Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby radioradio » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:02 pm

Well said. As an "underendowed", I found a lot of support and answers here. And will try to pay it forward in any way I can. I absolutely can't imagine being where I am today without FT.
Born '52. Married '79. RALP 3/1/17. ED 50+% prior to surgery even w/ meds. VED, Injections, ineffective. Considering implant even before PCa diagnosis. Dr. Kramer 8/2/17. LGX 21cm+0.5 RTE. Kramer replaced/repositioned pump 12/13/17. Willing to Show/Tell.


Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Larry10625 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:09 pm

smallbutsure wrote:
Larry10625 wrote:
geophd wrote:I was wondering about pumping through the pocket, I never understood why "pocket pumping" isn't a universal technique that everyone is using. I think you're all set, you can be partially torqued all night in the club and every girl will think you're ready to go. I can't imagine how it could fail, I just wonder if it feels good and is arousing to be grinding with the implant because I'm curious about this too. Please update on your experience grinding/clubbing etc.

You seem indifferent about this experience, going from no good erections for 4 years to solid infinite erections. I can't wrap my head around it.

I'm in full support of people getting off FrankTalk. I hope they do! But seems important to document your experience so that it is in the record before leaving. Especially for the young guys, the old guys have a lot of data. Please keep updating until you can comment on what sex/dating is like with the implant. You will be doing your fellow man a favor.

I don't understand why you are encouraging or members to abandon ship after they no longer require information. That is where we get our experience to offer new members. Guys like Donnie, Hugh, Maxx, newtoed, etc. I am grateful that these members have stuck with us.


I agree, Larry. There are so many unique circumstances that have affected the great men here that sticking around could really benefit brothers of the future. For example, I posted several months ago seeking advice from guys with below-average sized members, as I am smaller than average and wanted to ask questions specific to us. I immediately received responses and even had a member meet me in person to do a show and tell. I was so grateful that this brother was so willing to help. He even came with me to the urologist.

This site is a gift from God. I'm not one who advocates for a particular social contract, but if there is one thing that I personally would pay forward, it would be helping other men who have faced this terrible issue.

So, as the moderator, I have to read every post. One thing I have noticed is that some members will start off their very first post by saying, "I have been a member for two years and this is my first post" This tells me why we have almost 6000 members but only see a handful of members posting. Thank god, those that stuck around are very experienced and more than willing to help their ED brothers. :)


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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby geophd » Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:44 pm

Larry10625 wrote:
I don't understand why you are encouraging or members to abandon ship after they no longer require information. That is where we get our experience to offer new members. Guys like Donnie, Hugh, Maxx, newtoed, etc. I am grateful that these members have stuck with us.


I think there is nothing wrong with sticking around or leaving. My perspective as a young man is that I want to put this traumatic experience behind me and try to get back to my original state and I imagine leaving FrankTalk would be part of that for many, whether it happens organically by not being motivated anymore or purposefully. The important thing is that your story is documented thoroughly into the archives so that people can review them. Periodic updates after years would improve that record too. The members that stick around and help people are truly life savers and I applaud them, if this forum was crickets all the time I think men would suffer. I apologize if what I said is counter to the purpose of this forum but I think there is nothing wrong with celebrating that a man no longer has a problem and feels ready to put this behind him. I am truly grateful for the guys who have continued to provide support following their implants.
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby smallbutsure » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:00 pm

geophd wrote:
Larry10625 wrote:
I don't understand why you are encouraging or members to abandon ship after they no longer require information. That is where we get our experience to offer new members. Guys like Donnie, Hugh, Maxx, newtoed, etc. I am grateful that these members have stuck with us.


I think there is nothing wrong with sticking around or leaving. My perspective as a young man is that I want to put this traumatic experience behind me and try to get back to my original state and I imagine leaving FrankTalk would be part of that for many, whether it happens organically by not being motivated anymore or purposefully. The important thing is that your story is documented thoroughly into the archives so that people can review them. Periodic updates after years would improve that record too. The members that stick around and help people are truly life savers and I applaud them, if this forum was crickets all the time I think men would suffer. I apologize if what I said is counter to the purpose of this forum but I think there is nothing wrong with celebrating that a man no longer has a problem and feels ready to put this behind him. I am truly grateful for the guys who have continued to provide support following their implants.

I think this clarifies what you meant. That certainly makes sense. I'm 27 too. Will I still be posting at 30, 37, 47, 77? You get the point. Cheers

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby David_R » Wed Oct 25, 2017 3:47 pm

radioradio wrote:As an "underendowed", I found a lot of support and answers here.

