My Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: My Journal

Postby merrix » Fri Feb 02, 2018 6:02 am

merrix wrote:
maxxxxx wrote:" 16.4 cm girth"...

I think you mean 14.6 cm girth ... Rigth ?

Yes I do. Typo. Thanks for notifying. Corrected in the post above.

Seemed damn hard to get that right. Wrote it piss tired in the middle of rhe night at an airport lounge in London.
Girth should be 14.4 cm, nothing else. Corrected above. Again.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 146
Joined: Sun Feb 01, 2015 12:40 pm
Location: Canada

Re: My Journal

Postby Echegollen » Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:17 pm

Hi Merrix,

I don't know if you remember me but I was one of the few who got the sclerotherapy treatment. I had it done at the London Andrology Institute in Austria by Dr. Kuhhas back in February 2016. Like everybody except for 1 (I believe it was razor), this surgery was useless.

Anyways, I really wanted to thank you for all your very descriptive and sometimes very funny updates. It is very generous of you to stick around and share your experience with the rest of us. So many disappear when they got what they want. God bless you for that. I am still not ready to make the jump like you did, but if I do, the information you shared will be priceless. Reading your experience gives me hope that I could dramatically change my sex life if I wanted too, although there is no guarantee that my surgery would be as successful as yours.

I know some places are now offering ''stem cell therapy'' to help with ED. I will have to investigate on the subject...

I am very happy for you and your wife that you are now enjoying a good sex life. It is well deserved after all your efforts!
I'm 39 years old. Never was able to maintain my erections for more than 1 minute. Pills don't work. Had sclerotherapy by Dr. Kuehhas in Austria in 2016. Didn't work. Injections (Caverject) are the only things that gave me acceptable results.

Posts: 1192
Joined: Mon Dec 26, 2016 8:05 pm
Location: Australia

Re: My Journal

Postby Smetro » Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:10 am

Always an informative and deductive read
68,Titan Touch 22cm+1.5cm rte's op done in Melbourne Aust by Dr Chris Love-Feb 2017 Venous leakage over a 2 year period, did pills and Caverject. Length@ 3 1/2years is: 7+” erect, 6.5” flaccid and almost 6” girth. REZUM Feb 21 ejaculation now normal.

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

To concerned young guys

Postby merrix » Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:42 am

Seems there are questions here on FT from young guys about shortcomings of an implant and that some of the younger guys don’t think older men can relate to their questions, concerns because of different life style and different activities. Working out, contact sports, dating, different sex habits, travelling, different clothes, and you name it.

Guys. When you are in your twenties you may think someone my age is old enough ready to go jump off a cliff to end the misery.
But I can tell you, I am not. I had exactly the same questions as you do, I had difficulties to relate to the stories of people in their sixties and seventies. I made myself a couple of enemies from the old boys when I raised my concerns. Read this thread (“My Journal”). I’d recommend you to read all of it, but if you’re too lazy to bother, then at least read my post “12 weeks post op update” about this issue on page 28 just to get an idea of what I mean.

I wrote that post 12 weeks after surgery. Now it’s been 28 months. Just to make it clear, in my case, I am not at all restricted by the implant when it comes to physical activity. Including squats, as I will further elaborate on in this post. But at that time, 3 months post op, I was. And that was my reality when I wrote it.

I thought, just like I guess you guys do, that all comments here on FT where only praising implants and that there was an unbalanced view given. There were posts saying they had been fucking the same woman for a year and she hadn’t noticed his implant. Well, then that old man didn’t have sex the way I do and in the places I do. Quite difficult to excuse yourself and go into the WC to pump up your dick when you are in a car for example..? They recommended to just tell women straight up that you are implanted. Well, maybe that’s not the way to go when you are 22 and about to have sex with a 21 year old girl in your college. There were posts praising the implant and they couldn’t be happier. But their angle when erect was closer to vertical (down that is) than horizontal. They needed cock rings, they had lost sensitivity and they struggled to orgasm. They had lost length and their pump was sitting high up in the front reducing the effective length of their dicks for penetration. They said working out was no problem when their workout regime consisted of 3 sets of 15 with pink 5 lbs dumbells.
But they sang the praise of the implant.

