There Is Help Available

What are your fears? Ideas? Hints? to coping with ED. What helps you with your mental game? How are relationships affected?
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There Is Help Available

Postby Time2Change » Wed Jan 31, 2024 8:19 pm

Hello All,

If you come to this thread, I want you to know that there is help here and out in the physical world.

Please know that, based on my experience, it makes a lot of sense to feel like ED is destructive in many ways. I felt like my life was devastated by ED. I still feel like I missed many years of real joy and opportunities because of the dark cloud of ED.

Another thing to know is that, most likely, your ED is a physical problem. There's a wide range of physical problems that have ED as a symptom or result. It took years and seeing a variety of doctors before the true, physical cause of my ED was determined. What a relief to finally know I didn't have a mental problem!

Therefore, there's likely an effective treatment for your ED. Coloplast has a database of urologists that specialize in ED. I assume other implant manufacturers do, too. Find one you can access, and then go to your PCP and get a referral.

I get it--it's hard to feel hopeful when you have ED. I thought for years that I was heading for divorce and then to be single the rest of my life. But I found a urologist that specializes in ED. And he showed me the best treatment I could get for ED.

And he told me about Frank Talk. When I read posts from men in their 70's who have happy, active sex lives, I feel inspired. I hope you do, too. Keep the long term in mind. Be determined, so you can enjoy decades, hopefully, of great sex.
55; ED for 23 years; Coloplast Titan implant on 10/26/20; Dr. Martin Gross; Happy to share my experiences in private messages

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