I had a breakdown yesterday.

What are your fears? Ideas? Hints? to coping with ED. What helps you with your mental game? How are relationships affected?
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Re: I had a breakdown yesterday.

Postby Saltlife » Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:37 pm

I thought I was gonna have a breakdown. In the same boat as a lot of you guys. I actually visited a Doctor Who performs implants and I backed out. The trimix works good, but I get really nervous using it and I had a few misfires, but what I realize today was that if you have depression or Anxiety it could pop out anytime my experience with a new girlfriend in October eventually ended in February. She had enough. I was dumped and devastated b tons the failed attempts at intercourse.
First time experience with her I couldn’t get it hard enough penetration. I do have a lot of comorbidities. Diabetes smoking, psychogenic issues, etc. And pills don’t work now. So I went to the urologist and I got trimix and it worked. Happy me. After a few misfires in January, my desire faded fast-forward February. She dumped me via text. We spent the whole month together in Florida and she had enough. I became obsessive compulsive about getting a new bionic DEC I would show her how the misfire wasn’t really working and she got tired of looking limp . Fast-forward now it’s April 28 and I’m losing my mind. High anxiety and definitely depression that is returned to me from after 15 years being medicated on Effexor. Anyhow, I started journaling and I think I peeled away enough of the onion to realize that this is ED , depression and anxiety. Since journaling tonight, I think I could sleep. I felt the anxiety left away so guys as long as you identify with what it is, and you know you can get something done about it with an implant for like the other guys who have had it done it was the best thing they ever could do when they can’t get depressed anymore over that. Mental illness is the worst to ED but at least there’s a cure for ED healing from mental anguish, anxiety and depression is so debilitating that you lose everything. What if you have to go to the hospital and stay there and you have a dog and family I’ve been there never go back there
Journaling helps a lot.

Btw. I’m 60 and she was a horny 60 year old
I have to live with injections for now. I plan to have some self sessions so I always get the injection in the right spot


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Joined: Sun Feb 04, 2024 4:42 pm

Re: I had a breakdown yesterday.

Postby Saltlife » Sun Apr 28, 2024 8:47 pm

I thought I was gonna have a breakdown. In the same boat as a lot of you guys. I actually visited a Doctor Who performs implants and I backed out. The trimix works good, but I get really nervous using it and I had a few misfires, but what I realize today was that if you have depression or Anxiety it could pop out anytime my experience with a new girlfriend in October eventually ended in February. She had enough. I was dumped and devastated b tons the failed attempts at intercourse.
First time experience with her I couldn’t get it hard enough penetration. I do have a lot of comorbidities. Diabetes smoking, psychogenic issues, etc. And pills don’t work now. So I went to the urologist and I got trimix and it worked. Happy me. After a few misfires in January, my desire faded fast-forward February. She dumped me via text. We spent the whole month together in Florida and she had enough. I became obsessive compulsive about getting a new bionic DEC I would show her how the misfire wasn’t really working and she got tired of looking limp . Fast-forward now it’s April 28 and I’m losing my mind. High anxiety and definitely depression that is returned to me from after 15 years being medicated on Effexor. Anyhow, I started journaling and I think I peeled away enough of the onion to realize that this is ED , depression and anxiety. Since journaling tonight, I think I could sleep. I felt the anxiety left away so guys as long as you identify with what it is, and you know you can get something done about it with an implant for like the other guys who have had it done it was the best thing they ever could do when they can’t get depressed anymore over that. Mental illness is the worst to ED but at least there’s a cure for ED healing from mental anguish, anxiety and depression is so debilitating that you lose everything. What if you have to go to the hospital and stay there and you have a dog and family I’ve been there never go back there
Journaling helps a lot.

Btw. I’m 60 and she was a horny 60 year old
I have to live with injections for now. I plan to have some self sessions so I always get the injection in the right spot


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Re: I had a breakdown yesterday.

Postby Cernfan » Mon Apr 29, 2024 7:57 am

First of all, the smoking has to stop. It is something entirely within your control. Some urologists won't even offer ED solutions to smokers. Having Diabetes will just compound and aggravate the damage to your microvascular system in your penis, eyes, kidneys, and brain (where we have very very small veins and arteries). The best thing you can do for yourself is get your diet under control and stop smoking.

Secondly, before you try to solve your ED problems, you should figure out your psychosocial needs. I've heard some promising results are coming from micro-dosing hallucinogenics. You may want to look for someone who offers that in your state (psychiatrist). It's legal in many states now. Depression is a terrible shadow to live under. Try to find help for this ASAP because it will just compound your other issues. I'm sure there are so many POSITIVE and wonderful things you have to offer others and to yourself. Practice the art of appreciation while you are doing this work on yourself.

Thirdly, just a word of encouragement...YOU can do this! Sort yourself out mate.

Having a breakdown is just your spirit's way of telling you to get it together. It's not fair to subject someone else to your issues. Before embarking on another relationship, fix yourself. No 60 year old woman wants a "project" boyfriend or a fixer upper. You can do this!

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Re: I had a breakdown yesterday.

Postby Martin6469 » Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:31 pm

Great advice from Cernfan. I'll just add: Get testosterone measured (see my signature.) If it's low, that's a big part of your problem, and fixing it is very easy.

And if Trimix worked, get better at injecting. It's tricky but anyone can learn in a month or so of practicing. The "Injections" topic is full of good technique. It took me 3-4 weeks to learn; I've been injecting now for 7 years and it's the perfect solution for my ED.

PM me if I can help.
Age 78 in 2023. On testosterone replacement due to hypothalamus malfunction. (Attention depressed guys: low testosterone is a cause.) Healthy health nut but ED due to getting old. Like to keep enough cardiovascular ability to thrust for 30 min.

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