What can I say but "Me too!" :)


Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Larry10625 » Wed Oct 25, 2017 5:14 pm

I just say a great big thank you to the guys that stick around to help Paul and I keep Frank Talk going. While documenting your journey for those who come later, I am glad there are so many members that answer the questions of new members and some even do show and tell. :)


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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Cnidium » Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:57 pm


I think alot of guys don't use the pocket pump technique either because they don't need to (ie. they're married and she knows) or their pump is far enough down in their scrotum. I can clearly feel the pump at the bottom of my sac through my pocket, there is nothing else it could be.

I pumped it up 13 times through my pocket. It was definitely hard enough that if a girl is up against you she will know what the deal is. Would grinding with her feel good to us? I think, at least, it wouldnt really hurt. I pressed down on it with my hand to see how much pressure it could take, and it seemed like it could take the pressure of a girl backing up on you. Now, I don't think it would feel good if she was going nuts. But that never felt good anyways. I remember dancing with some women who were going full force HAM, and even back in the good old pre-accident days that shit hurt and didnt turn me on.

Whats really different I guess is that you are going to have a bend in your dick with your implant semi-pumped in your pants near your abdomen. Pre-implant, my semi erections in my pants didnt bend anywhere in my outer dick. Now, my dick will probably continue to bend right where it leaves my body. This isn't something that I think will change anyway thing, but its just different.

As for my indifference, I guess after 4 years that started off as hell that evolved into not giving shit and going hard stacking money for surgery, I stopped getting really happy or sad about stuff in general. I think the happiest I felt these last 4 years is when Youngwithed posted how he smashed some chick with his fully functioning implant. I felt genuinely good for him, but now that I have mine I can't really say im super hyped about it. Im happy I have it, but maybe I am just calloused after grinding out cash for so long. And what a grind it was. I spent an assload of money on other potential fixes in order to try to avoid the implant. I mean tens of thousands of dollars. Prob around 20k. Non of the shit worked. I see in your signature you didn't want to try VED therapy. I dropped about $800 on the best medical grade VED out there, and all it did was make my dick sting with even mild pumping. Other shit like buying my own Class IV infrared laser (4.5k), stem cell injections (7.5k), all bust. Maybe after typing all this out I didnt really want to have to get an implant, but when you don't have any other choices left then you do what you have to do. I guess it is a really shitty feeling, to try so hard to avoid something, but in the end you have to do it. Its hard to explain... I am really happy I have the implant and I think it will work out great, but damn I really didn't want to have to do this.
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby Cnidium » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:07 pm

update Day 21

Last night I tried cycling for 1hr straight. I didn't make it too one hour, and I think I found the meaning of pumping pain. I got a little over ambitious, and I jumped right into 25 pumps, my current all time high. I figured since I did it already I could do it again no problem and keep it pumped there for a long time. God damn, after 15 minutes it was a true test of will not to crush the deflate valve and be done with it. But I kept it up for another 15 minutes. I was doing the dishes n shit and it probably looked like I had fire ants in my pants (not that my pants were even on, roommate is out of town). At the 30 minute mark I lied down in bed and deflated. The wave of relief that washed over me was incredible. Right before deflating I thought to myself that I would do another 30 minutes in a little while, but I ended up just leaving it at that. In fact, it was so relieving that I soon fell asleep and slept like a rock. No pain after deflating, and no pain the next day. But ya, if you really push it with cycling, the pain can be enough to make you want to just go to sleep afterwards. No pain, no gain.

Today I pumped for 30 minutes after work. I only pumped to 18 pumps, which isn't ideal for sex but could definitely get the job done. I had to problem keeping it there for the entire 30 minutes, some discomfort in the later minutes. Right after I post this I am going to cycle another 30 minutes and try for 26 pumps by the end of it, which would be my new all time high. Its gonna hurt like a bitch, but I want to cycle this thing aggressively so I can get the most out of the implant. Time to man up and grab life by the balls, or squeeze the life out of the thing next to your balls, or something. Maybe I am discovering that I have a masochist streak in me, since the pain from doing this is somewhat amusing.

Peace out!
Titan OTR. Dr. Hakky - successful surgery and very happy with outcome.
My advice: choose a world-class surgeon and make yourself the healthiest you can.

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Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby geophd » Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:43 pm

Great update, thanks for your response. I can see how you'd feel that way after trying your hardest to avoid it and now you still have it. But the question remains, is it so bad that it was worth trying to avoid? Is it as bad as you thought it would be? I know it's still early for you to be answering these questions probably.

