women, the girth of a man's penis is more important than its length.
11. Girth can present 2 problems for women and men:
a. If a man's girth is very large, intercourse can be anywhere from uncomfortable to painful. Dedicated training of the vagina to accept a penis of large girth can help solve this problem. (A high quality lubricant can help reduce the intensity of this problem; I recommend using one that is silicon based.)
b. If a woman has experienced natural childbirth and no medical procedure was performed at its conclusion to compensate for the (usually permanent) stretching that occurs, she is usually going to be able to accept a penis of above average girth fairly easily. However, if a woman's sexual partner's penis is of approximately average girth, sufficient contact between penis and vagina to produce satisfaction may be lacking for both partners. The only solutions I have read for this problem are: i) a man's successful attempts to enlarge the girth of his penis without inflicting damage to it, and ii) a high degree of sexual stimulation for the woman such that her vagina is very swollen and tighter. But either of these solutions may not be optimum and may not produce the sexual satisfaction desired from penetration.

Of all the various sub-topics I have studied, the last one in the list is the most difficult problem to solve and the one most important to both men and women.


I am going to make an important point by sharing something intimate from my relationship with my wife. This would normally be private but in the context of this forum, I'll share it:

My wife and I both watch high-quality, very explicit pornography together (erotic, no violence or demeaning treatment of women) as part of our sexual foreplay. We've had frank discussions about the visual stimuli that sexually excite us, both individually and as a couple. Both of us really like the sight of a long, hard, big, erect penis inserted, or about to be inserted, into a woman.

I've candidly asked my wife if a large penis is what she would prefer, since my penis is on the low end of the average dimensions for penises. Her candid response was "no". She likes to see a long, hard, big, erect penis. It is sexually provocative, it excites her, and frequently she has a reflexive thought, "I wonder if I could get that thing inside of me". (She remarked that she thinks most women reflexively have the same thought.) But she knows its just a reflex and that's not what she wants. She wants me. She really doesn't want me to bigger or longer. I am just right for her.

Since those discussions, I've never given the length of my penis a second thought.

The reason I've posted all of this is to make this point: Most of us, men and women, have a strong sexual response to the sight of an erect penis of extraordinary dimensions, but the reality of such a penis is quite different from the fantasy of it. While the sight of one is sexually provocative, there are real world issues about the ownership and deployment of such a tool, not the least of which is the physical limitations many, if not most, women have to accepting one into their bodies.

In the real world where we all exist, the reality is that a penis that is something close to average in scale is the most useful and desirable. I share that conclusion with the studies I read.

God bless the research power of the internet, right?! All interesting information.

At the end of the day, it's all just such a personal experience though. I somehow have lived my life at the large end of the bell curve you describe...was always quite small flaccid (maybe 2.5/3"max) but as much as 8/8.25" erect in my younger years. Even in my 40s and now 50s when injecting Trimix, my length was a little less than when I was younger (I was 7.25 - 7.5" hard with Trimix give or take) but still apparently big enough for my wife to react with a wince or a motion to slow me down for example if we were having sex very vigorously and my head was bottoming out against her cervix. It definitely occurred and was not pleasant to her. And she's a self-described "penetration girl"...she wants to be full. Her version of full, anyway.

My erect girth was 6.5" or so on Trimix. Interestingly, at least what she and I have found, is that depth is not what turns her on in the way porn would have you believe; on the whole, it's more about girth for her. Her sense of being "filled up" is, for her, much more a function of girth. She's 52 but small and very tight. However, we've learned from a variety of experimentation that even when she thinks she's "full" with my dick in her...other things (ahem :shock: ) with patience and copious amounts of high quality lube, will fit in there alongside my dick. She's nearly every time convinced she can't stretch to accommodate the additional girth...but then she just does, and it unfailingly makes her crazy.

Not so with adding depth. Additional depth = discomfort or pain, additional girth = mind altering orgasm. Again, just our experience, but I totally agree with you about the visual allure of a long dick for most women. They want to see length, they want to touch length, they are fascinated and turned on by the feeling and visuals of length...but I'm unconvinced that's the key to pleasure for most women...but just our observation.

* I was implanted 4 weeks ago. Activation for first time/first inflation is tomorrow. Obviously am ecstatic. She is wondering about the Titan's reputation for enhancing girth....I guess we'll see..
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: penis size

Postby niarceel » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:46 pm

Great post, Stephen54! My wife and I were both chuckling about it. :D :lol:

We wish both you and your wife a great experience on your first inflation...and, if it's not too intrusive to ask, we would like to hear about how well the technology works. I know very little about it and it might be in my future.

I am developing fibrosis. I see my doctor tomorrow for an evaluation of its progression.
Born 1947. Live in Utah. Married 1995. 5'8". 160 lbs.
Health is very good. ED began from venous leakage (2003).
Used Cialis (2003-2017), penile injections (2018-2019), 4 implants (2020-2021), now have an AMS 700 installed.
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Re: penis size

Postby stephen54 » Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:28 pm

niarceel wrote:Great post, Stephen54! My wife and I were both chuckling about it. :D :lol:

We wish both you and your wife a great experience on your first inflation...and, if it's not too intrusive to ask, we would like to hear about how well the technology works. I know very little about it and it might be in my future.

