penile seensations

There is more to sex than an erect penis. How do you maintain your sexuality both for yourself and for your partner? What techniques do you use to give both of you a great, satisfying sex life? How do you explore your own body and sexuality now that the rules have changed?
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penile seensations

Postby limpnoodle » Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:42 pm

Guys I know we have disscussed this before, but I would like to revisit the topic. I don't know if it is an effect of PCa surgery, age or my new thought low testosterone, but like many of us I don't have much sensation in my penis. Like several of us have stated before I too have a diffcult time reaching climax during intercourse. To make matters worst the sensation in the little guy seems to have gotten worst with time. Between the pump and cialis and bands I can get a usable erection but never quiet make it to the end. Seems like the sensation was better in the early months after surgery. If you remmeber how great things felt as a young man when testoserone was peaking makes me wonder if that feeling would come back or improve with testosterone supplementation. So my question to everyone is "any of you tried testosterone and did it make things better"?


seeking info
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Re: penile seensations

Postby seeking info » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:27 pm

I do not know if my information will help you here but I am very happy to share. First of all I do not have lack of sensation from PC surgery. My loss of sensation is due to nueropathy from spinal cord nerve damage. I suffer from lack of feeling and insensation in my arms and legs and in my genital area too!

My ED comes from the side effects of the medicines I must take to get through each day and to treat my health issues. The meds I tak also cause me to have low testosterone also and I take Axiron for the low T. I just started the Axiron about 6 months ago and I have seen a huge difference. I have a great sex drive now and at times its like I can't get enough. the extra drive helps me when I have sex because I have this overwhelming desire to have sex to satisfy my need!! My wife tells me at times during sex it is like I am possessed!! The lack of sensation in my penis does cause me to take a while to get to climax and I have to work and work to get the feel I need to get me over the edge and into the promised land of afterglow!! Occasionally if I get to the point that I am feeling nothing during love making I will pull out and use my hand to pump me up alittle to get the extra feeling I need!! From all of the intercourse by this time my spouse is very well lubricated and sometimes too much lubrication prevents getting the sensations you may need. We have worked together on this and have found the right combination for us and we both end up enjoying the wonderful feeling of after glow. Don't give up. Find what will work for you. Give the Low T meds a chance!! I'll be happy to share. The post that other men have made on here have helped me so very very muchwith so many many things that I have been insecure about for years!!
This forum rocks and I sincerely appreciate everyone who shares their experiences,problems, successes, photos failures anything because all of it has enlightened me in some way or the other. finally the few friends I have made!! they are a God sent!
Medically retired. Due to very bad back issues..multiple surgeries. Implanted pain infusion system on long term opiodal meds; hypogonadism and hypothyroid as a side effect from intrathecal pain infusion system. Use low dose generic V

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