Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Sticking a needle Where? Courage, guidance and help.
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Joined: Sun May 29, 2022 9:19 pm

Re: Injection Journey, Now trying Trimix

Postby Martin25 » Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:42 pm

Yes, 3 months, but that’s with a lot of wait time between prescriptions…I’m not going to do my first injection with his new prescription until next Thursday morning, in the doctor’s office. That is by my choice, since I am a bit nervous… it’s crazy, I worry about priapism when I’ve yet to be able to have a strong erection!
…and thanks, bldoink for clarifying the strength of the prescription…I pray I get a good response next week; I’ll keep you posted
63 years old, pills stopped working about four years ago. Rarely have intercourse, which requires high dose of tri-mix plus a constriction band. Considering an implant, but nervous about it.

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Joined: Tue May 12, 2020 11:08 pm

Re: Injection Journey, Alprostidal

Postby Davegb » Tue Sep 27, 2022 5:21 pm

I did all the pill types and dosages none of it worked and some made me feel ill. My urologist showed me how to inject 1mil 40mcg Alprostadil and that didn't work. Then he switched me to trimix and that didn't work and made me feel ill. The Aprostadil did not make me feel ill. So I found Olympia Pharmacy in Florida and worked with their consultants and doctors. I now get 150mcg of Alprostadil in 1mil syringe. I inject half a syringe which is 75mcg of Alprostadil, but I also use a band. It is a long process and having an understanding partner is important.

My basic process that gives me a 45 minute firm erection.
Pump up, inject, attach band to tube, pump up, slide on band, use a lube

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