Wit and Wisdom

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.

Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Larry10625 » Sat Sep 01, 2018 9:26 am

Donnie2016 wrote:Wit.
Most guys play with their dicks. This fascination is increased when your implanted and can pump it up and beat off anytime. The other day I couldn't control the urge. I took it out massaged it a while, pumped it up. I had the most amazing screaming intense orgasm. So intense I nearly passed out.
They made me leave the McDonald's.
donnie1954@mail.com or

Were you whipping up some "special sauce" for them? :D :D :D


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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Donnie1954 » Sat Sep 01, 2018 9:53 am

Spot on, Larry.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Smetro » Sun Sep 02, 2018 7:47 am

Pulling into the car park to go for a surf and after putting a wetsuit on remembering that I had only been fucking Miss H vigorously 15 minutes beforehand and my cock is still partially inflated.
Have to climb into the back seat and jam both hands down into said wetsuit to (a) find the release valve in my ballsack with one hand AND (b) squeeze my cock firmly with the other hand to satisfactorily deflate so I can comfortably lay on my board.
I didn’t see the family- mother, father and 2 kids approach from behind as I wrestled with my rig........the guy (lot younger than me) had a disgusted look on his dial.....his wife walked on very quickly towing the offspring!

Note to self:
Always deflate before hitting the surf :lol:
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby oldbeek » Sun Sep 02, 2018 1:29 pm

Hell, My wet suit would have to be around my knees. :lol:
82, good health, RP 7-2017, all nerves taken , PSA 0.05, 4-18,, .07 1/19,.05 4/19, .03 11-21, .04 11-23, implanted 4-1-18, Infra-pubic, AMS lgx 15 cm with 5cm rte. Implant at USC Keck. Dr Boyd and Dr Loh Doyle 6.5 x 5, 800 AUS 7-21-20

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Donnie1954 » Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:11 am

A bit of news. Our FT brother 'rolaids' had corrective surgery yesterday. He is doing well. PM this brother with your well wishes and support. FT is for supporting, encouragement, and compassion not telling anyone what a stupid mistake they made with their implant. Grow up and be an encourager.
Well, that's my wisdom for today.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

Posts: 2518
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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Donnie1954 » Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:51 am

My wisdom for today is about FA or fucking assholes. They don't have to be referred to by name because unlike them I am too mature and respectful of others. In my opinion, in my experience, during my research. Can't you FA read. Never once since I joined FT in 2014 have I EVER told anyone what they should or should not do and I sure don't think so highly of myself to mention another brothers name to criticize him. I guess I am much to mature for such childish ways. If I disagree with a brother I am mature enough to handle the situation privately. That's what PM's are for. Grow up and use them. I welcome conversation. Mature adult conversation. If you think I'm full of BS, I'm a delusional liar, I'm giving false information or making statements that aren't true, be mature enough to confront me privately or everyone will know you one of the FA. Just a thought. In my opinion. If a brother has a successful implant experience, I am happy for him. It is none of my our anyone else's business to tell them how stupid they were or what a misteak they made. It's none of your fucking business and it's none of mine. If they are happy that's all that matters. If they aren't because some incompetent surgeon fucked them up, I am genuinely concerned for them and pray they can get it fixed. FT is about support, encouragement, and compassion not tearing another brother down because is YOUR opinion he was so stupid.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby DaveKell » Sun Oct 07, 2018 12:06 pm

Donnie1954 wrote:My wisdom for today is about FA or fucking assholes. They don't have to be referred to by name because unlike them I am too mature and respectful of others. In my opinion, in my experience, during my research. Can't you FA read. Never once since I joined FT in 2014 have I EVER told anyone what they should or should not do and I sure don't think so highly of myself to mention another brothers name to criticize him. I guess I am much to mature for such childish ways. If I disagree with a brother I am mature enough to handle the situation privately. That's what PM's are for. Grow up and use them. I welcome conversation. Mature adult conversation. If you think I'm full of BS, I'm a delusional liar, I'm giving false information or making statements that aren't true, be mature enough to confront me privately or everyone will know you one of the FA. Just a thought. In my opinion. If a brother has a successful implant experience, I am happy for him. It is none of my our anyone else's business to tell them how stupid they were or what a misteak they made. It's none of your fucking business and it's none of mine. If they are happy that's all that matters. If they aren't because some incompetent surgeon fucked them up, I am genuinely concerned for them and pray they can get it fixed. FT is about support, encouragement, and compassion not tearing another brother down because is YOUR opinion he was so stupid.

Donnie my friend, I'd like to refresh your memory of the first three sentences you posted when starting this thread:"I've talked to many great guys and made new relationships with men who are or we're dealing with the issue of erectile difficulty. Their advice and support has been priceless. This thread will give you the opportunity to share your 'Wit (unless your dry as toast) and your wisdom (your journey) in an open and a 'frank' dialog ."

I need to say it again as I have already a few times. On a public forum everyone is free to post whatever they want unless they come up against forum rules. I'm very surprised you can't accept that. You came off as a much more reasonable guy during our couple of personal phone calls. I'm not sure what you're expecting the response to be this latest post, or even if you're intentionally trying to draw out your perceived arch nemesis? In my ten years on five or six different forums that cover many topics, this kind of attitude display is generally met very negatively. In fact, a number of times I've seen people who make posts like this get invited to start their own forum and make up their own rules. To be sure, you're a very valued member here, of that there is no doubt. I'd remind you a few weeks back you said you'd chill out and let comments you disagree with run off your back. In the end, everybody will make up their own mind about who they give credibility to. Nobody can dictate that for anyone. Sorry to point this out to you again but I'm hoping a few others might openly agree with me here to give you some encouragement?
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby DougAnd » Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:48 am

I guess I've finally graduated into the bionic club. I'm the guy in the locker room who changes in the bathroom. Yesterday my Uro #7 says let's have a look. down they go without hesitation and standing right behind him is a 20 some year old intern. And she's the one who blushed. Go figure. :roll: :roll: :o :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby Donnie1954 » Tue Nov 13, 2018 11:33 pm

We have a lot of new brothers now. We would love to hear from you. Let's keep this thread alive. This is the place to speak out and encourage others.
I would love to hear from you.
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

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Re: Wit and Wisdom

Postby justanotherdrumber » Thu Nov 15, 2018 1:11 pm

DougAnd wrote:I guess I've finally graduated into the bionic club. I'm the guy in the locker room who changes in the bathroom. Yesterday my Uro #7 says let's have a look. down they go without hesitation and standing right behind him is a 20 some year old intern. And she's the one who blushed. Go figure. :roll: :roll: :o :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's not just the visuals that make them blush.

In talking with some receptionists and insurance adjustors, having to describe what I needed or "exactly" what an IPP is in laymens terms you can hear the "redness" in their voices as they stammer; "" Let me get you someone who can help you better than I can" !

Hearing words can have an equal effects as seeing. You cannot always tell who it is youre talking with on the phone by the sound of their voice.

In talking with one especially sweet sounding insurance person I explained if she was uncomfortable discussing the topic , I respected that; she could feel free to pass me off to someone else because I have talked about IT so much its second nature to me.

To which she responded as she chuckled, that she was married for 48 years, ..had 5 sons and 27 grandchildren and there wasnt much she wasnt comfortable discussing.

That lightened the mood.

This is especially true as you gain more & more comfortable talking about implants and showing your junk off to different doctors, nurses, technicians etc.
Age 64 - g/f 34
Implanted ams700 lgx, 18cm+1cm RTE
March 2018

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