I think they were wrong. But maybe more importantly, they were right as well.
Wrong because they took their life style, sex habits, workouts and their standards and expectations and applied it on me. And assumed that because it worked good enough for them, it would work good enough for me.
But they were right as well. Right because none of that does really matter in the end.
If your dick works and your sexual performance is good enough, then of course you shouldn’t get an implant. If that is not the case, if your dick sucks, if you can’t have sex the way you should, and it destroys your life, then does it matter what angle your implanted dick will be? Or if you can no longer can do 8 hours of biking in one day?
“Oh, shit, I cannot do my marathon biking anymore. That is much more important to me than having sex. Then I’ll skip the implant, live without sex for the coming 60 years and keep riding my bike” ???
“What? My angle will be 4 o’clock. Fuck the implant. Then I prefer having my 2 o’clock angle for 1 minute while jerking off like a madman to keep it up, and then see it go down before I even penetrated. That’s much better.” ???

What I mean is that sometimes people seem to turn minor issues into dealbreakers. I hear that when people from FT contacts me and I talk to them on the phone. They ask dozens of questions, making it sound like their decision to get implanted is depending on the answer. Questions such as how long time it takes to pump up. If they can pump up unseen while giving oral sex. If they can pump up their dick to full erection and keep it in their jeans all night. If it is possible to get oral sex without the girl feeling the implant. If their dicks will be perfectly round or slightly oval. If their flaccid will be as soft as today.
That’s all interesting information, and that’s all things I wanted to know as well.
But if you think about it, how can any of that be a dealbreaker?
So let us say you cannot pump up discretely while giving oral (which actually in reality can be done), then what is most embarrassing to you?
Bring a girl home, get her home, in bed, getting some oral, and then when it is time for penetration your VL dick goes soft as a piece of string and the girl puts her string underwear back on and goes home.
So that is better than being forced to excuse yourself, go take a piss, pump your dick up to a super erection in 60 seconds, get out of the bathroom and fuck the shit out of her for 2 hours in any position you could ever think of?
In other words, what does it matter if you can pump discretely or not? It may be a bonus if you can, but it can never be the dealbreaker. You are (or should) get implanted because your dick doesn’t work, not because you want an upgrade of your already functional dick.
Even if it took me 5 minutes to pump, my dick was oval and I could never more work out heavy in the gym, I’d still prefer being implanted and having great sex over being impotent and never knowing if my dick will manage 3 minutes of crap sex before it goes down.
And the oval thing. So you don’t get implanted because your dick might get slightly oval? So a limp dick and no sex is better than a rock hard slightly oval dick? Again, put things in perspective. If your round dick works great today, then of course, don’t get implanted. But if it is an unreliable piece of shit which lets you down every second time you want to fuck, then maybe the ovality is a price worth paying to get it fixed?

But, the good news then, is that most of the issues I saw questioned lately are no issues.
The working out thing is definitely a non issue.
I have been working out all my life, and I mean lifting some decent weights. Maybe you are stronger than me, but I am pretty sure that if my implant lets me do what I do with the weights I use, it won’t put any restrictions on weight lifted for anybody.
I regularly deadlift 180 kg (400 lbs) for 4-6 reps. I squat 130 kg (290 lbs) for 15 reps. Reason I keep weight low and reps high on squats is not my implant, rather my knees. I do weighted chins at a bodyweight of 92 kg (205 lbs) with 30 kg (67 lbs) added weight for 5 sets of 5 reps. I do dips with 35 kg (78 lbs) added weight for 5x5. I do bent over barbell rows with 100 kg (222 lbs) for 5x5. Overhead presses with 60 kg (133 lbs) for 5x5. If I occasionally do sitting dumbbell presses for shoulders, I use 40 kg (90 lbs) dumbells, i.e. totally 80 kg (180 lbs). I do leg presses with 6 plates on each side (totally 240 kg, 533 lbs) for 20 reps.
And the only reason I post these detailed data on my lifting is for people who are really in to lifting can make their own judgement of what it means I say “I lift weights”. Here it is, the exact weights and exercises I regularly do.
I think this is evidence that a properly installed implant will let you work out as hard and heavy as your physique allows you to.
I play competitive club level tennis at NTRP level 5.5.
I do boxing once per week.
I never do cycling, but that’s not because of my implant, it’s because I hate it.
For cardio I either do the rowing machine or I use a stationary bike in the gym, standing up and doing hard interval workouts. I don’t stand up because my implant forces me. I stand up because it is harder work that way.

