New member's first post.

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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New member's first post.

Postby limpbiscuit » Sun Sep 27, 2020 12:38 pm

I'm checking in for the first time to this board. 72 years old. 5 years into the prostate cancer treatment process. In 2017 had brachytherapy which seems to have resolved the problem. PSAs have been consistently in the 0.5 range. And recovering from a heart attack three years ago. I'm recovering and stable from that. The last visit with the MD produced a statement of "otherwise basically healthy."

And, the meds for cardiac disease have had an effect. Beta blockers to reduce bp, statins, and others have made erections possible but inconsistent. A long history of what is probably venous leakage means that I lose erections easily and cannot regain them. Tadalafil daily at 4 mg has helped some, but it still doesn't seem enough for reliability or the durability of erection.

I've found a urologist that I get along with, and we are starting the process of getting ready for injection therapy. The prescription is at our local compounding pharmacy, and will pick it up in three weeks. I've read the protocols he gave for using tri-mix, and I think I can become a dick sticker.

And I wonder what to expect during the first injection with the urologist. This is definitely going to be a new experience. Having an erection in the presence of another person who is not an intimate partner. What do I do with the erection? Wear a jock or tight underwear to make it through the waiting room?

One of the things I'm noticing is a more healthy attitude to male sexual response than I'm used to. Somehow I have a sense of shame and secrecy. And I think that's about to change.

Men- I'd like to hear your experiences with the first injection visit with the uro.
prostate cancer diagnosed 2015, brachytherapy 2017 to good result, heart attack 2018, recovered, taking a butt-load of cardiac meds. married 50 years, father and grandfather,

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby OysterDude » Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:12 pm

Hey LB,
I'm only 6 weeks into my injections, so still working out the kinks. Unfortunately, not the kinks
in the right places. My test injection at the Uro's office was pretty benign. He started me with PGE 5-
Phen 0.5 -Pap 15, injected just .10 ML. It got what I would call plump at best, certainly not erect enough
for penetration. So no worries of walking out of his office with a flagpole in my pants. Up to .30ML so far,
and still not the man of steel other posters have described. But better than Viag/ Cialis by far.
Good luck and happy sticking!
The usual pills, injections of increasing strength until the ache was too much and ineffective. 66 yrs old. Implanted 7/14/22 Dr Blick, Scottsdale. AMS CX 21cm+2cmRTE. Infrapubic. Back in the saddle 8/3/21. We could not be happier with the result!

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby bldoink » Sun Sep 27, 2020 1:43 pm

Unfortunately my original doctor gave me no demonstration injection. I was given a script for Edex and told to read the instructions. I eventually figured it out on my own but proper instruction sure would have been helpful. The doctor retired not long afterwards.

As for having a public erection in the doctors office and leaving with it. I think I'd just hold my head high and smile and hurry home in hopes of using it.

Good luck.
Last edited by bldoink on Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
R.R.P 2011 Mayo Jacksonville, Dr. M. Wehle. Not nerve sparing. C in margins. Radiation 2023, V.E.D, Viagra and PGE-1 (80mcg/ml) injections @ 8 - 14 units. Originally Edex20, then compounded PGE due to cost. Inject. 12 yrs. It works. Treasure coast of FL.

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby notaes » Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:02 pm

Hey limp biscuit

I just wore @ shirt with a long tail. Walked out of uro office with @ hard cock but it felt could. My shirt everything. Best of luck.
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby notaes » Sun Sep 27, 2020 3:07 pm

Video You Tube

One of the best instructional videos on how to draw up and give these injections in on You tube. I would highly recommend watching.
66 yr old male married 36 yrs use trimix four yrs, cilais and Viagra. trimix work well developed scarring on both sides had implant 1/9/2020 at UT Med Ctr, Knoxville, TN Dr. John Lacy.

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby Leebert » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:32 pm

I placed the head of my cock up under belt on my pants I was wearing. There was a woman and young man in waiting room and didn't even notice.
I'm 65, heart attack w/stent 10 yrs ago, mod.HBP, married 46 yrs, retired.2 strokes.No damage, except start of Ed, Live in Ada Michigan. implanted by Dr. Wise in Grand Rapids mi. Implanted on 9/2/21 with 15 cm + 5cm rte. Ams 700 cx ms pump

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby stephen54 » Sun Sep 27, 2020 8:44 pm

limpbiscuit wrote:I'm checking in for the first time to this board. 72 years old. 5 years into the prostate cancer treatment process. In 2017 had brachytherapy which seems to have resolved the problem. PSAs have been consistently in the 0.5 range. And recovering from a heart attack three years ago. I'm recovering and stable from that. The last visit with the MD produced a statement of "otherwise basically healthy."

And, the meds for cardiac disease have had an effect. Beta blockers to reduce bp, statins, and others have made erections possible but inconsistent. A long history of what is probably venous leakage means that I lose erections easily and cannot regain them. Tadalafil daily at 4 mg has helped some, but it still doesn't seem enough for reliability or the durability of erection.

