Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:09 pm

Thanks for calming my nerves. I can’t even imagine how I would have dealt with this all alone without FT.

I am actually feeling much better with soreness around the pump since yesterday. I have my next appointment virtually with Dr. Cordon on 23rd March. Hopefully it will be the day when I can inflate / deflate. But even if not I am now relaxed and can wait for more days. The chubby I have now feels comfortable. It does not bother or pains as before. So living with it for another week or 2 should be fine.

I roughly measured myself today (picked up the ikea’s paper measuring tape in my last visit)
I am close to 4.5 inches in length and about 5 inches in girth and I am about 60-70% inflated as per the doctor. Though I feel I am less inflated. Before surgery Dr. Eid had measured me at 13 cms which is about 5.2 inches. So I think I will soon achieve my pre-op size. I am not losing my sleep over it even if I end up short by 0.5-1cms tbh.

To those who inflate regularly- how does this happen? Do you achieve the maximum size in a few pumps and then every subsequent pump only adds to the hardness? Or with every pump the size would increase too?

I wanted to share another personal experience- I recently saw a dream (read nightmare) where in I was in distress somewhere and I touch my stomach and could feel my reservoir with my hands. It made me very scared as I thought I was going to spoil my implant. I mention this because it is crazy that how our mind and body tries to normalise the implant. I am still to effectively start using it and my mind is already thinking about it as a part of my body.
I think this is a positive sign.
Anyone else has had any such experiences?

41 yr old from India, Ed since many years
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby aussiePeyronies » Tue Mar 21, 2023 9:51 pm

I was still swollen 3 weeks post implant, and could not be deflated. Lots of pain and tenderness in the scrotum.

Your doc is good, he trained under Eid, the best in the world.

I would say, you're doing good. I didn't start cycling until 5 weeks out and this was excruciating. I found going into the shower and gettign some warm water over the scrotum helped.

Completely relate to the dream you had, similar things have happened to me. I guess, our minds way of adapting to the new body. Our fears manifesting in our dreams. I just see it as bad energy leaving, and good energy is coming.

You should regain most of your size a few months after cycling.

Hope you're well.

34 Years Old...Peyronies for 4 years. 20 Degree left and upwards curvature, major dents and narrowing, ED.

Implant + Tunica Expansion Procedure, 7th Feb 2023, Titan 22cm + 1cm RTE

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:35 am

So last night few hours after making my journal entry, I could press the deflate button on my pump and deflate myself. I am not sure if I am completely deflated but I am glad that I was able to do this little bit.
I will try to deflate more today and subsequently try to inflate. But post pressing the deflate button, it pains for a few minutes. Hope that is normal and is only indicative of some swelling which is still present.

I have been getting some pm’s with people telling me how Dr. Cordon’s office is not responding to them promptly. To this I would say that my experience was the same because he operates out of a big hospital which is impersonal and very different from how Dr. Clavell and Dr. Eid operate.
I will pass on this feedback to Dr. Cordon during my meeting with him on 23rd March. Hopefully more people will stand to gain.

I have also taken an appointment with Dr. Eid for May 1st to show him my surgery results. This will give me more assurance before I fly out of USA.
41 yr old from India, Ed since many years
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:03 pm

Day 2 of cycling, 3 weeks post my surgery.

I have been cycling for 2 days now. First day I could not stay inflated for more than 5 mins. But today on day 2 I held on for 15 minutes despite being in considerable amount of pain. I actually tried to distract myself by starting to do some work (I cleared my closet :D)

This way I could do 15 minutes. But post the deflation it continues to pain for some time. I asked the doctor yesterday about this and he said it is normal. I am still not sure if my deflation is complete. Also after deflation I feel the shaft becomes little inflated on its own. I am not sure if that is the case or its just the cylinders expanding. Would appreciate if anyone can share their experiences.

I also measured myself in size after full inflation today (full as per me). I measured at 5.5 inches bone pressed. Considering that I measured 5.2 inches before my surgery, I feel I am on the right track. I still feel I can pump in a few more times but I am unable to do so.

To resolve this conundrum once and for all, I have finally decided to visit Miami in next 2 weeks and see Dr. Cordon. He has agreed to give me an appointment as well and has told me that he will inflate me to the maximum and teach me what is maximum. Same for deflation. I think it makes sense to see the surgeon once after surgery for peace of mind. I know it is not possible for all but one must try if they can.

For now it is all about cycling daily!
41 yr old from India, Ed since many years
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby sswinsfba » Fri Mar 24, 2023 3:44 pm

atul21 wrote:Day 2 of cycling, 3 weeks post my surgery.

. . . after deflation I feel the shaft becomes little inflated on its own. I am not sure if that is the case or its just the cylinders expanding. Would appreciate if anyone can share their experiences

Like you, I've got a Titan Touch. I'm 8 wks post op and have been cycling for 7.

I quickly learned how to deflate the implant but, like you, immediately noticed that the implant would "self inflate" after deflation This happened regardless, even pressing the deflate button a 2nd time afterward to theoretically "close" the valve as some people here have suggested.

Spoke to my doc about it at my 3 wk appt when I was approved to have sex. My doc said it's normal and not to worry about it. So, I don't worry about it anymore.

Actually, if it didn't auto inflate after deflation, my dick would like weird because, when I'm able to get almost all of the saline out of the implant (which is always), my dick looks like a crumpled carton of milk. The auto inflation afterward fills it out again and makes it look more "normal."