I did play soccer all my life till I was about 27 when I quit. I don’t really see a problem with an implant and soccer. Of course, it is a sport where you don’t wear any protection in the groin area. Getting kicked or getting a ball on your balls will always hurt like hell. I think it would hurt like two hells with an implant, but that risk wouldn’t stop me. It may be an individual thing, but I am more sensitive down there now than before. Not the balls, the pump does not make me more prone to get my balls jammed. But my shaft is sensitive in a way it wasn’t before implant. I feel it most often when I play with my daughter. If we’re in the pool and she is climbing all over me, I am lifting her, tossing her etc, it happens now and then I get an accidental kick. And that hurts more than it did pre-implant. But again, so what? What is the option? Avoid a little pain once in a while and not being able to have sex?

My flaccid, as I have described and even put photos of in in this thread, is not an issue. Two recent pics are at the end of this post. Sure, it is larger than most men’s flaccids, and larger than many men’s erections. But it hangs straight down at 5:30 and it is soft and pliable enough for me to bunch it any way I want in my underwear. I may be 40 plus, but I wear tight skinny jeans when going out, I wear tight slim fit suit pants for work, I wear tight street shorts for leisure and I spend all weekends long at the beach, by my condo pool or at various beach clubs. Always in normal fashionable swim shorts. Never have I been embarrassed about my flaccid. Even though it is big, it is too soft to draw attention. However, if attention is what I want, I can easily make it very visible by giving it 5-10 pumps…
There are pics in earlier posts in this thread of whan my flaccid looks like in underwear and In tight street shorts.

I may be married, but living the life I do, as a European expat in Asia travelling all the time and spending >100 nights per year in hotels, opportunities are all around you all the time. This has been my life for more than 10 years. I am not proud of it, but I know very well what an implant is like when having a one night stand. With women any age from 20 to 50.
Most women don’t notice, or at least don’t say anything. Some do, but when being told not to worry about it, that I had an accident a few years ago needing surgery, nobody asks any more.
The critical point is normally the blowjob. If she thoroughly works my scrotum with her hand (or mouth) then chances are very slim she will not feel the pump. But if not touching the scrotum, odds are inverted. There is basically no way she can notice it.
The pump issue I normally solve by just doing it in the shower or in the WC. I either just walk out with my dick erect and get down to business immediately, or I just cover myself with a towel, start making out with her and from there on it all seems quite natural.
All of them think I am a superman in bed. Which is quite easy to be when imagination and your partner are the only things limiting what you can do.

My sex life with my wife is the best we have had for our 20 years together. She used to orgasm maybe 3-4 times out of 10 before implant. And then usually at my expense. If I gave her oral long enough to come, I had normally blown my chances to last long enough after penetration for me to come. If I fucked her in a way that makes it easy for her to come, normally grinding (against her clit) more than fucking, it wouldn’t be enough friction for me and I’d go down before I could orgasm.
Now, I either maker her come first, or I come first and just keep going till she comes. It barely ever happens anymore that we don’t both have orgasm.
And speaking of women noticing, my wife’s firm opinion is that she will notice immediately if she works an implanted scrotum, touching, massaging, sucking my balls. But if not doing that, then she does not think she would notice. She would not find it strange if a man went in to take a shower before sex and came out already hard. She would probably just think he was really turned on.
On the other hand, before I got implanted, she didn’t even know an implant existed. So whatever she feels in the scrotum, she would not know it was an implant. Just knowing there is some sort of foreign body in there.

Of course, another problem arises if you are in a place where there is nowhere to “hide” to do your pumping. So let’s say you are in the shower. Your girl surprises you and joins you in the shower. She kneels in front of you and starts working on your dick…
Or you are driving, your girl asks you to pull over. You do, she and starts unzipping your pants…
That’s why I mean that for casual sex where you are in control of the situation, it is possible and quite easy to get away without her noticing. But in the long run it won’t work unless you are going to take strange measures (jumping out of the car, taking a piss, and jump back in the car with a hard dick?) and avoid a lot of spontaneous sex. And having spontaneous sex was a reason to get an implant in the first place…
Always using the taking a piss excuse will work everytime as long as you do it with a new partner every time. But when you have used that excuse 20 times with the same girl every time she wants to surprise you with spontaneous sex…

Long post.
But I hope some of you young guys can relate to what I write and find this post helpful in your decision making.