And don't get me wrong, when I found out I had peyronie's and then failed to get an erection three times I bought 900$ worth of cialis (not that many pills) before I found out you could buy them online (spent another 300$), then bought a 450$ VED, and a 300$ traction device. Nowadays I'm taking a bunch of pills that that are kinda pricey that I'm sure won't do anything. I've been paying for a therapist that isn't doing anything because there's nothing wrong with me outside of my broken dick and he can't fix that. I think I saw the implant as the light, the saving grace that would turn my ED and peyronie's story into a story of super hard dick whenever I want with minimal downsides. To me it is hope, to you it was horrifying. Now you're sitting on the other side. I'm eager to follow your updates and see if it is as bad as you made it out to be.

Watching surgery, seeing the outcomes, and hearing great stories has made me think this is actually a fairly reliable and effective procedure, especially in the right hands. Almost like an improvement if you accept the device and having to pump up. Will the implant change my dick forever, yes, but the peyronie's already has done that. How much have you changed going through ED for 4 years, how much do you think this implant will get you back to your pre ED self? I guess I'm trying to avoid feeling like crap for a few years before ultimately getting an implant, even though the pills work, the fibrosis and knowledge that I still have an underlying ED makes me bummed.
Peyronie's: 6 months, indents cause loss of 0.5 inches of girth, fibrosis growing, caused ED.
ED: 10mg Cialis daily, getting headaches, not interested in VED/injections.
Considering implant to avoid a lifetime of cialis and to correct deformity.

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Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: Im 27. I have an implant. This is my log.

Postby merrix » Thu Oct 26, 2017 1:50 am

Came here just to check how you were doing. Seems good.

That pumping sucks if you ask me. But it is assumed to be something we must do, so we all do it.
And when I say sucks, I don't only mean the pain. I mean just as much mentally.
I feel and felt just like you describe. We get an implant to come back to as close to normal as possible. Pumping ones dick up and doing the dishes with a boner is fucking far from normal. Hence I never liked that. Pumping my dick when not using it is something I purely did for the potential benefits.
For the last few months (I am 22 months out from surgery now), I never ever pump it up unless I will use it for sex or masturbation. That means I pump it 3-4 times per week, and basically never to maximum. Just to the perfect sex level.
But I did just like you push it in the beginning. Not really till where it hurted badly, but till discomfort level. And just like in any other area I want to improve or develop, I just set targets. Increase one pump every day. If that hurts, well then every third day or whatever.

I can also very much relate to you not being all over the moon about it. I wasn't either after surgery. Actually I wasn't for a long, long time. And then I cross in to another subject discussed here. I am not a freak who likes to brag about my implant, who likes to identify myself as a bionic man with a super inflatable dick.
I just want to be able to have sex, and wants to feel normal. Pumping my dick up for 2 hours per day and coming to Frank Talk to discuss with a bunch of impotent/implanted men doesn't really do it in terms of feeling normal. On the contrary. But I stayed here and contributed for a long, long time after my surgery. Probably longer than what I should have. And evidently, I still come here occasionally.
It took me a long time not to feel awkward even to pump in front of my wife. Actually, I still don't like it. I prefer to pump when she doesn't see it. Some guys here describe how they pump while their partner gives them oral. Nothing for me. Of course she knows, but still, I want to keep it as normal as possible. Coming out of the shower with a boner under my towel is more normal than pumping my 45 pumps (which takes some time) while my wife watches.
Others speak about how they let their partners (hookers) pump their dick up for them. Again, everybody is free to do what they like and we all are different. But there is no way I'd let that happen.

What I want to come to is that I think completely healed is not only a physical aspect. It is also when you have left this behind you. Your implant is just there when you need it, it works and it works great. But you don't spend time obsessing about it, thinking about it, talking about it. That was pre-op and a period post-op, before reaching the final destination. Once there, there is no benefit to obsess over it. Better just use it and never think about it.
That's where I finally have arrived at, and it's great.

Am I all over the moon about it today? Well, at least I love the sex I have. I can do whatever I want. There is never, ever any limitation in terms of erection. I am still very fit and I have no excuses not to be a super lover.

Speaking of #of pumps, don't worry. You will for 100% sure get a whole lot more in the future than the 20-25 you can do today.

Regarding the tubing you mention, I can actually feel a tube in exactly the same spot. Just below my dick on the left side, sort of in the area which can't really be defined as neither shaft nor scrotum. But it is not visible, and neither myself nor my wife has ever felt it during sex. No matter how deep I go. So I wouldn't worry about it.

And finally, at 21 days, you really haven't got anywhere. It is going to get so much better. You have a lot to look forward to, I promise you.
Take care, heal well and enjoy when the time is there...
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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