It's just that normal is almost the same size as fully inflated and I'm still getting use to my "junk" being this big. :lol:
Age 73. Started taking 5 mg Cialis daily in 2000. Minor ED started in 2021. Major ED problem started in 2022. Coloplast Titan (20 cm w/1cm RTE) implanted infrapublicly on 01/24/2023 by Dr. Edward Karpman (El Camino Urology Medical Group, Mt. View, CA).

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Sun Mar 26, 2023 7:27 pm

I have been cycling now for 3 days. Only doing it once a day for now. The shaft, scrotum and perineal area pains a lot during and after cycling.
I am not sure if this is normal or something to worry about. I still have swelling and soreness in scrotum which makes it painful to press the pump and deflate valve.
But it is amazing to see yourself all erect and that too for as much time as you want!
Can’t wait to put the tool to use!
41 yr old from India, Ed since many years
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby Bigdave » Sun Mar 26, 2023 8:43 pm

atul21 wrote:I have been cycling now for 3 days. Only doing it once a day for now. The shaft, scrotum and perineal area pains a lot during and after cycling.
I am not sure if this is normal or something to worry about. I still have swelling and soreness in scrotum which makes it painful to press the pump and deflate valve.
But it is amazing to see yourself all erect and that too for as much time as you want!
Can’t wait to put the tool to use!

You're barely over 3 weeks.
I couldn't even find my pump for the swelling for the first month. It's pretty major trauma to a very sensitive area. Soreness is a normal part of the healing process.
Just watch for signs of infection, and get to your doc immediately if you have any.
Good luck, and congrats on your functional tool.
Age 59. AMS 700 LGX 21cm + 2cm RTE.
Peniscrotal, 2/23.
6.25" OEM with Cialis, about 5" post-op. (11/01: Length 6.75" and girth is up to 4.75" mid shaft.) Still growing, albeit slowly. :D
Cycling daily. Hoping to get to 7". ;)

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby atul21 » Wed Mar 29, 2023 9:39 pm

I am almost 4 weeks out of surgery. I still have discomfort in my shaft. It starts paining in mornings ( gets better after peeing) and also if I am standing for long time or go for a walk. Not sure if this is normal or slow healing. The swelling is mostly gone now but pressing the deflate valve is painful. Inflation is still better but the pump is hard. I use both hands to pump. I try to pump slowly in beginning and then increase pressure and speed when I can feel that the pump is getting softer. I also hear a small squeak noise even though I have an OTR.

I have been cycling for 4-5 days. Yesterday I tried a trick. I ate a painkiller about 1 hour before shower and cycled myself in the shower. This was one of the easiest and less painful cycling for me. But today I cycled normally and had an immense amount of pain. I could not even hold for 5-7 mins. Not sure what the hell is happening here.

The flaccid still looks like an erection. The shaft is very sensitive when I am inflating it. Again not sure if this is expected and will improve. Also, peeing had become more difficult after I have started to cycle.

I have written an email to Dr. Cordon and I am waiting for his response. Did anyone face similar issues after cycling?

Also waiting to get an appointment with him for mid-April. It is such a pain to deal with the front end hospital staff. This makes the whole experience of having this surgery with Dr. Cordon disappointing. I feel if Dr. Cordon is aiming to become a high volume top IPP surgeon, he needs to work at a place which is more dedicated to this field. The Mt. Sinai at Miami is just too impersonal and corporate types. What one needs for such a delicate matter is empathy and understanding. That unfortunately is lacking with the big hospitals. I must reiterate that I really feel Dr. Cordon is great, but it is the hospital which is disappointing. No wonder Dr. Eid and Dr. Perito are so revered here on FT as they have their own practice and a staff who fully understands the needs of an IPP patient.
41 yr old from India, Ed since many years
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby ThailandBound » Wed Mar 29, 2023 11:50 pm

You know Atul, i am mindful that you are less than 1 month out. This is very early still in your recovery. As you’re aware i’m sure, many of us don’t even commence cycling for 6 weeks (we remain 50% inflated during that time). At 6 weeks, as opposed to your 3 weeks, you started cycling.

Everything you describe, pain in shaft, perinium, scrotum….i felt too. Those first few sessions are an endurance test. Far removed from sexual pleasure.

Of course, talk to your doctor, but in my opinion, you’re doing just fine. Mother Nature IS working her magic on you daily, and slowly, as you continue to adapt and heal. You’re not there yet, and won’t be for several more weeks/months.

But you WILL see improvements over time. My guess is that at, say, month 4-5, you will be here telling guys in your shoes now that it’s all going to be ok.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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Re: Journal- Surgery with Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami

Postby Floridaspeedo » Thu Mar 30, 2023 10:16 am

I was implanted by Dr Billy and all is great but you are very, very early in healing. Even 6 months out I would get a twinge of discomfort. I was worried but as time passed, the "issues" subsided.

Even now, every once in a while I may still get a twinge if I move in the wrong direction or pick something up very heavy at the gym. All part of the healing.

Granted we all focus on the surgery but as I focused on other aspects of my life, my "perceived" implant issues went away.

9 months later it is part of me and I barely think about it except when cycling or having sex.

We all heal differently but time is the key.
ED survivor 5 years. Tried pills, Gainswave, PRP, Bi-Mix/Tri Mix (worked 50% but very painful for 24 hours after injection.) 55 Gay - Single Titan Coloplast implanted June 1st, 2022, scrotal in Miami by Dr Billy Cordone..,very happy. Zero regrets

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