Finally, I must say again that there is a difference between being implanted and being implanted. If the doc you choose performs a shitty job, you’re in for something very different from a perfect result. Pick your doc with the utmost care.
Think of it like if you had a five year old child who needed heart surgery. Would you just walk in to the local hospital and let them appoint any cardiac surgeon to you? Thinking that “he/she is a trained surgeon, why would I not trust him/her?”
Or would you do your research, finding out the experience of the surgeon, asking him tons of questions to get a feeling for if you trust him? Would you look for the best one you could possible find, even if you had to pay some yourself, if you had to travel, take longer time off from work, or whatever the fuck the downside would be?
Would’t you do all you possibly could to maximize the chances of your child surviving the surgery and live his/her life without any future negative consequences in his/her life?
If you would, then why wouldn’t you when you having surgery to your only dick?
I travelled literally around the world to do my surgery with the doc I thought would give me the best possible chances of a successful outcome. From SE Asia to USA. I paid it all myself, including business class tickets and what turned out to be 3 weeks in a Manhattan hotel. Cost me a fair bit of money, but the reward was a perfect result.
Apparently most people do go to their local surgeon, and there are guys here who get pissed off when I recommend people to go to the best doc they can possibly find. They ask me “Why do you think there are only a few surgeons on the planet good enough to do this surgery?” What I just wrote here is the base of my advice to find the best doc you can. It is about maximizing your chances of a perfect outcome. About minimizing chances for a crappy outcome. Why then would you not want any random doc to have surgery on your daughter’s heart? And of course, the better the doc, the better the chances. And of course, not all docs are equally skilled and experienced. Not all cardiac surgeons and not all implant surgeons. There are better ones and worse ones. There are experienced ones and there are those at the other end of the scale. Fact.
My money is on Eid being the best one on the planet. But my advice is just to find the best one you can, the one you think gives you the best chances of a perfect outcome. The least chances of a crappy result.

Having ED in your twenties sucks. I know. I had.
Knowing what I know now when I was 20, would I have got implanted at 20?
I probably wouldn’t because the retarded docs would have continued to hammer into my head that it was psychological. You are young, there is nothing physically wrong with you. Yeah right. But if I had met the right doc and if I had clearly known that my ED would never disappear. Then yes, I would have gone for the implant. It would have saved me from so many moments of feeling like shit, and it would have made me taking so many opportunities I never took. And it would have given me so much good sex when it is supposed to be at its best.
Sure, it would have been awkward to fuck a girl in my sphere of friends, someone who was in my group of people hanging out together at university for example. If she noticed the implant, there would be a fair chance everybody would know. But again, what is really worse? That everybody knows you don’t get your dick up, that you pass on all opportunities of sex to avoid embarrassment, or that everybody knows you are implanted but can outfuck any pornstar on the planet?
It’s got to be the latter. Being implanted comes with a few drawbacks, but they all fade in comparison to being a poor impotent bastard who can’t have sex.
IMG_3084.jpg (164.67 KiB) Viewed 3506 times
IMG_3079.jpg (181.13 KiB) Viewed 3506 times
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 60
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:45 am

Re: My Journal

Postby antman90 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:28 am

Encouraging post merrix. Results look great. Once I get diagnosed with venous leak I will for sure get implanted. Only reason I would chose KRAMER over EID is because I've seen a lot of his work on YouTube. If i can keep all my length post implant i would chose the TITAN because it adds instant girth I hearD and it gets hard as a rock.
27, divorced no kids, ED since as long as I can remember, don't know the cause. Pills work but hate the sides/planning. Leaning towards an implant.


Re: My Journal

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:34 am

Echegollen wrote:Hi Merrix,

I don't know if you remember me but I was one of the few who got the sclerotherapy treatment. I had it done at the London Andrology Institute in Austria by Dr. Kuhhas back in February 2016. Like everybody except for 1 (I believe it was razor), this surgery was useless.

Anyways, I really wanted to thank you for all your very descriptive and sometimes very funny updates. It is very generous of you to stick around and share your experience with the rest of us. So many disappear when they got what they want. God bless you for that. I am still not ready to make the jump like you did, but if I do, the information you shared will be priceless. Reading your experience gives me hope that I could dramatically change my sex life if I wanted too, although there is no guarantee that my surgery would be as successful as yours.

I know some places are now offering ''stem cell therapy'' to help with ED. I will have to investigate on the subject...

I am very happy for you and your wife that you are now enjoying a good sex life. It is well deserved after all your efforts!