I am developing fibrosis. I see my doctor tomorrow for an evaluation of its progression.

Hi, hey, thank you so much and I was glad to receive your private note. Let's definitely chat. Also love that you are on here reading and learning alongside your wife - that's awesome and nothing better than wide open communication.

So you probably saw my note. I declared confidently that I would not measure myself post-implant and upon first inflation. Well of course I lied to myself and I promptly did exactly that. So I was 7.5" erect before implant, now am 6.5". Was girth of 6.5" and now 5.5". It's noticeable for sure. But also I have not really even begun to cycle yet. I don't care. It's whatever.

I'm annoyed I measured myself (cannot be trusted). But I think the bigger lesson is to just not be fucking sidetracked or obsessed by post-implant size. I have faith that the cycling prescribed will, over time, restore me close to where I was prior. My doc has done thousands of implants. I trust what he says his repeated observations have been. But honestly? I mean...getting right down to it? We want to play. Yesterday I saw myself for the first time go from soft to iron-hard in like 45 seconds and even if I don't gain a millimeter in size ever, this thing is going to be a fucking BLAST!

(that fibrosis definitely is crappy on a lot of levels. interested to learn what your doc says about its extent and the future potential impact of doing a high quality implant procedure in the context of overcoming whatever degree of plaque and thickening you're experiencing. I had a good amount, too, on one side, going in to surgery...)
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: penis size

Postby bldoink » Thu Dec 19, 2019 4:00 pm

After reading this thread I figured what the heck, plus the wife is out of town, so...

Normal sex injection dose is 13 to 14 units. Chikin chokin dose is 8 units. (80mcg per ml of alprostadil mono-mix). I went with 10 units for the test so there is probably some variation:

After full development from injection plus stimulation and arousal (While I can't get any erection without an injection my injection erection does get bigger with stimulation and arousal???):

Length: 7 1/8" firmly bone pressed. (Obviously the fat pad makes the practical length less)

Girth: 6" taken mid shaft. Progressively thinner heading towards the glans and progressively thicker toward the base reaching 7 1/2"+.

Just now flaccid was just under 5" bone pressed (Some fat pad needs to go away). It sometimes is much shorter but I couldn't tell you how much. I don't really want to know. I expect it's a little longer at times too. Flaccid girth is maybe 4 3/4" but it's hard to measure girth when squishy.

These measurements are of course post RP. I never measured before the RP. The RP very clearly affected my flaccid size negatively. I'm cut but post RP I often look uncut when flaccid.

In years past I've boinked the cervix and got a complaint from the wife. That doesn't seem to be an issue now. She now complains about hair tickling her nose if I don't mow. That didn't used to be an issue. I figure those two observations would indicate a measurable loss of length had I measured pre RP. Hopefully if I ever get an implant I won't lose much. Meanwhile the shots (mono-mix) work well.

I know, TMI, TMI, sorry!
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: penis size

Postby oldbeek » Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:44 am

niarceel, There is a procedure to tighten up a stretched vagina. There is a urologist in Beverly Hills that is solid booked sewing up bored housewives. My wifes last ob gyn that assisted her at the birth of our last child, asked her for my dimensions and tightened her up to a 2 finger very tight fit. The man was a miracle worker. This was after I had a vasectomy of coarse.
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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Re: penis size

Postby bldoink » Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:23 pm

You aren't very far off of the average so don't sweat the size.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: penis size

Postby oldbeek » Fri Jan 10, 2020 2:18 am

needsomehope, I am only 6 x 4.5 girth. don't beat yourself up. Like I said if you have a skinny dick, she can also get tightened up. Vaginal reduction is probably very common, just not talked about. 55 years of happy sex and probably 20,000 orgasims.
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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Re: penis size

Postby Anthony » Sun Mar 29, 2020 11:11 am

Im not long but have a good amount of girth, 6.5l x 6.5g, I guess Im slightly over average all told. I was a late bloomer, didn't really have to shave more than 1-2 times a week till my mid-20's. In HS I hated gym because I didn't get pubic hair till about 17 and my penis was small, erect I was probably 4.5l x 4.5. I did pick off a girlfriend my senior year though and we did alright through graduation. about a year after graduation we were still dating when we broke up, part of the reason, I was just too small... She told me she "just couldn't feel anything". Those words are burned in my head.
I had a few more GFs and about 24-25yo I started getting comments about my size being on the large end of the spectrum. This was odd to me because I was still under the impression of that early GF and a couple others that I was small. Move forward about 26-27yo, I run into "Jennifer" one night a local bar, we start reminiscing and next thing you know we are back at my place. Afterward she tells me I am substantially larger than she remembers. A few more hookups and a few dates proved our breakup had less to do with my penis and more to do with general incompatibility...
I told my sister this story years ago and she told me the same thing happened to her, though she didnt tell the guy he had a small penis.
50 yo. MI on 5/30/16, 5 stents, 6'-215lbs active and daily exercise since. Type II Diabetes, 7.0 A1C. Scheduled for implantation 05/02/2023 with Hakky in ATL 3 years on Trimix, lead to PD 55°curvature. Current size: 6-1/2”bpl, 6-1/2” girth.

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Re: penis size

Postby David_R » Sun Mar 29, 2020 1:41 pm

So glad things are going well for you now, Anthony. You deserve it, brother!

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