I've found a urologist that I get along with, and we are starting the process of getting ready for injection therapy. The prescription is at our local compounding pharmacy, and will pick it up in three weeks. I've read the protocols he gave for using tri-mix, and I think I can become a dick sticker.

And I wonder what to expect during the first injection with the urologist. This is definitely going to be a new experience. Having an erection in the presence of another person who is not an intimate partner. What do I do with the erection? Wear a jock or tight underwear to make it through the waiting room?

One of the things I'm noticing is a more healthy attitude to male sexual response than I'm used to. Somehow I have a sense of shame and secrecy. And I think that's about to change.

Men- I'd like to hear your experiences with the first injection visit with the uro.

If your doc and your pharmacy know what they're're absolutely going to change your old worldview.

My first injection was with my urologist and his (seriously here) too young, and far too cute female PA/physician's assistant. All I can share is my experience, but I was focused on the big prize - achieving the much rumored dick-of-steel. I found it, and we really enjoyed that while it lasted (almost 9 years of mostly extremely successful, extremely reliable, and ridiculously unrelenting hardons). I was a bit nervous and worried about how this would all go at the beginning, too. Suffice to say, the things that needle allowed us to do, for the better part of a decade before my implant, were just ridiculously fun and boundary-expanding.

Looking back? Any initial nervousness or uncertainty was just crazy compared with the payoff we soon realized. Welcome to a brave new world....
54 yrs. Blessed with highly sexual 52 yr old wife. Pills 10 years, then 9 yrs Trimix. 28 cm Titan Touch XL 2019, Laurence Levine, Rush Univ Med Ctr, Chicago. Implant = nonstop fun. Hypogonadal, so also 10+ years testosterone replacement.

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby Whodat » Sun Sep 27, 2020 11:02 pm

LB... Able to sympathize with your secrecy... However after many urologist visits, cystoscope, and gold implants into the prostate all secrecy disappeared. My urologist carefully demonstrated and injected straight PGE-1 then had his assistant female nurse insist on checking and inspecting me every 30 minutes until my four hour boner went away. During that four hours my genitals were covered with a towel and was in a small room. Fortunately my urologist found almost the perfect dosage which I later reduced to a three hour boner.
Going into my fifth year injecting has been enjoyable and manually inject rather than autoinject which i tried.
I do find it much better to have my girlfriend give it a good massage or a little sucking to induce a semi to properly hit the target area.
Age 80 good health. Radiation prostate 28 hits 4 years ago with 6 months of horrible ADT. Good recovery and ED worse.
Can't tolerate oral drugs but 5 years of Alprostadil 40mcg/ml 25 units is a miracle for 3 hours. GF is happy!!

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Re: New member's first post.

Postby limpbiscuit » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:16 pm

Thanks for the encouragement and feedback. Yes, with prostate cancer we quickly lose the fear of having another person see, poke, prod the equipment. I think the most challenging were the cystoscopoy and the prostate biopsies. Then again having ones equipment on prominent display during brachytherapy wasn't exactly easy either. But the 4tmri at University of Chicago involved the whole sensory experience of the MRI (like being in a clothes dryer with sirens going off.) And in their process they have a prostate stabilizing cradle that they shove up the ass. The thing is about a foot long and looks like an inflatable googoo doll. The road to health is a challenging and not for sissies.
So the current plan regarding the original question- what to do with The General should he stand at attention: loose Levis, a jock strap and a long parka should keep him out of public view. Now to figure out how to drive home without having to piss every few miles.
prostate cancer diagnosed 2015, brachytherapy 2017 to good result, heart attack 2018, recovered, taking a butt-load of cardiac meds. married 50 years, father and grandfather,

silver daddy 1960
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Re: New member's first post.

Postby silver daddy 1960 » Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:37 pm

Hi Limpbiscuit,

I went through the drama also, and find taking my cloths off a non-issue, i wasnt really that bashful to begin with. Trust me three ladies of varied ages standing over and around the gurney while the doctor injects and then questioned loudly..." is this your average size?" to which i put my hand on it and immediately said "hell no it was bigger and thicker" and he gave me an additional injection. Then the older of the three lades used ultrasound on the equipment to check for flow and leakage.

Leaving i held my light jacket in front of me and had my shirt out of my pants just in case. Forget the Jock strap.

On another note i started seeing a far wiser URO to help me regain the ability to inject with auto inject. The young assistant had the patients of a saint while i sat there pants and underwear less holding on to the auto inject in one hand and my dick in the other for close to 30 minutes...Hahaha. Well once I injected to my surprise i was given an TV remote for porn, lube and Kleenex and instructed once finished to dress and ring a bell that i was done. The explanation being if i wasn't running home to someone, its been a long time, enjoy it.

Best of luck, I was scared at first, but its so worth being able to give pleasure to the one you love !!

Silver Daddy
63 yrs old, NYC, DR. Eid Titan Coloplast Dec 10, 2021

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