Yup, we are all glad merrix stuck around to help us answer questions. Frank Talk depends on some patients sticking around post surgery, to help us out. I am a fellow Canadian where are you located? :)



Re: Size

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:49 am

merrix wrote:As said I have totally stopped pumping when not using it. I.e. no cycling. Haven't been doing it for several months.
Only pump when I use it, which is around 4 times per week.
And when I use it, I pump 40-45 pumps for sex and 30-35 for masturbation.
If I would pump max, I'd get at least 50 in there. So I haven't pumped to max for many months.
Also haven't measured it for several months. Out of curiosity I did the other day. Had it gotten smaller as a result of the less frequent pumping and the total lack of maximal inflation?
I measured 17.8 cm (7.0") long and 14.4 cm girth (5.7"). With arousal. Without arousal it is 1 cm (0.4") shorter and 1 cm (0.4") thinner as well.

Conclusion: my dick has NOT shrunk from stopping cycling it and only inflate for use. Never inflating to maximum has neither had any negative impact on size.

I did inflate 1-2 times daily for the first 18 months though. But rarely for longer than 10 minutes each time. Had other things to do than watching my dick (maybe) growing. Basically following a sort of linear progression where I tried to inflate 1 pump more every week if possible. Never pumped till pain though, only discomfort.
When starting, getting in 20-30 partials (probably equal to 10-15 full pumps) was a challenge. Today I can do 35-40 full pumps and then another 10-15 partials.

I also found my 2 year old 20+ sms conversation with my doc. One sms from him might be of interest. It relates to the Titan's early days' stiff flaccid. I assume it is ok for him that I post this.

Me: "Ok. The long trip went well. Almost no pain. Only problem is to conceal my 3:30 flaccid..."

Doc: "This will improve with time as the flesh of the penis stretches and further healing occurs. There is still swelling inside the cavernosal space and as this resolves there will be more room inside for the cylinders to bend down. Also as the cylinder Bioflex elastomer absorbs fat it becomes softer and more compliant and will bend down more easily. That is the reason why cycling the device in the immediate post operative period is so important. It stretches and straightens the tunica before permanent healing occurs."

This was 3.5 weeks post surgery.
And he was right. My flaccid is really no problem whatsoever anymore. Despite my size. It is too flexible to be an issue.

Thank merrix, this is really great info. I agree, your doctor should not object to you posting that info. Thanks again. :)



Re: My Journal

Postby Larry10625 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:05 am

Anthonyeavila wrote:Encouraging post merrix. Results look great. Once I get diagnosed with venous leak I will for sure get implanted. Only reason I would chose KRAMER over EID is because I've seen a lot of his work on YouTube. If i can keep all my length post implant i would chose the TITAN because it adds instant girth I hearD and it gets hard as a rock.

There has been a lot of talk recently about Krammer's patients needing revisions to fix mistakes too. :)


Posts: 60
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2018 5:45 am

Re: My Journal

Postby antman90 » Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:08 am

Larry10625 wrote:
Anthonyeavila wrote:Encouraging post merrix. Results look great. Once I get diagnosed with venous leak I will for sure get implanted. Only reason I would chose KRAMER over EID is because I've seen a lot of his work on YouTube. If i can keep all my length post implant i would chose the TITAN because it adds instant girth I hearD and it gets hard as a rock.

There has been a lot of talk recently about Krammer's patients needing revisions to fix mistakes too. :)


Really ? Can you refer me to some posts ?
27, divorced no kids, ED since as long as I can remember, don't know the cause. Pills work but hate the sides/planning. Leaning towards an implant.
Posts: 319
Joined: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:51 am

Re: To concerned young guys

Postby » Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:08 pm

merrix wrote:Seems there are questions here on FT from young guys about shortcomings of an implant and that some of the younger guys don’t think older men can relate to their questions, concerns because of different life style and different activities. Working out, contact sports, dating, different sex habits, travelling, different clothes, and you name it....

Merrix, thank you very much for your very detailed answer, which does indeed give a proper insight.

And while I agree with you, that those "minor" things like time to pump, oval/round shape, etc. should not hinder you from doing such an important surgery if you are totally incapable of getting an erection, but to know about this things beforehand and to be well informed is what it makes easier for me to make the decision and to know what to expect.

So I'd like to turn the question around - what are in your opinion the biggest down sides of the implant (even if they are relatively minor - I'd like to know about them)

ED since 2012
nothing works properly

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